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Written by on July 7, 2022

[17], Learn how and when to remove this template message, 1938 Issigonis Lightweight Special at Goodwood Festival of Speed 2009, Commander of the Order of the British Empire, "The creator of an iconic car: Alec Issigonis", "The Genuine MOKE | Steer clear of imitations | Story", "Pre de l'Austin "Mini" Alec Issigonis est mort", "Review of 'The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Design Since 1900 (2nd edition)', "Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis. Sir Alec Issigonis is best remembered for the Austin Mini - a car that revolutionised the small car package and probably saved the British Motor Corporation at the same time. Harris Mann, having a clean sheet, not giving the Allegro or Princess a hatch in the mid 70s is another matter. Issigonis went into the motor industry as an engineer and designer working for Humber and competed successfully in motor racing during the 1930s and 1940s. Alec Issigonis | Bartleby Sir Alec Issigonis. Alec Issigonis, the brilliant British designer of the Morris Minor and the Mini, is one of the commanding figures in the history of automobile design and engineering. Contents Early life and education Career Legacy Honours Some of his cars Alec Issigonis - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia In 1922 the family left Turkey for England, as all British people were banished from the country. Bookmark this page and come back often for updates. The Mini quickly became cult and had enthusiastic fans worldwide. The first application of Sir Alec Issigonis' engineering breakthrough - All Photos by Randy Stern, except otherwise noted Remember Sir Alec Issigonis? Issigonis would later state that pure mathematics (is) the enemy of every truly creative man. He began his engineering career at Morris Motors Ltd. in 1936 as a steering and suspension engineer. At the peak if his career he was by far the most well-known personality in the British motor industry, one of the most well-known names in the European motor industry, and was the first and perhaps the only car British designer who could claim celebrity status. For Alec Issigonis it was THE chance to prove himself. [16], In 2003 he was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame in the United States. [4] The lower picture is is an early (1958) Issigonis drawing of his vision for the Mini. He was involved in engine design as well, requesting unsuccessfully that BL build 4 and 6 cylinder engines for Mini variants. Im sure the Renault 4, 5, 6, and 16 had longitudinal engines. A GLIMPSE INTO THE LIFE OF THE MINI FOUNDER. People over the road from us had a Wolseley Six (top of the range Landcrab) when we were kids. BL were in thrall of the myth theyd created, but the buying public had much more sense. There he developed the Morris Minor, which remained in production from 1948 to 1971. . Kereta rekaannya, BMC Mini dilancarkan dalam tahun 1959. He was also responsible for the development of the Mini Moke, initially intended for military use, though it subsequently became another popular icon of British automotive engineering that, like the Mini, attained cult status. Issigonis 'response was dry and forceful:'I'm an engineer. You probably know the part about Alec Issigonis being born in the Greek city of Smyrna in 1906, being evacuated to Malta in 1922 following the Turkish invasion, and how he moved to London in 1923 to study engineering. Subsequently my main triumph of design is a carbon block conveyor that fit into an oddly shaped spot while using less pieces of steel than its predecessor. Sir Alec Issigonis started his career at Humber, known for their Humber Snipe and Humber Hawk models, even Queen Elizabeth II owned a Humber. Alec Issigonis was a hugely . It interested me as I had the honour of working with sir Alec for around 3 months. RM G4TJWM - Alec Issigonis, creator of the British Motor Corporation 'Mini' car range, drives the 1,000,000th Mini off the production line at the Austin Plant at Longbridge, Birmingham. But fearful that his freedom would be curbed in such a large company, Issigonis resigned from BMC and went to work for the much smaller Alvis company. This car was remarkably light, weighing less than 600lb. Joseph Lowrey, [], The Mini hit its big landmark in 1969, a seismic year in the history of BMC>Rover. Issigonis had no input to the Marina (other than it using substantial elements from the Morris Minor of course) or the Allegro, as BMC had passed a thin very development programme to Leyland in 1968, largely due to financial pressures. Matchbox featured an MG 1100 in its 1-75 line-up for many years. I saw that same car several times, so, at least in nice weather, it apparently was a daily driver. As you know I was away when the little ceremony took place to mark your retirement and I have, of [], Sir Alec Issigonis, designer of the Mini, among other cars, is to remain design consultant with British Leyland after he goes into semi-retirement at the end of the month. Sir Alec Issigonis - Driven To Write 8050 Alec Issigonis Way, Oxford Business Park North, Oxford, United Kingdom, OX4 2HW. Alviss options for body shell production were being reduced, at the same as the estimated costs of the body manufacture doubled. . Sir Alec Issigonis was one of the automotive industrys great independent thinkers. In response to the Suez Oil Crisis, British Motor Company asked Issigonis to head the development of a small, fuel-efficient car that would become the Morris Mini. His inability to accept guidance (stubbornness may be a better term) also led to some misjudged products the Maxi comes to mind but perhaps the purity of hispredominantly engineering solution with poor execution in the areas Issigonis didnt or wouldnt appreciate (looks, practicality, ergonomics, product revisions, marketing) was also overlooked by too many within BMC. Alec Issigonis is a famous Entrepreneur. He was impossible to work with, had Henry Fords arrogance and nearly bankrupted the company like Ford, by refusing to listen to anyone. In 1942, Morris gave Issigonis overall responsibility for an all-new model; the Morris Minor. I was eight when my dad bought one of those brand new cars at a reduced price from the NYC dealer $850 for an Austin 850 ($6,800 in 2016 money) Issigonis had a reputation, deserved by all accounts, for arrogance and irascibility, an inability to suffer fools at all, and restricted his contact to as a small as a group as he could. Meanwhile, back at the office, Issigonis had devised an independent coil spring system for the first unitary construction Morris, the 1938 Ten, but which did not go into production as Morris, conservative as ever, chose a more conventional and cheaper beam axle solution. He despised such luxuries as radios and comfortable seats, once stating I would like people to sit on nails to be extremely uncomfortable all the time. and declaring that an uncomfortable driver is an alert driver. His grandfather Demosthenis Issigonis . During 1956 Issigonis concentrated on the larger two cars, producing several prototypes for testing. The Boudjah - Smyrna born Alec Issigonis was an engineering genius and even after his death there is a fan base for his cars. Born Alexandros Arnoldos Konstantinos Issigonis on the 18th of November, 1906, Alexander Issigonis' family were part of the Greek community in the port city of Smrna. He lived and worked in England " A camel is a horse designed by a committee " " Pure Math is the enemy of every truly creative man" Sir Alec's grandfather Demosthenes was sort of a mechanical genius having . But at the age of 50, he began designing one of the most iconic vehicles ever produced: the classic Mini. The gearbox in sump was a dead end in terms of automotive design. A flawed genius, yes, and BMCs failure to manage him is clear. Having failed his mathematics exams three times, subsequently declaring it 'the most uncreative subject you can study',[3] Issigonis decided to enter the University of London External Programme to complete his university education. Alec Issigonis Net Worth, Age, Bio, Birthday, Height, Facts As such he was of the generation who experienced the privations of two apocalyptic world wars. Sir Alec Issigonis was one of the automotive industry's great independent thinkers. Oxbotica Toronto Office. There was a long drive way that ran along the school cafeteria that parents used to drop off students in the morning. Astrologers and astronomers could only work with planets visible to the eye. Required fields are marked *. Not sure how true it is, but I read somewhere that he even designed the ashtrays for the Minor. That Alvis is one of those missed opportunities that ultimately doomed the company. Sir Alec Issigonis | British automobile designer | Britannica BMC was producing over 11,000 Issigonis-designed front-wheel-drive models a week, with demand still exceeding production, which was continually increased. Austin 1800 (ADO18 Landcrab): Best In Class Or Just Plain Ugly? German Engineer Who Designed And Built The First Practical Automobile (Crossword ClueThe crossword clue German engineer who designed and built the first practical automobile. Diz lenda que ele considerava a rigidez . The floor is flat and low to the ground and windows all round make it seem very airy. This undated sketch by Issigonis shows some of this. PDF SIR ALEC ISSIGONIS was an automobile engineer whose name will always be This car was remarkably light, weighing 587lb, of which the engine contributed 252lb. Then of course there was severe corrosion in the face of road salt. Looking at the Minor or the Mini, I can believe that. The car, as developed in a prototype form, showed potential as well as technical ambition the cars unitary construction made it relatively light and strong, it offered 6 seats, had a rear mounted transaxle, including the clutch, inboard rear brakes, long wheelbase configuration so typical of Issigonis and a modern, sophisticated 3.5 litre V8 engine. I have labelled it the Most Significant Car of the 1940s; it is probably the most recognised British car, apart from the Mini, and the most fondly remembered car by many British families and motorists. Etsy Search for items or shops Close search Skip to Content Sign in 0 Cart Cyber Sales Event Jewelry & Accessories Clothing & Shoes Alec Issigonis. 1959: The Mini Was Born. | It was at Alvis that Issigonis first worked with another of the influential characters of his career. . The gearbox sharing the sump oil worked ok, but the transmission absolutely pulverised the lubricating qualities out of the oil, and it really required changing every 3000 miles if you wanted the thing to last. Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis, CBE, FRS (November 18, 1906-October 2, 1988) was a Greek-British designer of cars, now remembered chiefly for the development of the Mini, launched by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) in 1959.. Alec Issigonis . A colleague of his had a VW Polo then and kept shaking his head: Well, yes, if there were no other compact cars in the world , Mr. Roger Carr, Thank you. Been a fan of Alec Issigonis since I was 8 years old. Another Mini! Sir Alec Issigonis - Motoring Weekly Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis, CBE, FRS (18 November 1906-2 October 1988) was a Greek-British designer of cars, now remembered chiefly for the groundbreaking and influential development of the Mini, launched by the British Motor Corporation (BMC) in 1959. Bedtime story - Alec Issigonis - Enthusiasts of British Motor Vehicles During 1967, Sir Alec Issigonis approached his BMH* superiors, asking to be temporarily relieved of day to day duties so that he could devote himself to a new vehicle project, one intended to directly replace the Mini. Alec Issigonis was born in Turkey. 1925 . Another Mini! Salary, Married, Wedding, Spouse, Family Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis, CBE, FRS, RDI (18 November 1906 - 2 October 1988) was a Greek-British designer of cars, now remembered chiefly for the groundbreaking and influential . JUMP TO: Alec Issigoniss biography, facts, family, personal life, zodiac, videos and related celebs. . Alec Issigonis Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis, CBE, FRS, RDI (Alec Issigonis) was born on 18 November 1906 in Smyrna in Greece (now Izmir, Turkey) and would become world-renowned for designing the Mini and Morris Minor for BMC. . [8], With the creation of British Leyland in 1969, new chairman Lord Stokes quickly sidelined Issigonis and made him into what was termed "Special Developments Director", replacing him with Harry Webster as the new Technical Director (Small/Medium cars). Issigonis's mother, Hulda Prokopp, was descended from a Bavarian brewing family who had settled in Smyrna, and established a brewery. Meanwhile from 1930, he raced a supercharged Ulster Austin Seven, and fitted it with an independent front suspension of his own design. Even more significantly, it effectively defined the configuration of the small and medium car for the next 50 years. Found an ad for the US market 1100. History of MINI - Story, Heritage & Origins | MINI USA He left Morris in 1952 for Alvis just as BMC was created from Austin and Morris (as well as Riley, Wolseley and MG).. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Enter your username or email to reset your password. His name? IAN NICHOLLS recalls the day the two millionth rolled off the production line [], A team of the worlds leading motoring writers, along with voters on the internet, have short-listed the legendary Mini for the ultimate motoring accolade the international Car of the [], THE GUARDIAN Lord Stokes writes about the late Sir Alec Issigonis: Alec Issigonis was a very charming and persuasive person, and a brilliant innovative engineer with a considerable capacity for [], Rover Group consultant Sir Alec Issigonis writes to chairman Graham Day.

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