331 infantry regiment, 83rd divisionmarshall, mn funeral home
Written by on July 7, 2022
It must have seemed that the world was coming to an end, as wave after wave of bombers delivered continuous shockwaves of exploding bombs that shook the earth and turned it into a lunar landscape. July 14, 1944: Hotat Frank Reichmann in the 1st Battalion of the 331st said that a platoon of captured Germans started singing farewell to their commander. W. L. Arnold--AT Company, 329th Infantry Regiment, Pvt. 44106, 10900 Euclid Ave. Second row, left to right are: Willard Strauss (B.A.R. Smith; S/Sgt. Most of them were in tears. He knew an irony, or a contradiction, when it bit hard enough. November 14"It looks like we not only will have to lick these supermen, but will have to go in and knock their heads off. 774th Tank Battalion, from August 28 to December 24th, 1944 These are his wartime memoirs, which he started working on when he retired in his sixties and was still . Click here to read more of his story. Gen. Frederick Perkins (13 January 1918), Brig. This photo was taken in February 1945, and the war in Europe ended three months later. But for a number of U.S Army trucks interspersed among its columns, it might easily have been mistaken for a German convoy.[12]. It was deployed to France in 1918. They fought their way through swamps that the Germans created by flooding the fields. My dad's story ends here, but the 83rd's does not. Chapter Twenty-Six of the author's The Great Boer War, which Smith, Elder, & Co. published in 1900.This web version is based on the Internet Archive version digitized from an unidentified library in 2010 with funding from the Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation.. Infanterie-Division) was a unit of the Imperial German Army in World War I. In addition, the "Thunderbolt" division recovered the camp's documents for use by war crimes investigators. They moved by truck to the Hurtgen Forest west of Aachen to relieve the 12th Infantry. B Co, 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion, from July 19th to 29th, 1944 C Co, 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion, from August 1st to 16th, 1944 83rd Division Reenactment Website www.gutenberg.org 5 July 1944 is very confused; a lot was going on,and I have realized there area lot of discrepancies amongthe reportsespecially the Morning Reportsand I really need to incorporate all the information from the After Action Reports and Unit Journals and collate it with what information can be gleanedfrom the morning reports. He said he would take the job for 30 days to see how it worked out. July 28, 1944: Feugres The odds were that if you were on the front line, you probably wouldn't make it home in one piece, if at all. From Atterbury to the Elbe F Company The blue items come from the overlays; the brownish points, if you can see them, are geographic locations reported inthe various reports, while the dark blue / purplish items are labels explaining the geographic location data points. These newly-acquired vehicles were quickly painted olive-green and fitted with a U.S. star before joining the 83rd. Joe [Ordanez] Ordonez, Texas, Pvt 331 Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division dies 8 Aug 1944, Soldiers of the 331st Regiment, 2nd battalion, are ready to depart Passau for Cherbourg and a boat home, September, 1945. The Drive To the Elbe It was demobilized in October 1919. L Company, 83rd Artillery Division The assault against the German 17th SS Division and 6th Parachute Regiment was slow and costly. As each house was taken, it was subjected to violent enemy counterattacks. Clarence W. Brown; Pvt. At the camp, the troops found approximately 1,100 inmates. telephone wire. On January 10, 1945, two squads of Company F, 331st Regiment of the 83rd Infantry Division, attacked a German strongpoint, just outside the hamlet of Ottr. 14 July 1944, 330 IR, 83 ID near Sainteny. All I hope is that he puts these Germans in their place, when this is over. This, combined with coming of age during the great depression, taught him how to make do with what was at hand. K Company --confirming John's recollection. Kerr; Pvt. The headquarters was organized on 27 September 1921. He was probably referred to as an "old man" by most of the other men in his company. 331 Infantry Regiment 83rd Infantry Division - pinterest.com.au It seems to be drawn from the perspective of the 330th IR, or it was produced for the regiment, since it has the locations for the other two regiments but nothing for the 330th. OH We will see once we get to the various reports. You can learn more about Sgt. When, where and if they saw action in WWI. Next page: 322nd Field Artillery Bn. Weapons Platoon : 2nd Lieutenant George P. Hopley, killed on July 4, 1944 at Sainteny ",Pvt,C,New York,no date . That would soon change. Well see if it gets any better once Ive read the reports and compare it tothe 08 July Morning Reports. Original U.S. WWI US Army 83rd Infantry Division Uniform Tunic I served with the 83rd. On a Red metal shield is a black pile behind a gold Lorraine cross. Harry C. Gravelyn was Captain of Company D, 331st Infantry, 83rd "Thunderbolt" Infantry Division, United States Army, during World War II. George Waple is 6th Fighting there and on nearby terrain was extremely. World War I Centennial - World War I Centennial - worldwar1centennial.org U.s. Army 330th Regiment Unit Crest (Dui) Then the heavies came in low, a hundred at a time. (My grandmother said that even though she was German, she hated the Germans for what they had done.) After action reports Every enemy unit or town that surrendered or was captured subscribed its quota of rolling stock for the division, usually at gunpoint. Courtesy Mike Catrambone, Colonel James D. The earlier nickname, "Ohio," was based on the division's insignia (which includes the name "Ohio," where the division was raised during World War I). Casualty figures for the 83rd Infantry Division, European theater of operations: The 83rd Infantry Division received its nickname, the "Thunderbolt" division, after a division-wide contest for a new nickname held in early 1945. U.S. Intelligence estimated between 3,000 and 6,000 German troops occupied St. Malo. His unit had been engaged in battle with German forces. E Company Executive Officer: 1st Lieutenant Milton J. Bialeck, killed on July 4, 1944 at Sainteny Another photo taken at Camp Breckenridge, showing M Company/331st, can be seen by clicking here. History World War I Formation. Samuel J. Bifano--B Battery, 324th Field Artillery -- We fired 6,974,050 rounds of Fays was finally secured, along with Ferme de Menil, on January 15. This overlay obviously has more to do with the 331st IR than the 330th IR. They pushed the Germans back through savage counterattacks and finally held the west bank of the Roer River just south of Duren five days after the initial attack from the Hurtgen Forest. 12th FA Obsn Battalion (-Btrie A), from August 7th to 16th, 1944 On 16 August my father was awarded the Combat Infantryman Badge for displaying exemplary conduct in action against the enemy in France. On 8 July, they fought through hedgerows to the village of Auxais, and finally on the 10th, the 331st captured Sainteny after an attack supported by fire from 19 artillery battalions. Bruce L. Leininger - Mapping the Overlays, 2015, 12 July 330 Infantry Regiment Outpost Plan, 12 July, 12:00: 83rd Infantry Division Situation. 331ST INFANTRY REGIMENT | Encyclopedia of Cleveland History | Case FULL. The 83d Infantry Division arrived in England. F Company: Captain Richard E. Randal, wounded on July 4, 1944 Currently, the 330th Regiment consists of three Battalions that fall under the command of the 4th Brigade, 95th Training Division. Yet as you wander down these quiet paths they swarm around you, crouching low. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Most of the time they were in the center of the front line, and often out in front leading the way. The following soldiers were reported as missing in action. American Battle Monuments Commission search engine at http://www.abmc.gov/search/wwii.php. Basements of houses became aid stations for the wounded. Also, medical supplies were requisitioned from the U.S. Army's 20th Field Hospital. You notice the German line bent back at a 90 angle (left-middle)? To date, 36 divisions, including the 83rd Infantry Division, have been recognized as liberating units. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and a ruddy complexion attributable to his Scotch-Irish ancestry. The unit reported that the prisoners had been forced to work 16 hours a day in nearby mines and that the SS had murdered those prisoners who became too weak to work. July 3, 1944: Pontorson All is safe for you to go. Pfc. A few days before Thanksgiving, Company F moved from a school house in Luxembourg City north to the town of Wecker. They landed across Omaha Beach and from there, they fought all across Europe. In addition, the 83rd Division recovered documents for use by war crimes investigators. Unit: 83rd Infantry Division, 331st Infantry Regiment, Company C; Service Number: 35519259; Date of Birth: October 2, 1918; Entered the Military: October 28, 1942; Date of Death: July 26, 1944; . Click here to see the trail of the 83rd. They raced across the German countryside until they were ordered to stop less than 60 miles from Berlin. "TDC, November 26"I was reading an old paper today and the people over there must be nuts. They spent 244 days in combat and suffered 23,980 casualties, 15,248 of which were combat casualties. We still have a lot to be thankful for; some of the things that happen over here don't seem possibleThe mail situation is bad again, probably due to the Christmas rush. 400thFA Battalion, from July 31st, 1944 to August 2nd, 1944 S/Sgt Joseph Arnaldo at the Battle of the Bulge. On June 18, 1944, less than two weeks after the Allied D-Dayinvasion of western Europe, the "Thunderbolt" division landed on Omaha Beach and began advancing into France. After the boy's death Kipling forced himself to write the official history of the regiment, as a form of atonement. It shows a bit of all three 83rd ID regiments. He was called to active duty on 26 October 1943, and was sent to the active duty reception center in New Cumberland, Pa. From there he went to Camp Blanding in Starke, Florida where he underwent basic training. To see it through again. It expresses a basic truth that was obvious to every GI on the front lines in Europe, but evades most of us until we realize the brutal conditions that they were forced to endure. Included in this collection of medals and documents are the following items:- Original WWII Cased . On 9 August, the enemy defenders were forced back to the Citadel at St. Servan and to Dinard on the west bank of the river just opposite St. Malo. Henry Irving Tannenbaum--Company F, 331st Infantry Regiment They've seen the tree bursts in the Hurtgen, As the regimental journal says for this overlay, Defense areas to use in an emergency.. email _ | _ 83rd Division "Thunderbolt" Message Board _. It turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole. 1st Platoon: 1st Lieutenant George W. Stahley, killed on July 4, 1944 3rd Platoon: 1st Lieutenant Frank R. Yukl, killed on July 4, 1944 The only Germans encountered were patrols. Div Lamb, Emanuel (H) Lt. Col. Leniel MacDonald Richmond, Floyd J. My worst nightmares are still in those rows.". The 83rd Division has special ties to Luxembourg. [1] Melvin V. Park, K Company, 329th Infantry, 83rd Division Subscribe to 330th Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division Footer menu. First a nudge, then a sign-- Actually 12,000 defended the walled city, and they vowed to "fight to the last stone." 83d Infantry Division - U.S. Army Center of Military History 1st Battalion, 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Infantry Division Stephen Ambrose, in his book "Band Of Brothers," quotes one of the men of the 101st Airborne about the arrival of the 83rd. F Company ", December 6"Tell people not to mention 'good luck.' 65th Armored FA Battalion, from June 27th to July 4th, 1944 Men of the British 22nd Independent Parachute Company, 6th Airborne Division being briefed for the invasion, 4-5 June 1944. . Previous page: 330th Infantry Regiment Map Overlays The 83rd Infantry Division on February 27, 1945 Cafes were opened where the GIs could enjoy good Luxembourg beer, music, and dancing. SOCIAL . Heroes of the 331st Infantry Regiment, 83rd Division Also, that the prisoners had been forced to work 16-hour days in nearby mines, and were shot if they became too weak to work. The 83rd. Deputy commander: Brigadier General Claude B. Ferenbaugh, Chief of Staff: Colonel Samuel V. Krauthoff, 329th Infantry Regiment: Colonel Edwin B. Crabill Many soldiers were killed instantly. It was initially made up of enlisted draftees from Ohio and Pennsylvania, with a cadre of Regular Army, Officers Reserve Corps, and National Army officers. 12 July 1944, 330 IR , I Co; 331 IR, A Co, B Co, C Co. Deaths, the division's report continued, reached 500 per month. G Company: Captain Granville A. They truly were brothers-in-arms. 453rd AAA AW Battalion (Mbl), from July 1st, 1944 to July 9th, 1945 333rd FA Group, from August 15th to 18th, 1944 Zu den Opfern des Russisch-Ukrainischen Krieges gehren sechs Tote whrend der Annexion der Krim durch die Russische Fderation im Jahr 2014 und Tausende von Toten unter der Zivilbevlkerung und den verschiedenen Streitkrften whrend des folgenden von Russland angeschobenen Krieges im Donbas.Mit dem russischen berfall auf die Ukraine 2022 vervielfachten sich die Todesopfer. The 329th IR is shown being just about 1000 m south of where its 2 Bn. He was in Company B, 231st Infantry Training Battalion. This was the main line of defence for the Germans. Appendix Brothers-In-Arms: 83rd Division, 331st Infantry 44106-7107. A second battalion from the same regiment defended a line further east. The 331st was the first regiment in the 83rd Division to see action in Luxembourg. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. Contents 1 Operational history 1.1 Formation 1.2 1942 1.3 1943 1.4 1944 1.5 Dissolution 2 Organizational history 3 Noteworthy individuals About a month ago, someone over here had a paper, and there was a piece in it about some German prisoners in the States going on a strike for something or other. Regiment, which was published shortly after the end of the war. The regimental after action reports for the 331th Infantry Regiment in PDF format can be found in the following table. See through the mindless death and grinding pain. World War I [ edit] The division was activated in September 1917 at Camp Sherman, Ohio. Overall, the division had 170.2 percent replacements. Charles Benjamin Leinbach - NHD Silent Heroes They were billeted in an old chateau that was, according to Hershell McIntosh, complete with a kitchen full of dishes and silverware. Sharp man); Pfc. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. 1st Bn 66th Armd Regt (2nd Armd Div), from June 28th to July 5th, 1944 var sc_invisible=1. 83rd Infantry Division Documents - 331st Infantry Regiment Most Luxembourgers spoke several languages, and many spoke some English. 331st Infantry Regiment small arms ammunition. It was taken at Camp Breckenridge, KY, after the Tennessee maneuvers. *The quote near the top of this page is from a letter written by Pfc. Though the positioning of these HQs seem strange to me. Regiment warm themselves by the fire after their retirement to the sector following . To avoid needless loss of life, Elster negotiated a surrender. 2nd Platoon: 2nd Lieutenant Donald L. Richardson, killed on July 4, 1944 Ive decided I will come back to incorporating geographic data points later. 2nd Platoon Supplies could only trickle through as the Germans continuously pounded the town's approaches with artillery fire. On June 18, 1944, less than two weeks after the Allied D-Day invasion of western Europe, the "Thunderbolt" division landed on Omaha Beach and began advancing into France. Infantry Regiment 83 provided some support to the south. There isn't much that I can send, except the same love that I have had ever since I've known you. From the 1st through the 5th of October, the 83rd advanced in heavy combat to the West Wall across the Sauer as the 329th fought the battle for Grevenmacher. The men of the 83rd Division weren't just on the front line. On April 11, 1945, the 83rd encountered Langenstein, a subcamp of the Buchenwald concentration camp. World War II: My Experiences as Captain of Company D, 331st Infantry I hope it is the last one this way. Map Overlay 12 July 1944, 330 Infantry Regiment, 330 IR Infantry Regiment, 331 Infantry Regiment, 331st IR, 83rd ID, 83rd Infantry Division, bocage, Le Port, Map Overlay, Map Overlays, Mapping, Normandie, Normandy, World War 2, World War II, WWII 08 July 83rd ID, 331 IR Objective Leave a comment Posted by dcleininger on 2015-09-03 Intense fighting during the Battle of Saint-Malo reduced enemy strong points and a combined attack against the Citadel Fortress of St. Servan caused its surrender, 17 August. Later groups of . "TDC, November 19"I just got my ballot the other day, so threw it away. Since there are no map overlays for 4 July, that Ive seen anyway, I would just take advantage of this map to point out that is the location of the Island where the 2 Bn, 329 IR, got very roughly handledon 4 July. This is the Facebook outlet of 83rdinfdivdocs.org and the people behind the research and data. The following is taken from New York in the War of the Rebellion, 3rd ed. 2nd Battalion of the 329th Infantry was attacking west to an "island" in the swamp, finally on the 10th, the 331st captured Sainteny, Nazi propaganda letters were a "Christmas present.". Rhodes from Pretoria, South Africa. There are numerous monuments in France honoring the GIs of the 83rd Division. June 22-28, 1944. His great uncle, Pfc. It was a trip of "two weeks that seemed like two months . Although it was not the same as being at home, the people of Luxembourg opened their homes to the GIs. The 83rd Division command post was in a school building in the city of Luxembourg. They moved out of the Loire Valley in France, and traveled two days and nights through cities and towns, many of which brought memories of their fathers and WWI. AWON Memorial Web Page, Massacre at Ottre A GI in the 9th Division described the scene from his foxhole. And the lifeless forms half buried in the snow 83rd Infantry Division Documents - Fallen heroes of the 83rd Infantry The division was activated in September 1917 at Camp Sherman, Ohio. I became intrigued with the combined 83 ID / 330 IR overlays and decided to add the data points from the After Action Reports, Unit Journals and Morning Reports. German guns in the Siegfried Line east of the Moselle poured salvos into the lines, resulting in 30 casualties, the heaviest losses in over a month. Then, German attempts to organize tank-supported counterattacks were shattered by the 83rd's field artillery battalions.
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