synchronous and asynchronous inputspressure washer idle down worth it

Written by on November 16, 2022

The test environment contains an asynchronous machine (ASM) and an interior permanent magnet synchronous machine (IPMSM) connected back-to-back through a mechanical shaft. One of the two will always be non-null. In contrast, learners characterize participation in online synchronous discussions as more focused, having a stronger sense of contribution, increasing motivation, and supporting better course performance than asynchronous discussions (Chen and You, 2007; Hrastinski, 2008, 2010; Malkin et al., 2018). 2, 923945. With more time for thorough course planning, teachers have the possibility to incorporate intelligent opportunities for both teacher-student and studentstudent interactions and collaboration into their online courses (Alqurashi, 2019). B that is open in the parent process. Digital readiness and its effects on higher education students socio-emotional perceptions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. within the child process to close the IPC channel as well. In fact, in an asynchronous counter, only the first flip-flop is given a clock (CLK) input. J. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. pipe, so only the parent's subprocess.stdio[1] is a stream, all other values COVID-19: 20 countries higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses. Similar to the student perspective, lecturing and organizing discussions via videoconferencing were also perceived by teachers in the mostly synchronous group as significantly more prevalent. Love me, love my lectures? Further, students in mostly synchronous settings reported greater support of their basic psychological needs for competence support and relatedness as well as a greater overall satisfaction with the online term compared to students in mostly asynchronous settings. By default, the child's stdin, stdout, Simple FSM 1 (synchronous reset) Simple FSM 2 (asynchronous reset) Simple FSM 2 (synchronous reset) Simple state transitions 3; Simple one-hot state transitions 3; At the same time, similar to face-to-face settings, the danger of disengaged participation in class (e.g., passive listening or watching the teachers lecture, silently reading peer statements in the chat) has to be considered (Smith and Smith, 2014). Amazon A2I also provides reviewers a web interface consisting of all the instructions and tools they need to complete their review tasks. As one party types and sends a chat message, the party at the other end is present and actively waiting to receive and respond to a message. be used to send messages to the child process. doi: 10.14742/ajet.1526, Hartnett, M., St George, A., and Dron, J. For example, synchronous execution occurs during online shopping. WebQueries are processed on a per page basis and information can be extracted using Queries via both synchronous or asynchronous operations. Int. The execPath property in the In a multiple clock domain design, the asynchronous reset shall be synchronized separately for each one of the clock domains as shown in Figure 5. Using Audio Worklet consists of two parts: AudioWorkletProcessor and AudioWorkletNode. If the child process intercepts and handles the SIGTERM Jacksonville State University, United States. The app waits for a response before starting the checkout process. This processor only supports the mono channel. Examining motivation in online distance learning environments: complex, multifaceted, and situation-dependent. The initial emergency state has since transitioned into the post-pandemic or post-COVID classroom (Curtin, 2021), in which higher education institutions have the opportunity to integrate those remote teaching practices which have proven their worth into thoroughly planned online or blended learning arrangements while refining or omitting ineffective practices. What factors impact student content interaction in fully online courses. Q: Is the content processed by Amazon Textract moved outside the AWS region where I am using Amazon Textract? That sequence is not embedded within the participating services. We were interested in whether higher values in SDT as well as in PEOU and PU are associated with a more positive learning experience and can therefore act as protective factors for students. Instead, the communication alone should trigger either personnel or another application to take action. You may opt out of having your document and image inputs used to improve or develop the quality of Amazon Textract and other Amazon machine-learning/artificial-intelligence technologies using an AWS Organizations opt-out policy. The design steps are somewhat similar for both synchronous counter and asynchronous counter but differ slightly. HTTPWebhook: Creates a callable endpoint for your logic app but calls the specified URL to register or unregister. In contrast, teachers perceived fewer differences between teaching methods in synchronous and asynchronous settings, especially regarding feedback activities. If the process For example, a string-based type attribute could be used to control a custom filter. resetn is a synchronous, active-low reset. // Static getter to define AudioParam objects in this custom processor. Students in the asynchronous group report higher scores, which is also confirmed by the corresponding result from the teacher survey (see Table 7). a manner that is similar, but not identical, to popen(3). WebDigital electronics is a field of electronics involving the study of digital signals and the engineering of devices that use or produce them. The Task.Delay method can also be useful in combination with Task.WhenAny for implementing time-outs on awaits. synchronous counterparts may be more convenient. refer to the same value. Educ. child process to continue running after the parent exits. Zawacki-Richter, O. Both machines are fed by high-voltage batteries through controlled three-phase converters. Hartnett, 2015). Top. [citation needed], Coordination of events to operate a system in unison. their clock inputs are connected together and are triggered by the same external clock signal. In a multiple clock domain design, the asynchronous reset shall be synchronized separately for each one of the clock domains as shown in Figure 5. Reflected knowledge of the different capabilities of different media should allow teachers to rationalize their choices to enhance their students learning. On success, error will be null. Language-based asynchronous support hides callbacks by allowing asynchronous operations to be awaited within normal control flow, and compiler-generated code provides this same API-level support. The optional callback is a function that is invoked after the message is process's stdio handles. Open Dist. process.disconnect() methods, as well as 'disconnect' and Based on the nature of our research questions, we included descriptive analyses (Q1a and Q1b), as well as analyses of group differences (Q1a, Q1b, and Q2), and the evaluation of associations between variables (Q3). While some In choreographed and asynchronous service communications, however, the service publishes events to a central message queue that distributes those events. Today, time synchronization can occur between systems around the world through satellite navigation signals and other time and frequency transfer techniques. // Causes the child to print: CHILD got message: { hello: 'world' }, // Causes the parent to print: PARENT got message: { foo: 'bar', baz: null }. Node.js core and will not be emitted in the child's 'message' In S. Laureys & G. Tononi: The neurology of consciousness: Cognitive neuroscience and neuropathology (pp. Once the session is established, the two-way conversation takes place with no restrictions on who inputs information when. Coherence around inter-service communication is one of the challenges in a distributed architecture like microservices. If the child process is still running, the field will be null. There are several different forms of parallel computing: bit-level, instruction-level, data, and task parallelism.Parallelism has long The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. In particular, this study aims to comprehend the effects of mostly synchronous and mostly asynchronous teaching and learning settings on students and at providing insight into possible implications for future online teaching and learning in higher education. B. Assess. It is estimated that the world's technological capacity to store information grew from 2.6 (optimally compressed) exabytes in 1986 which is the informational equivalent to less than one 730-MB CD-ROM per person (539 Yes. invoked when the child process terminates. the 'spawn' event will fire, though bash may fail to spawn some-command. Influences that undermine learners perceptions of autonomy, competence and relatedness in an online context. // Does not terminate the Node.js process in the shell. Because you receive the completed task back, you can await the returned task to have errors propagated, and try/catch them appropriately; for example: Additionally, even if a first task completes successfully, subsequent tasks may fail. Comput. The byte-enable inputs control whether each byte of the 16 registers should be written to on that cycle. Some applications require that relative offsets between events be determined. socket to the child process. & Abrahamsen, A.A. (2002). Yet, we only found moderate to strong correlations. The 'disconnect' event is emitted after calling the Asynchronous designs often provide better control over failures than synchronous setups. The sudden need to adapt to online teaching and learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic challenged the digital readiness of teachers and students all over the world (Bao, 2020; Crawford et al., 2020; Demuyakor, 2020; Hndel et al., 2020; International Association of Universities, 2020). doi: 10.1080/07421222.2002.11045703, Crawford, J., Butler-Henderson, K., Rudolph, J., Malkawi, B., Glowatz, M., Burton, R., et al. J. Educ. Recent studies add evidence on the role of technology acceptance in adoption of specific technology-based activities such as online collaboration for problem-based scenarios (Cheung and Vogel, 2013). The inputs for each flip-flop are drawn as per the logic functions derived WebSynchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in unison. For example, previous studies have shown that lack of teacher input, not having a genuine reason to communicate online with peers, low self-efficacy, and time and technology constraints can lower motivation (Xie et al., 2006; Artino, 2007; Cheung et al., 2008; Moos and Azevedo, 2008; Hartnett et al., 2011). The common clock pulse input is given to all the flip-flops. be delivered to that process instead which can have unexpected results. This article focuses on a number of selected variables that will be explained in further detail in the following. J. Technol. (2) I find online tools in teaching to be flexible to interact with. The J B and K B inputs are connected to Q A. used. For synchronousAPIs, you can submit images either as an S3 object or as a byte array. Extending the traditional classroom through online discussion: The role of student motivation. In a multiple clock domain design, the asynchronous reset shall be synchronized separately for each one of the clock domains as shown in Figure 5. indicates an error. Table 3. 34, 451480. In this manner, the result or exception is eventually published. Hammer (Chicester: Wiley-Blackwell), 130141. And albeit asynchronous teaching can enable students to work self-paced and independently of time and place (van der Keylen et al., 2020), not all learners are equipped with the according strategies to benefit from this potential advantage: Learning at home, especially in asynchronous contexts, requires more self-study skills to stay on track, including enough motivation and will to follow learning goals (cf. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung Arbeitspapier 56. Use Queries to specify the information you need from a document in the form of natural language questions (e.g., What is the customer name?) and receive the answer (e.g., Jane Doe) as part of the response. In summary, students in the mostly synchronous group experienced more teaching and learning activities with higher potential to support social (practical or lab work as well as the three types of feedback activities) as opposed to methods with lower potential to support social interaction (e.g., lectures via videoconferencing). There are several different forms of parallel computing: bit-level, instruction-level, data, and task parallelism.Parallelism has long European Journal of Neuroscience 48, 2389-2399. subprocess.send() will return false if the channel has closed or when the the event loop until the spawned process either exits or is terminated. If no The object no longer accidentally exposes native C++ bindings. 6. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.647986, Niemiec, C. P., Lynch, M. F., Vansteenkiste, M., Bernstein, J., Deci, E. L., and Ryan, R. M. (2006). Almost all of the intercorrelations are significant indicating a likely overall factor behind the student ratings. It is worth noting that when an IPC channel is established between the doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2013.10.001. Psychol. Unsurprisingly, students and teachers who studied or taught mostly asynchronous reported more methods that are conceptually tied to asynchronous settings (e.g., recorded lectures or student presentations and discussions via online forums) compared to students and teachers in mostly synchronous settings. properties set on doi: 10.1007/s11251-006-0004-0, Keywords: higher education, self-determination theory (SDT), COVID-19, teaching and learning settings, online learning, Citation: Fabriz S, Mendzheritskaya J and Stehle S (2021) Impact of Synchronous and Asynchronous Settings of Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education on Students Learning Experience During COVID-19. 81-84). Using Amazon Textracts API for form data extraction and the Amazon A2I console, you can specify the conditions under which Amazon A2I routes predictions to reviewers, which can be either a confidence threshold or a random sampling percentage. No significant differences could be found in reported frequencies of group work, self-assessments, and (online) office hours between synchronous and asynchronous groups. WebIn digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock.The most common type is a sequential digital logic circuit with an input line called the clock and multiple output lines. The subprocess.stdio property can be undefined if the child process could This allows you to identify the score for each extracted entity so that you can make informed decisions on how you want to use the results. Available at: In this pattern, producers generate data that is consumed by consumers, and the producers and consumers may run in parallel. The algebraic mind. In both approaches, there is no information about the system's overall behavior in one place. 12, 2038. The design steps are somewhat similar for both synchronous counter and asynchronous counter but differ slightly. "Oscillatory Networks"[12]) are used to solve the binding problem of cognitive neuroscience in perceptual cognition ("feature binding") and in language cognition ("variable binding").[13][14][15][16]. both the parent and child (respectively) will be set to false, and it will be J. Active-constructive-interactive: a conceptual framework for differentiating learning activities. Several limitations of the current study should be noted. The impact of Covid-19 on higher education around the world,. Ogbonna, C. G., Ibezim, N. E., and Obi, C. A. The differences between synchronous and asynchronous settings stress the importance of the support of relatedness (see also Chiu, 2021), to make up for the disadvantages that go along with asynchronous settings. (2011). Another possibility of data triangulation could be a better integration of qualitative data in addition to quantitative data enabling stronger validation of results. Synchronization of image and sound was an important technical problem in sound film. then this will be null. Overall, greater fulfillment of psychological needs and higher acceptance of online tools go along with a more positive learning experience. the executable file. Bus. Alqurashi, E. (2016). parent process using the file descriptor (fd) identified using the doi: 10.1207/S15327965PLI1104_01, Demuyakor, J. Also, learners motivational characteristics, such as technology acceptance, are often considered factors that can influence achievement or learning satisfaction in synchronous versus asynchronous online courses. Learn key Want to prove your knowledge of Scrum? Rev. The surveys were initiated by the universitys department of teaching and quality assurance in collaboration with representatives of other departments associated with teaching and learning. The child will have Such a method could be consumed in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application as follows: The System.Threading.Tasks namespace includes several methods for composing and working with tasks. The maxBuffer option specifies the largest number of bytes allowed on stdout Table 6. Only first (in lexicographic order) entry will be except that it does not spawn a shell by default. Chen, K.-C., and Jang, S.-J. Competence support (1) I received clear and detailed feedback on my learning results. encountered and killSignal is sent, the method won't return until the process WebQueries are processed on a per page basis and information can be extracted using Queries via both synchronous or asynchronous operations. has completely exited. If given, listening on a 'message' event instead of 'connection' and using stdio file descriptors, in order to ignore the parent's termination: Alternatively one can redirect the child process' output into files: The value 0 is now accepted as a file descriptor. Synchronous vs. asynchronous communication considerations. They described this as the social presence gap and claimed that teachers should invest in overcoming this gap to equalize outcomes across modalities. Tackle this 10-question Scrum introduction quiz and see how well you know the Scrum All Rights Reserved, With the Analyze Document API, developers can automatically capture structured data from a wide variety of documents including tax forms, financial reports, medical records, and loan applications. Communications between services in a microservices architecture can be: In a decentralized and synchronous communications pattern, each service receives flow control, makes subsequent synchronous calls to other services and passes control to the next service. Educ. To enable this, use the Task.ConfigureAwait method to inform the await operation not to capture and resume on the context, but to continue execution wherever the asynchronous operation that was being awaited completed: Starting with .NET Framework 4, TAP methods that support cancellation provide at least one overload that accepts a cancellation token (CancellationToken object). The child_process.exec() and child_process.execFile() methods doi: 10.2478/eurodl-2014-0021, Struyven, K., Dochy, F., and Janssens, S. (2008). This covers the fundamental of Audio Worklet system. As the name implies, the synchronous counter contains flip-flops which are all in sync with each other i.e. Technol. The NeedOnlyOne function in the following example illustrates this scenario: You can then use this function as follows: There is a potential performance problem with using the WhenAny method to support an interleaving scenario when you're working with large sets of tasks. Open 2:100068. doi: 10.1016/j.ijedro.2021.100068, Bernard, R. M., Abrami, P. C., Lou, Y., Borokhovski, E., Wade, A., Wozney, L., et al. Integrating connectionism and cognitive science. This is in contrast to analog electronics and analog signals.. Digital electronic circuits are usually made from large assemblies of logic gates, often packaged in integrated circuits.Complex devices may have simple in which the child process is launched. Werning, M. (2012). The sudden impact of the COVID-19 pandemic challenged universities to provide students with online teaching and learning settings that were both immediately applicable and supportive of quality learning. Res. Based on the type of input we have classified it into single phase and 3 phase motors. 253-259). For this purpose and beyond, AudioWorkletNode and AudioWorkletProcessor are equipped with a MessagePort for bi-directional communication. Q:How should customers construct/craft/word queries? process.argv0 property instead. If the parent's stdio is inherited, the child will remain attached to the For. Synchronous vs. asynchronous methods each have potential benefits and drawbacks, but the method you choose depends on an application's purpose. In most monolithic application architectures, statements about the system's behavior are relatively evident as part of the app design. However, students who experienced mostly asynchronous teaching report greater gains in autonomous learning and smaller gains in social skills, both results being immediately plausible since asynchronous settings are characterized by high degrees of autonomy and fewer possibilities for social exchange. (2008). (2010). (2018) identified five variables to differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous settings: communication tools, feedback types, input methods, collaboration modes, and the skills targeted. In the CD4021B, the CLOCK input of the internal stage is "forced" when asynchronous parallel entry is made. then this will be null. We followed up with a more detailed analysis of the descriptive results. Use of your content is necessary for continuous improvement of your Amazon Textract customer experience, including the development and training of related technologies. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by the data security officer of Goethe university Frankfurt. Student-centered learning in higher education. any other position, equivalent to 'ignore'. Reaburn, P., Muldoon, N., and Bookallil, C. (2009). signal(7) for a list of available signals. Teach. Perceived usefulness: (1) Using online tools in teaching makes my learning more effective. Res. Child processes support a serialization mechanism for IPC that is based on the Teaching and learning activities in synchronous and asynchronous setting involve less interaction inducing methods than input methods. Following the operationalization by Murphy et al. Instead, you want to add them as they complete. There are a number of issues that can arise with both synchronous and asynchronous communication processes -- all of which can have a significant impact on the performance of an application system. arbitrary command execution. Also the next article in series, Audio Worklet Design Pattern, might be an interesting read for building an advanced audio app. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Comparison of synchronous and asynchronous signalling, "The Surprising Secret of Synchronization",,, "Synchrony and Cooperation PubMed Search Results", "Sync or sink? programming pattern typical of other Node.js APIs. Maybe some of the feedback activities that take place in synchronous settings occur unintentionally without being deliberately planned by teachers. happen, for instance, when the child process has already exited. 40, 133148. When Information richness. Inter. Additionally, performance may not be equivalent to that of JSON, depending controlling terminal. This can particularly cause problems in densely designed systems that host large numbers of components. the existing process and uses a shell to execute the command. 20, 3550. WebSpecifies the authentication mechanism to be used at the server. All authors contributed to manuscript revision, read, and approved the submitted version. While the example above uses a server created using the node:net module, (2011). Self-report is indispensable to assess students learning. If that exception is an OperationCanceledException, the task instead ends in the Canceled state. WebYou are not allowed to use any other logic gate and you must use a and b as the multiplexer selector inputs, as shown on the 4-to-1 multiplexer below. UTF-16. Australas. signal and doesn't exit, the parent process will wait until the child process Specifically, if the The invention of an accurate marine chronometer revolutionized marine navigation. You can use these features independently or use any combination of these features together. Component with inputs and outputslink. Early bailout: For example, an operation represented by task t1 can be grouped in a WhenAny task with another task t2, and you can wait on the WhenAny task. It is also worth noting that you can subclass AudioWorkletNode to define a custom node backed by the processor running on the worklet. Q:How can I get Amazon Textract predictions reviewed by humans? This is exactly the same as 'pipe' on non-Windows Sometimes custom AudioWorkletNodes will want to expose controls that do not map to AudioParam. Interleaving: Launching multiple operations and waiting for all of them to complete, but processing them as they complete. WebSynchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in unison. The sudden impact of the COVID-19 pandemic challenged universities to provide students with online teaching and learning settings that were both immediately applicable and supportive of quality learning. WebSynchronous counters. After calling stderr output. For convenience, the node:child_process module provides a handful of synchronous and asynchronous alternatives to child_process.spawn() and child_process.spawnSync(). For performance reasons, if a task has already completed by the time the task is awaited, control is not yielded, and the function continues to execute. Computational Cognitive Science. Res. 11, 274278. As of 2007. Boston: Pearson. The 'close' event is emitted after a process has ended and the stdio From: 2022, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. Deci, E. L., and Ryan, R. M. (2000). Albert Einstein proved in 1905 in his first relativity paper that there actually are no such things as absolutely simultaneous events. supported. The byte-enable inputs control whether each byte of the 16 registers should be written to on that cycle. The node's port.postMessage() method sends a message to the associated processor's port.onmessage handler and vice versa. A component with inputs and outputs typically appears inside the view template of a host component. This is useful for many kinds of functionality, including building polling loops and delaying the handling of user input for a predetermined period of time. Here's an example of a small but powerful asynchronous cache built on top of Task: The AsyncCache class accepts as a delegate to its constructor a function that takes a TKey and returns a Task. parent and child processes, and the child is a Node.js process, the child Students were asked to rate the frequency (1=never to 4=very frequent) of 11 different teaching and learning methods across all their courses. already emitted, or 'error' if the child failed to spawn. gRPC communication requires both client and server components. Async programming is possible in many languages, each with different styles and syntax. return until the child process has fully closed. until this stream has been closed via end(). The most common use cases for AmazonTextract include: Q: What type of text can AmazonTextract detect and extract? While the function is called kill, the signal delivered to the child process // |myParam| has been changed and |myParamValues| has 128 values. gRPC communication requires both client and server components. WebWhen the PARALLEL/SERIAL CONTROL input is high, data is jammed into the 8-stage register via the parallel input lines and synchronous with the positive transition of the clock line. Blended spaces, work based learning and constructive alignment: Impacts on student engagement, in Same Places, Different Spaces: Proceedings ASCILITE Auckland 2009, ed. For instance, the application might send asynchronous temperature updates throughout the day but also set off a troubleshooting sequence whenever temperatures either exceed or drop below acceptable levels. This synchronous design prevents mismatches between inventory and sales. doi: 10.1111/j.1756-8765.2008.01005.x, Chiu, T. K. F. (2021). not be successfully spawned. // the sockets from being read before they are sent to the child process. The acceptable values for this parameter are: Basic: Basic is a scheme in which the user name and password are sent in clear text to the server or proxy.. Digest: Digest is a challenge-response scheme that uses a server-specified data string for the challenge.. Ntlm: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) is a if the child process could not be successfully spawned. Summarizing the above-mentioned studies on factors influencing online learning, we can classify them mainly in three groups (1) learner-related variables (i.e., satisfaction, needs, and skills) (2) learning environment-related variables (i.e., synchronicity and potential for interactivity of online courses), and (3) teacher-related variables (i.e., applied teaching methods and teaching practices). More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Implementing the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern, Interop with Other Asynchronous Patterns and Types. for more details. For example, if an asynchronous computation must update a UI (such as updating a progress bar), then Async.StartImmediate should be used. An experimental study of face-to-face and synchronous e-learning. WebCreate a 1-bit wide, 256-to-1 multiplexer. 1, 73105. Draw the 3 JK flip-flops. WebFlip-flops can be either simple (transparent or asynchronous) or clocked (synchronous). A. Abraham, K. M. Adams, S. Agostinho, A.-M. Alger, A. Alm, A. Alwi, and B. Anderson, et al. (3) To answer Q3, we refer to the correlational data reported in Table 5. The killed property object: Share a readable or writable stream that refers to a tty, In synchronous communications, multiple parties continually listen for and act upon replies from each other. the life cycle of the child process. 63, 160175. Asynchronous, digital teaching in times of COVID-19: a teaching example from general practice. (2) I was provided with distinct information on how to improve. (2003). WebSynchronous counters. Overall, these findings stress the importance to carefully consider students learning experience when tackling the question of how to engage them in online learning. Students likes and dislikes regarding student-activating and lecture-based educational settings: consequences for students perceptions of the learning environment, student learning and performance. Q: How do I use the confidence score AmazonTextract provides? (2) I find the online tools in teaching useful in structuring my learning. Nieuwoudt (2020) found that it did not make a difference for student achievement whether students attended synchronous virtual classes or watched the recordings of the virtual classes. WebThese sections are using measurements of data rather than information, as information cannot be directly measured. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. doi: 10.21236/ada128980, Daigle, D. T., and Stuvland, A. A total of 3,056 students completed the survey (return rate=15%, female=65.8%) as well as 396 teaching faculty (return rate=33%, female=39.1%). You can request deletion of document and image inputs associated with your account by contacting AWS Support. Similar to the results by Hsu et al. If the child process intercepts and handles the SIGTERM signal and The client makes synchronous gRPC calls (in red) to backend microservices, each of which implement a gRPC server. 2013. doi: 10.19173/irrodl.v12i6.1030. or child_process.fork(). Therefore, teachers need to be empowered to make the most of digital advances (OECD, 2020) while having enough room to autonomously make their own decisions and relate to others in this process (Moorhouse and Kohnke, 2021). Am. Also, students must be equipped with strong digital skills to perform academic work and successfully complete learning activities (Kim et al., 2019). For tasks, this is achieved through methods such as Task.ContinueWith.

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