repetition sentence examplepressure washer idle down worth it

Written by on November 16, 2022

(475) Memorisation of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in many education systems. (74) In her work we find the constant repetition of the same themes. Putting the values of F in (1) and solving for f max ., we get for the breaking stress of a bar subjected to repetition of varying stress, f max. 2. (232) 1. From the literary point of view, the Koran has little merit. Their interactions are filled with bizarre wordplay, However, this work is not simple enough to just be the presentation of binary oppositions; the. (149) Any ideas, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought. The straits of the Jhelum, below Baramulla, probably account for the lovely vale of Kashmir, which is in form (if not in principles of construction) a repetition on grand scale of the Maidan of the Afridi Tirah, where the drainage from the slopes of a great amphitheatre of hills is collected and then arrested by the gorge which marks the outlet to the Bara. (393) What Robert Blackwill has stated is just a repetition of the usual US trick by planting seeds to grow its own success without dirtying hands. Begin with a few reps, working up to 12 repetitions. Home; Words; repetition; repetition in A Sentence. (579) The platforms recommendation engine adds the power of repetition, allowing similar claims no matter how preposterous to be served again and again to people who show an initial interest in a subject. (53) Just hope there isn't too much repetition or redundancy. James Bond always introduces himself as Bond. (222) Failure to do so will lead to a repetition of events which in Irak were only just countered in time. (213) The description states that the illustrations are cute, but there is allot of repetition in the book. Isnt it the natural condition of life after a certain age? But the limitation which creates the beauty and strength of Teuton poetry is revealed in the fact that only. (320) There's nothing particularly new about using abbreviated forms of words when space is limited or repetition becomes tiresome. With a multichannel campaign, there's a good chance your customer may hear the same chapter through different . 2. (18) So religions are cultures of repetition. With both of these exercises, begin slowly with only five repetitions until you become stronger. In a diacope, the repeated words are separated by the addition of new words placed between them, which can either alter or enhance the meaning. (Orpheus, Salmon Reinach, 1932. Hippolytus's Commentary on Daniel (now generally dated c. A.D. (637) He shows elaborately how the pleasures and pains of imagination, ambition, self-interest, sympathy, theopathy, and the moral sense are developed out of the elementary pleasures and pains of sensation; by the coalescence into really complex but apparently single ideas of the miniatures or faint feelings which the repetition of sensations contemporaneously or in immediate succession tends to produce in cohering groups. Yes, my sad acquaintance, each dark time is. (64) Today is so uninteresting I'm having to resort to repetition. From such passages as the above we infer that the gift of tongues and of their interpretation was not peculiar to the Christian Church, but was a repetition in it of a phase common in ancient religions. Example: "Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hatred; hatred leads to conflict; conflict leads to suffering." Yoda, in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Although crying is a child's primary means of communication at birth, language immediately begins to develop via repetition and imitation. (174) Unlike temptations, habits are learnt by repetition and so they can sneak in under the radar. (77) 1In her work we find the constant repetition of the same themes. Stolypin's little daughters; but the mass of the nation and of the army remained wholly unmoved, while the repetition of troubles was made more difficult by the establishment of field courts martial with summary powers. (674) What is "repetition" definition and meaning? (16) We associate repetition with boredom. And in writing, thats considered the triple threat., Start by choosing an idea that you want to emphasize. In the ensuing account a constant repetition of the names of the main archipelagoes will be found; it may of course be assumed that each successive voyager added something to the knowledge of them, but on the other hand, as has been said, islands were often rediscovered and renamed in cases where later voyagers took no account of the work of their predecessors, or where the earlier voyagers were unable clearly to define the positions of their discoveries. 99 examples: Figure 10 compares the average duration of word-medial clusters and of (54) His books are full of repetition and useless information. (523) Experimental results show that the computer collimating method has high accuracy and good repetition, and can be used in the stripe precise inspection of code-bar invar grade rod. Here are some familiar examples of repetition: Time after time Heart to heart Boys will be boys Hand in hand Get ready; get set; go Hour to hour Sorry, not sorry Over and over Home sweet home Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. (230) This book is a must read, but after awhile you will start getting annoyed with the amount of repetition. Of course, careless or excessive repetition is boringand a source of clutter. That we can do the same things again and again and again and find them interesting, even fascinating and seek the repetition with a hunger as avid. (295) And wherever we perceive repetition we conceive a syntactic sequence - an order or systematic arrangement of its parts. (653) The Best Definition of "repetition" Ive Heard So Far. And if you poled your flatboat in that river you might fight your way against the current and travel upstream into the past. (591) In the intensity of their struggle with the Reformation they subjected education to a censorship which, in order to exclude all risk of heresy, stifled thought and reduced knowledge to the repetition of safe formulas. In writing, repetition can occur at many levels: with individual letters and sounds, single words, phrases, or even ideas. (451) It will also explore certain formal similarities between the TV series and Burroughs' novels - for instance, the role of refrains, repetition and incantation . (651) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "repetition" is, what would you say? (261) 2So do Humpbacks have ways of expressing the same request for the repetition of a pleasurable sonic experience? (396) 1. See anaphora used in action in Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities through the repetition of it was the: Repetition is widely used in both poetry and prose; throughout all genres and forms of literature and oral tradition. (181) With a repetition of this doubly sarcastic apothegm , my dear friends, for the present, Adieu! We all make mistakes. It is through verbal modification (repetition), exemplification, generalization vs. particularization and quotation that Washington voices his opinion on the ways of salvation of the black race. Successive Multiplication.-In multiplication by repetition the unit is itself usually a multiple of some other unit, i.e. They do not represent the opinions of (176) The blue bars here are going to be when he used the actual rhetorical device of repetition. (526) 1Experimental results show that this collimation measurement method has high accuracy and good repetition, and can be used in the stripe precise inspection of code-bar invar grade rod. We resolve to be brave. (100) And withal, the police is so badly regulated ( a useful repetition ). (241) No one proofed the report before it was distributed, so nobody noticed the repetition of the two paragraphs. The three other poems, designated as "Book II" in the Junius MS., are characterized by considerable imaginative power and vigour of expression, but they show an absence of literary culture and are somewhat rambling, full of repetitions and generally lacking in finish. Reading children's poems with repetition is a good approach because of the repetitive and brief nature of this type of writing. (668) What can I say instead of "repetition"? Perform two or three sets of 10 to 15 full repetitions (twisting to the right and left is a single repetition). (141) Which made him all the more determined that there would be no repetition at Celtic. (605) Meanwhile the constant repetition of confession and reconciliation, together with the fact that the most tender consciences would be the most anxious for the assurance of forgiveness, led to the practice being considered a normal part of the Christian life. (388) If the transcendental philosophy is not a version of Leibnizian rationalism, why is it not a repetition of the sceptical empiricism of Hume? (418) 1You are not inclined to rote learning and repetition, nor are you inclined to repetitively practice or execute the same sequence over and over again. I can count four repetitions of the mantra " in Europe, not ruled by Europe ". As ringtones become part of our environment, they could push pop music toward new levels of concision, Or is it possible that the Government are contemplating a, Day-to-day television, in its regularity and its availability, seems regulated by, (1) Excluding the few outliers, we can calculate the square root of the average squared error over all subjects for each, There's a quaintness in these tableaux that's at first charming but eventually slides into overkill through sheer grating, Above these there is a vocal line so free and continuous that the strictures imposed by the, 2Day-to-day television, in its regularity and its availability, seems regulated by, Most agents at headquarters still believed he would be fully operable once his parallel systems booted up and stopped the, The fact that these assertions have consistently proved to be without foundation unfortunately does not prevent their, The Symbolic order assures him he can maintain his self through the. At this point, the hypnotist's suggestions will become more focused on your goals, with significant repetition. Memory no doubt also evokes the trace,( trace) but by what do we recognise the memory trace? and How can you use repetition to spice up your writing and make it memorable? Email:, repetition, as smiles and frowns assured them, These are words which cannot be staled by, 1Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of, 2Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of, Blues is a musical form that uses a lot of, I prefer to shock rather than to bore through, The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is, 2The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is, 1The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is, Today is so uninteresting I'm having to resort to, 1. (471) 2Optical signal sources with high repetition rate and the tunable central wavelength play an important role in the high-bit-rate and all-optical communication system. Raced is repeated, but it doesnt strengthen the sentences. Thoult come no more. Typically one circuit takes you through one exercise for every muscle group, lifting heavy enough weights that you can lift for 10 to 15 repetitions to exhaustion before moving on to 60 seconds to two minutes of aerobics between each set. 4 (225) Memorization of information by frequent repetition (rote learning) plays a role in most education system. Some individuals, however, never become tolerant, and show poisonous effects on each repetition of the dose. During your workout, perform at least two sets of ten to fifteen repetitions for every exercise. This causes neck pain, which in turn limits the number of abdominal exercise repetitions that can be performed. (35) An essential task now is to prevent its repetition. (645) And here is an example of one of her analyses: The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from the form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects (646) It is common to cut down the green wheat and barley before the ear forms, for fodder, and the repetition of this, with barley at least, is said not to injure the grain crop. How fishing was like that, and painting. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. For. Winston Churchill used epizeuxis in his address to Harrow School: Never give in. (559) It is said that Lord Peterborough supping one night with Rich in his private room, was so delighted with the steak the latter grilled him that he suggested a repetition of the meal the next week. (131) True ideas seem to suffer from repetition, while stupid ones tend to flourish. 0. A good amount of Green Day songs - like American Idiot - involve a lot of repetition, so if you are having trouble with a particular pattern, it might come up again in the song. (606) It was just a harbinger of things to come-a universe of Africanized music in which rhythmic development through altered repetition would replace melodic, harmonic, and even lyrical variation as the primary element in moving a song from beginning to middle to end. In the morning I died. Repetition of one crop exhausts the ground; rotation will lighten the strain, only the exhausted soil must be copiously dressed with manure or ashes. If history teaches anything, it teaches this, and with monotonous repetition. Repetition-A common symptom of autism includes repetition of words and phrases. Margaret Wise Brown chooses language that is smooth with rhythmic repetition. It is therefore Being as Ideality. Detailed Definition and Meaning. You may also want to include the number of sets and repetitions with each one under its name. Breakfast telly was all about routine, repetition with a rolling bank of viewers unable to give more than 15 minutes of their time. Not in any organized form, really; I go to temples sometimes with my family, but they leave me cold. (335) The investigation can be a theory guidance to generate ultrashort optical pulse chains with high repetition rate to some extent. The method of teaching is confined to that wearisome system of loud-voiced repetition which is so annoying a feature in Indian schools; and the Koran is, of course, the text-book in all forms of education. (203) The results showed that the facilitation effect of distractor repetition was caused by habituation. (654) "repetition" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. The repetition of the process brought the same results. (207) The main symptom is short-term memory loss, which includes repetition of statements and actions. (118) 2He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. Epimone is also used to illustrate persistence. Which mosque is believed to be the first with a dome? The absence of the author's final revision may partly account for many repetitions, and for some contradictions, for mistakes in passages borrowed from Greek authors, and for the insertion of marginal additions at wrong places in the text. There was a heart-to-heart connection between them. The psalms have already been dealt with, but it may be noted again how the multiplication of saints' festivals, with practically the same special psalms, tends in practice to constant repetition of about one-third of the Psalter, and correspondingly rare recital of the remaining two-thirds, whereas the Proprium de Tempore, could it be adhered to, would provide equal opportunities for every psalm. (269) Practice is interpreted as repetition, and feedback consists mainly of approving reactions from the teacher. His memory began to fail, and a large work at which he wrought night and day, on the connexion between physics and metaphysics, was found to be only a repetition of his already published doctrines. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions (194) The results showed that this method had good selectivity, celerity, stabilization and repetition. (328) Bekali and other former internees say the worst parts of the indoctrination program were forced repetition and self-criticism. (189) Classical conditioning occurs when two unassociated stimuli become associated through repetition. (218) The results showed that the facilitation effect of distractor repetition was caused by habituation. (183) This first repetition drill serves to familiarize the students with the sounds in the dialogue. (182) The two necessary conditions of contiguity and repetition apply but the procedure is different. The Christian world makes it the object of meditation, but acts as if it may be projected into a dimension not measured by calendars. (88) There are many spaced repetition flashcard programs available now. (255) 1Then the impact of the pulse repetition period, time-hopping slot time and pulse waveform on ICI was studied. (63) 1The key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition. The same results were obtained with lead and tin; and a more elaborate repetition indubitably established their correctness. The two main facades, those towards the sea and the piazzetta, consist of a repetition of the same design, that which was begun in the early years of the 14th century. The small town with its repetition of nice homes made it a good place to live. When this becomes too easy, increase the number of repetitions or move up to an item that weighs more, such as a gallon of milk or a container of laundry detergent.Another option is to participate in senior chair exercises. It is therefore Being as Ideality. But these dark times are just like those dark times. Probably not,( the principle of) if one insists absolutely on the principle of non-repetition. Google may also penalize for having too much repetition, or by " Spamming " them. (601) This treaty of Etaples was, in short, a repetition of Edwards treaty of Picquigny, equally profitable and less disgraceful, for Maximilian of Austria, whom Henry thus abandoned, had given more cause of offence than had Charles of Burgundy in 1475. He raced back home to grab it. We resolve to be good. (440) Tomorrow, you promise yourself, things will be different, yet, tomorrow is too often a repetition of today. (383) Each part is in principle divisible into smaller disjunct parts, and successive repetition of this process produces a branching hierarchy. (98) The price you have to pay to be great at something - is repetition. (498) The danger to him is that at some point, it just wears so thin or rings so hollow or is so devalued by the constant repetition of it that it either loses impact or boomerangs. (344) The behaviourist approach is repetition and the drilling to the point where the student automatically makes the correct response. Careful writers also know that repeating a strong word is better than replacing it with a weak one that doesn't work as well. (364) And so it went on: a series of intrinsically meaningless turns that gained a semblance of significance through weekly repetition. Hosius had Jesuit sympathies and actively opposed the Protestant reformation, going so far as to desire a repetition of the St Bartholomew massacre in Poland, Apart from its being "the property of the Roman Church," he regarded the Bible as having no more worth than the fables of Aesop. Practically clocks are regulated by reference to the diurnal rotation of the earth relatively to the stars, which affords a measurement on the repetition principle agreeing with other methods, but more accurate than that given by any existing clock. They ceased to appeal to the Virgin and saints, and to venerate images and relics, procure indulgences and go on pilgrimages, they deprecated the monastic life, and no longer nourished faith by the daily repetition of miracles, but in the witch persecutions their demonology cost the lives of thousands of innocent women. The key to this schedule is to continually choose weights that exhaust you after eight to ten repetitions. The secular world pretends to ignore the end of time, but is fundamentally obsessed by it. The Monozoa are unsegmented; the Ligulidce have segmented gonads and gonopores without any trace of somatic metamerization except secondary excretory pores in addition to the usual terminal one; the remaining Cestodes are unisegmental only in their larval stage, and all of them show in their later stages repetition of the reproductive organs and of the musculature. This Fungus stimulates the main twig to shoot out more twigs than usual; the mycelium then enters each incipient twig and stimulates it to a repetition of the process, and so in the course of years large broom-like tufts result, often markedly different from the normal. (610) Tillage operations on such land are easily interrupted by rain, and the period always much limited in which they can be prosecuted at all; the compactness and toughness of the soil renders each operation more arduous, and its repetition more necessary than in the case of dry land. (462) It is also probable that oral repetition of such sentences may help students of English to gain an understanding of some the rudiments of English sentence stress. The words recurring and reoccurring are very similar in spelling, pronunciation and meaning, but they aren't synonyms for one another. I promise you wont be disappointed: Speaking of commercials, Maybelline uses a diacope in their tagline when they say, Maybe shes born with it; maybe its Maybelline., Epanalepsis repeats words or phrases at the beginning and the end of the same sentence or clause.. (86) Escher worked in endless repetition, attainable here with a click. Finally there's repetition - a word, gesture or memory used as a leitmotif having the effect of making time cyclical. It is said that Lord Peterborough supping one night with Rich in his private room, was so delighted with the steak the latter grilled him that he suggested a repetition of the meal the next week. The weight training exercises are designed to be done in a set series, using fewer repetitions but at a higher weight and intensity. (623) So if I show you another song off this album, and another, your eyes will easily pick out the use of repetition by the band Nirvana, and in the frequency distribution, the colors, you can see the clean-dirty-clean sound that they are famous for, and here is the entire album as a single visual impression, and I think this impression is pretty powerful. This is an essential characteristics of many Japanese traditional handiwork and artiste, whose techniques are refined by means of repetition of simple things. Anadiplosis: Repeating last word at start of next sentence. Memory no doubt also evokes the trace,(/memory trace) but by what do we recognise the memory trace? Youll learn how to create lifelong fans who hang on your every word so you never have to break through the noise again. Repetition can be problematic in writing if it leads to dull work, but it can also be an effective poetic or rhetorical strategy to strengthen your message, as our examples of repetition in writing demonstrate. (603) Practically clocks are regulated by reference to the diurnal rotation of the earth relatively to the stars, which affords a measurement on the repetition principle agreeing with other methods, but more accurate than that given by any existing clock. The sound form of poetry is often manifested in onomatopoeia, sound symbolism and some other musical devices such as alliteration, assonance, Experimental results show that the computer collimating method has high accuracy and good, 1Experimental results show that the computer collimating method has high accuracy and good, New words can be created by attaching affixes onto a root word (affixation), formation of a compound word (composition), or, Statement The video feature Ashery dressed-up both as an Arab man and an orthodox Jewish man. Glass has stripped music down to a few bare parameters: You're wasting your time with all this needless, It understands rile future not as simply a, The description states that the illustrations are cute, but there is allot of, Then off with the chaconne she went, gathering force with each, The poem of Fingal, he said, was a mere unconnected rhapsody, a tiresome, As in other forms of enforcement, deviance which has taken place once is assumed capable of, The verses at the end are not much more than a, It was a powerful event, and illIcItly-that Is, against his own stable principles-he craved a, Assonance is a literary device which relies on the, It is no use merely mentioning the fact in passing; it needs to be driven home by emphasis and, This book is a must read, but after awhile you will start getting annoyed with the amount of, 1. Perform 10 repetitions of the straight crunch and 16 repetitions, or eight to each side of the oblique exercise. It will avoid repetition to note here that the Aragonese share of the reconquest was completed by James the Conqueror (1213I 276), the son of that king Peter who fought in the Navas de Tolosa. The doctrine of heredity in disease thus took a larger aspect; the view of morbid series was no longer bounded even by the life of the individual; and the propagation of taints, and of morbid varieties of man, from generation to generation proved to be no mere repetition of fixed features but, even more frequently, to be modes of development or of dissolution betraying themselves often in widely dissimilar forms, in series often extending over many lives, the terms of which at first sight had seemed wholly disparate. Epimone is also used to illustrate persistence. (173) It is new information and not merely a repetition of what was presented in the first chapter. It has precisely as an effect non-repetition. Use Rhymes or Repetition - Rhyming chants help a crowd remember more easily, and repetition is the easiest form of rhyming. (402) The simplest polymer which can be envisaged consists of the repetition of a single structural unit many times over to form a liner homopolymer. - 20 examples of simple sentences "repetition". In Brabant - Antwerp, Louvain, Brussels, Malines(Mechlin)- and in the episcopal territory of Liege - Liege, Huy, Dinant - there was a feebler repetition of the Flemish conditions. That was excellento. (372) Practice is the repetition of an action with the goal of improvement, and it helps us perform with more ease, speed, and confidence. (548) Frey's novel isn't the first memoir of substance abuse, but with its harsh typesetting , galling repetition and disavowal of adjectives and quotations, his may be the most pointlessly abrasive. Aside from helping stress or highlight important thoughts and points . (580) The method of teaching is confined to that wearisome system of loud-voiced repetition which is so annoying a feature in Indian schools; and the Koran is, of course, the text-book in all forms of education. (180) Unlike temptations, habits are learnt by repetition and so they can sneak in under the radar. Avoid tautology which is the needless repetition of the same idea. We have seen in Section 1 that the pulse repetition frequency (p.r.f.) Just by using repeated elementsin one sentence or paragraph, you can: Theres a reason why some of historys most famous speakers used repetition and it wasnt for the sake of bells and whiles. (455) To achieve conciseness of your letter-writing , try to keep your sentences short , avoid unnecessary wordiness or repetition , and eliminate excessive details . Strong evidence indicates that at-risk students need remedial intervention, not simply more time or the repetition of material that retention provides. But if the topic is informational then the repetition if used frequently can create . Injury occurs as a result of constant repetition of a particular movement. Nevertheless, it is clear that in Japan we have, as it were, a repetition, of some of our most familiar species - the redbreast and the hedgesparrow, for example - slightly modified in plumage or otherwise, so as to furnish instances of the most accurate representation, e.g. S is partially identical with P. In the first the fallacy is the indifferent contingency of the conclusion caused by the non-sequitur from a negative premise to an affirmative conclusion; while the second is either a mere repetition of the premises if the conclusion means " S is like P in being M," or, if it means " S is P," a non-sequitur on account of the undistributed middle. (537) It is best to begin with only one dose in the twenty-four hours, to be taken just before going to sleep, so that the patient is saved its unpleasant repetition from an unaccustomed stomach. (20) simple, really. Often the word thus extruded is irrecoverable; Ginevra, 125 sqq., "The matin winds from the expanded flowers I Scatter their hoarded incense and awaken I The earth, until the dewy sleep is shaken From every living heart which it possesses I Through seas and winds, cities and wildernesses"; the second "winds" is a repetition of the first, but what should stand in its place, - "lands" or "strands" or "waves" or something else - no one can say. (338) Excluding the few outliers, we can calculate the square root of the average squared error over all subjects for each repetition. (16) We associate repetition with boredom. (365) In a sane world meaningless repetition of non-productive activity would be seen to be a variety of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Top searched words; Words A-Z; Repetition in a sentence The word "repetition" in a example sentences. (582) A reliable way to make people believe in falsehoods is frequent repetition, because familiarity is not easily distinguished from truth. (205) The relations among resolution, swath width ambiguity and pulse repetition frequency are discussed. (104) Through repetition, the rats learned the behavior as a long-term memory. The illustrations make wonderful companions to this fun learning book that teaches children about animals and colors. In a series of 75 reactions it was found that in 61 there was apparently a diminution in weight, but in 1908, after a most careful repetition and making allowance for all experimental errors, Landolt concluded that no change occurred (see Element). (382) Most agents at headquarters still believed he would be fully operable once his parallel systems booted up and stopped the repetition. For example, take the following paragraph: He raced to the grocery store. (106) Part of the new Governor's job will be to avoid a face-saving repetition. (65) The repetition frequency of pulse trains was several MHz. (285) These are worthy of repetition to the extent that they give some indication of the prevailing mood of practitioners. (17) I want no repetition of your bad behavior. Antistasis is the repetition of a word or phrase in which the second meaning is the opposite - or at least very different - from the first. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. Repetition is an umbrella literary device that includes more specific types of stylistic tools, like alliteration, epistrophe, diacope, and others., Each type of repetition serves a unique purpose. (172) By repetition, each lie becomes an irreversible fact upon which other lies are constructed. (103) The endless repetition strikes one as inexorable, like a recurring dream. Because of the repetition of analogous physiographic and climatic conditions in regions widely separated both in time and in space, we discover that continental and local adaptive radiations result in the creation of analogous groups of radii among all the vertebrates and invertebrates. (82) We do not want to see a repetition of last year's tragic events. (273) Karate has quite a high drop-out rate because of the hard work involved and the constant repetition of techniques. (618) We may well be ashamed to tell what things we have read or heard in our day. This repetition really takes away from the game, and ultimately makes it not worth playing anymore. The repeated word small highlights to the reader how tiny Toms apartment is. (461) From Chinese rural area dotting of heatable brick beds to the metropolis cities full of cement forestry, no exception, daily lives are all monotony and repetition. (321) If you re-read your work, you can find on re-reading a great deal of repetition can be avoided by re-reading and editing. (423) In literature, the written works of Gertrude Stein employ repetition and repetitive phrases as building blocks in both passages and whole chapters. (334) Its deep groove music he made, with a sound as indebted to the beat as funk, and as enamored of repetition as an incantation . (178) The writing coach explained that good writers avoid repetition or duplication in their work. (466) What that means is works that avoid melodic drama and any narrative sense, instead building on drawn-out repetition and evolution in almost indiscernible increments. Change is the essence politics is supposed to be the means to bring into being. (430) This essay brings to the fore some of his faults in such aspects as rhyming, assonance, character-repetition and vowel-repetition with a view of reit (431) At the risk of repetition [], it is worth mentioning again that young children are particularly vulnerable to accidents in the home. Lacking his intensity of passion and his admirable faculty for seizing the most evanescent shades of difference in feeling, they degenerated into colourless and lifeless insipidities made insupportable by the frigid repetition of tropes and conceits which we are fain to pardon in the master. Saxony had now to suffer from the Swedes a repetition of the devastations of Wallenstein. The Christian world makes it the object of meditation, but acts as if it may be projected into a dimension not measured by calendars. (544) I had begun to feel that life was a repetition of the same thing; that there was nothing new either in me or in him; and that, on the contrary, we kept going back as it were on what was old. (297) In summary, therefore, most special aftercare services have had no effect on repetition rates after attempted suicide. (588) At a repetition rate nearly equal to the carrier frequency of the reticle system, the jamming source will disturb the target's signal received by the seeker[Sentence dictionary], and make the seeker lose the target. The weakness of the Russian governor, General Gorchakov, in 1861 was a repetition of the feebleness of the Grand Duke Constantine in 1830. The ones who conquer fear through repetition, through sweat, through clenched teeth. Time is expanded by a dramatic action which recoils back on itself eventually demonstrating the eternal repetition of certain moments. (347) In a sane world meaningless repetition of non-productive activity would be seen to be a variety of obsessive-compulsive disorder. (166) This obsessive-compulsive repetition helped stave off neurosis , but it didnt always work. (291) The Mozart shown beneath the Chopin has the same form, using repetition and ending with a recall of the first section. (243) You can avoid this repetition by defining a macro which you use every time you want to include the code. His narrative contains frequent repetitions and contradictions, is without colouring, and monotonous; and his simple diction, which stands intermediate between pure Attic and the colloquial Greek of his time, enables us to detect in the narrative the undigested fragments of the materials which he employed. (456) An obvious device for poets and lyricists who are concerned with sound is alliteration, the repetition of initial or medial sounds in two or more adjacent words. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. Notice how the last word in each line rhymes. (61) So, what makes repetition so uniquely prevalent in music? When you're searching for ridiculous cat videos, be prepared for considerable repetition. (611) In my experience, most people are actually seeking recovery from the monotony and anxiety of qualitative repetition. (330) This essay brings to the fore some of his faults in such aspects as rhyming, assonance, character-repetition and vowel- (331) * If you reread your work, you will find on rereading that a great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing. (441) The characteristics including the average output power, pulse width and pulse energy versus incident pump power and pulse repetition rates are measured. He used this repetition example in his address to the United Nations: Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind. (217) As in other forms of enforcement, deviance which has taken place once is assumed capable of repetition. Hosius was not distinguished as a theologian, though he drew up the Confessio fidei christiana catholica adopted by the synod of Piotrkow in 1557. Lists. The eccentric, the religious, the artistic (sometimes); those with a false sense of their own worth. Repeating keywords in a paragraph is an important technique for achieving cohesion. The repetition of the same tactics by Bonaparte in Fructidor, 1797, served still more decidedly to tilt the balance in favour of the sword, with results which were to be seen at the coup d'etat of Brumaire 1799. series. But Repetition has its virtues. (626) S is partially identical with P. In the first the fallacy is the indifferent contingency of the conclusion caused by the non-sequitur from a negative premise to an affirmative conclusion; while the second is either a mere repetition of the premises if the conclusion means S is like P in being M, or, if it means S is P, a non-sequitur on account of the undistributed middle. Oscar Wilde used this device in The Picture of Dorian Gray. (322) So from the first to the second repetition, the subjects' behaviour improved in some respects and deteriorated in others. It is of importance for our understanding of the position of the Ratitae in the system, that the wing-skeleton of the ostrich and rhea is an exact repetition of that of typical flying birds; the bones are much more slender, and the muscles are considerably reduced in strength also to a lesser extent in numbers, but the total length of the wing of an ostrich or a rhea is actually and comparatively enormous. (381) The Symbolic order assures him he can maintain his self through the repetition of positions first established in the Oedipus complex. Alternate legs, 5-10 repetitions for beginners without resting between legs. - The Word "repetition" in Example Sentences. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi. Politicians like John F. Kennedy.. (411) An analysis of this speech reveals that the student used varied repetition strategies, including anaphora, antithesis , chiasmus, and parallelism. Its the opening to Charles Dickens novel, Its common in music, poems, and childrens books that have a rhyming. I am in ecstasy. (91) He said it under his breath, torturing himself with the repetition. Nothing can be made out of nothing. What is repetition give an example? (346) The book is wordy , and repetition of various concepts by different contributors and heaviness on quotations make it slow reading.

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