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Written by on July 7, 2022

What is that pattern? Roy, what qualifies as direct evidence for you? Leonardo Satellites. If this is real our intelligence community would have known about it or have been willing accomplices. Learn how your comment data is processed. Biden's FAA Nominee Can't Answer a Single Question About Aviation, Russell Brand was challenged to give examples of MSNBC pushing misinformation (that was a BAD idea), Mom Tells Congress Teachers Union Sued Her for Asking if Her Kindergartner Was Taught 'Radical Gender Theory', Young Man Does His Own Taxes for First Time, Rage and Mirth Ensue, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, The Italian defense contractor switched American votes claim makes no sense. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In the arrest warrant for preliminary investigations against the two men, the judge cited several possible reasons behind the hacking. This testimony lends additional information pertaining to news that surfaced shortly after the November 3rd election. Details of the parts of Leonardos business that the hacker allegedly targeted have not been reported before. He is also accused of reformatting a computer containingevidence and data from the cyber-attack. BREAKING: ARTURO D'ELIA CAUGHT: Head Of Italian Aerospace Company's IT VERY SOLID evidence. The two men havenot been charged. Maria Zack "Italy did it" - Arturo D'Elia Admits to stealing @lect%on Gates, Fauci and Jim Jones: What Do They Have in Common? . D'Elia is facing criminal charges in Naples, and this is his defense. STREAM RBN *LIVE* Americans and elected officials now have proof that the election was indeed stolen. It began in January 2017 when Leonardo told police of an abnormal outflow of data from some of its computers. Nevertheless, he worked for Leonardo Spas IT security. Verizon: 605-562-5111 Most of it involved aircraft design and the personal information of employees. Thank you for your interest in receiving the Conservative Firing Line newsletter. VIDEO EVIDENCE! WA gun rights initiative in trouble as recall filed against AG Ferguson, Naomi Wolf: Autopsies on the vaxxed confirm COVID vaccine damage is damaging body organs, *NEW* Buttigieg Has Been CHARGED Even Dems Are Coming After Him, Woody Harrelson, Saturday Night Live, and Ridiculing Coronavirus Tyranny (Video). DElia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. (Cyber Emergency Readiness Team) of Leonardo s.p.a., a body responsible for managing the cyber attacks suffered by the company to which the precautionary measure of home custody was notified., it's verbatim with the affidavit. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Maria also told that according to her information, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was involved in this fraud along with a certain member of the US embassy in Italy. its not phony, that's why youtube is pulling down the actual videos/ interview as fast as it gets put up. ]" 30 183 183 comments Best Add a Comment This is not a hacker attack made by unknown hackers, the people involved are figures who acted protected by the anonymity of the network. Hey, its Noah and I want to make sure were connected on Twitter. This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. Not 100% of this source, but it looks promising. Why push this easily debunked conspiracy theory, then? Posted on 01/06/2021 2:22:24 AM PST by TigerLikesRoosterNew. I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence. Italian police said on Dec. 5 that at least 10 gigabytes of confidential data was stolen from Leonardo between 2015 and 2017 through malware installed on targeted machines. This information is being regarded as one of the main reasons why the Democrats and their accomplices in the massive voter fraud-turned-coup against President Trump went into panic and have been asking for impeaching and immediately removing President Trump from the White House even though he has less than 2 weeks remaining in office according to the mainstream schedule of the inauguration of Biden. The case is real. But I entrust this to you as well. The fact the underlying charges are from a few years ago does not rule out the possibility an ex-NATO cyber warfare specialist was also hacking on Nov 3. yes, that was already acknowledged in the first part of the affidavit! Maria Zack - Italy did it - Arturo D'Elia admits to stealing election Its a bad look, especially considering Democrats spent four years complaining there was no way Hillary Clinton lost in 2016 without foreign interference. It's the wrong question. Nations In Action and the Institute for Good Governance are making the following demands on elected officials: Depose State Department officials starting with Rome staff including Stefan Serafini Here's more on the story and how it broke from an episode of,,,, Also, the professor/lawyer listed in the affidavit appears to work out of Southern Italy and nowhere close to Rome or Naples. Fact check: Evidence disproves claims of Italian conspiracy to meddle Its safe again and were having a lot of fun over there. Affidavit from Arturo D'Elia claims D'Elia "under the instruction and direction of persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US election of 3 November 2020 from a significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden[. Hoping to keep Trump supporters enraged over the 2020 election for future electoral success? Affidavit Delivered To Congress From Italian Employee Confessing To He developed a Linux Live Distibution for the perform forensics capturing data from devices storage which is used by Italian Police of the State and Military Corporation. Both sides are facing the same results, losers are toast. Just be patient. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Did you even read it?!? An affidavit does not need to be notarized until it is ready to be presented in court. Please share your thoughts about this article below. I, Prof Alfio DUrso, Advocate/Lawyer, of Via Vittorio Emanuele, Catania, 95131 Italy, do hereby provide the following affidavit of facts as conveyed in several meetings with a high level army security services official:Arturo DElia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples for technology/data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December 2020. The alleged hackings took place from 2015 to 2017 according to Naples prosecutors and involved sneaking out corporate data from Leonardo SpA. Someone at the cigar store I visit discussed it over the weekend. The alleged hackings took place from 2015 to 2017 according to Naples prosecutors and involved sneaking out corporate data from Leonardo SpA. The lawyer says he has a dead man's switch. General Flynn : Italy did it! 17 states impacted. Admission of guilt Is there any direct evidence of more votes cast than there are registered voters?, * On the Importance of the Universal Laws. It began in January 2017 when Leonardo told police of an abnormal outflow of data from some of its computers. - The Divine Mother. This gave DElia the opportunity to alter and conceal directly the evidence and traces of the crimes he had committed on the affected computers, the arrest warrant said. I will help you. According to a signed affidavit, Arturo DElia testified that he interfered in the 2020 U.S. election using military grade cyber warfare to switch votes from Trump to Biden. (Archangel Michael, Personal Reading, June 17, 2020. Is it on YouTube? The investigation was complicated because the two men had covered up their actions, the document said. Finally the hand attached to the smoking gun. Trying Way too hard to bury this. Just plain fun? Tags: Arturo D'elioElection 2020FeaturedInstitute for Good Governance ItalyLeonardo US military personnel conducted raids on Scytl offices in Frankfurt, Germany in relation to the election fraud that occurred during the 2020 election cycle. The representatives have a copy. Concrete Evidence Of Italian Govt & Vatican in US Election Fraud BREAKING: ARTURO D'ELIA CAUGHT: Head Of Italian Aerospace Company's IT Department Used 'Military Grade Cyber Warfare' To Switch Votes 'For Trump To Biden' - ADMISSION VIA SWORN AFFIDAVIT! Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government. Italian Official Sworn Affidavit: Votes Switched from Trump to Biden He was also the Security Head for theItalian Defense contractor Leonardo SpA whose satellited were used in US Election hacking. Italy Leonardo -> Frankfort ->American Dominion Servers President received the information on . His lawyer reading the affidavit to you, for you The story says that he is willing to testify in court as well and says he has all the original data backed up in an undisclosed location.. It's a load or rubbish. The defendant has stated he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family. This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. The affidavit you saw is a transcript from a statement Arturo D'Elia's attorney gave. <p>Italian hacking of US 2020 election revelations began with DNI Ratcliffe CBS Herridge stated Dec 3 2020, General Flynn confirms, Arturo D'Elia Admits in affidavit</p><p>"Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. A Game changer? The warrant does not say whether the hacker was acting independently or at the behest of others, or the goal of the alleged activity. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China . We'll see. Epic. Italian Supreme Court lawyer Professor Alfio D'Urso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardo's Security Head Arturo D'Elia's involvement in the US Election hacking case. Sorry. The information wasconfirmedby former United States National Security Advisor General Flynn for which his account was banned by Twitter. I cant play the video of the interview. heres a detailed analysis of the official numbers: 605.313.0163 Leonardo said on Dec. 5 that it was the injured party and that it had first reported the hacking, adding it would continue to cooperate fully with the police. Here's the video of the attorney, Alfio D'Urso, reading his statement, in somewhat broken English. T-Mobile: 605-781-4582 Google Translate version of Italian Report. This international conspiracy must be met with swift action by the President and be fully supported by elected officials for the protection of voting integrity and the prosperity of our great nation.. Anarchogeosim = challenging unjust authority by taxing uncreated wealth + UBI/(insert preference). Asked about the details in the court document, Leonardo repeated that classified, strategic information was notheld on the computers that were violated. DElia, who at the time of the alleged crime was aconsultant for a small IT company called Open eSSe, was sent to Pomigliano as an incident handler to help police at the endof 2017 while working with Leonardos cybersecurity team. ), Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of ones life. Says His Brother Was Somehow in Charge of US Capitol Riots (VIDEO). Debbie Georgatos of America Can We Talk? Leonardo hack targeted commercial, military component unit - police The inquiry, which is ongoing, was undertaken by Italian polices cybercrime divisions in Rome and Naples and Naples prosecutors. READ AND RETWEET! Get Free Insurance Industry News Updates Delivered to Your Email! Affidavit from Arturo D'Elia claims D'Elia "under the instruction and direction of persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US election of 3 November 2020 from a significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden [. This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. Italian IT Expert Confessed to Voter Fraud in November 3rd Election. Data Theft at Defense Firm Leonardo Targeted Details of Military Recent reports of a hack at Leonardo now appear to have been an orchestrated cover to mitigate blowback on the corporation which is partially owned by the Italian government.Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnered with the Institute of Good Governance to thoroughly investigate and research the election irregularities which yielded the long-awaited proof that a flawless plot to take down America was executed with extraordinary resources and global involvement. In the 108-page warrant seen by Reuters, the judge leading the preliminary inquiry cites evidence that one of the computers which was hacked belonged to a Leonardo technician who worked on the electronic system of the nEUROn, an experimental unmanned military aircraft which was designed in 2012 under a European defense program led by France. The Democrats in collusion with many Republican lawmakers and propaganda media mobs succeeded in stealing the 2020 election and certifying fraudulent elector votes, with huge help from Vice President Mike Pence, to certify Joe Biden as the next American President. Republic Broadcasting Network Italian Lawyer Alfio D'Urso Presents Its a BitChute video and sometimes these vids take a moment to play. Its the election data including votes of each candidates. And mostly the ones doing something about the evidence are dems and msmkeeping it hidden. "D'Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in . Now Some Insurers Say its Retroactive, Harford Mutual Insurance Group Announces Merger Plan with ClearPath Mutual, Alabama Insurance Agent Charged with $600,000 in Fraud, Elder Exploitation. Call Me, Maybe? Leonardo does notstore top secret military data at the groups plant in Pomigliano dArco, near Naples. and to pay forward the below video, as well as to read the attached report and sworn affidavit, that is, before its entirety goes down the . ]" Source This is not it. . This universe is designed around the pattern of the Divine Mother. Is it a blockbuster? Apparently it is for a different subject. Arturo DElia was arrested today 7 December 2020 as part of an investigation by the cybercrime pool of the Naples Public Prosecutors Office (prosecutor Onorati, Cozza, deputy prosecutor Piscitelli) for which today the investigating judge ordered the prison. Listen Live - RBN Streams and Phone Lines, CRT IN ACTION: CCTV Captures White Children Being Rounded Up By Black Children at Ohio School, Then Forced to Kneel and Pledge to BLM before Being Assaulted (VIDEO), Pentagon Inspector General: Joe Biden is Hiding Classified Documents Detailing Side Deals He Made with Taliban and Against US Troops, NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth, Pfizer Unable To Finish Press Conference As Spokespeople Keep Collapsing, Excess Deaths Among Young Adults Soar to Record High, Alfio DUrso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardos Security Head Arturo DElias involvement in the US Election hacking, Italian Defense contractor Leonardo SpA whose satellited were used in US Election hacking, Italian defense contractor Leonardo satellites were used in 2020 US Election hacking, glitch in Dominion Voting machines during the election, HUGE! arturo d'elia affidavit - Another issue is the affidavits construction. According to the investigators of the C.n.a.i.p.i.c. How would any restating of the data by someone in a foreign country have any effect on the actual votes? Information is Light. Some Dego-Guinnea Wop Goombah has no standing before any court in the U.S. is the second fact. A bombshell? Perhaps the worst part is how quickly this theory took root among some Trump supporters. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. Advocate-lawyer Alfio D'Urso has stated online in an affidavit that a former IT department head from the Italian aerospace company Leonardo SpA has been charged in connection with the election rigging operation overseen by the US Embassy in Italy. Whats needed is someone to do something about the evidence. Leonardo does not store top secret military data at the groups plant in Pomigliano dArco, near Naples. An alleged affidavit attached to the urgent release asserts D'Elia, who they claim is Leonardo SpA's IT director, worked within the defense contractor's Pescara firm in some sort of global plot . Dont see any mention of elections in that. When they say data, it means votes included. Proof: This Man & His Co-Conspirators Executed the Steal The operation to recalibrate the hacking attack took place through Leonardo servers and after this switching of numbers the new manipulated data was sent back to the Dominion voting machines in the US. Anarchy = challenging unjust authority. DElia, who at the time of the alleged crime was a consultant for a small IT company called Open eSSe, was sent to Pomigliano as an incident handler to help police at the end of 2017 while working with Leonardos cybersecurity team. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. DElia is not the head of Leonardo SpAs IT department. All Rights Reserved. This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. This was done in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. if so.where? Click HEREto view the General Affidavit. Geoism = taxing uncreated wealth + UBI/(insert preference). Thanks for the insight! Our Privacy Policy has been updated to support the latest regulations. According to Professor DUrso, Arturo DElia, former head of the IT department, the Chief Technology Officer of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the Public Prosecutor of Naples. Charges include the implementation of viruses in the main computers belonging to Leonard SpA during December, 2020. The hacker is accused of having stolen an enormous amount of data (about 10 gigabytes of data) and classified information of significant business and military value in the aerospace and aircraft division of Leonardo Spa and of having cleverly hidden the gravity of the facts. Exclusive: Leonardo hack targeted military plane details, arrest Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliffs report of international intrusion, Arturo Delio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. 1. Details of the parts of Leonardos business that the hacker allegedly targeted have not been reported before. Leonardo SpA promised classified or strategic data wasnt compromised and that they were cooperating in the probe. Asked about the details in the court document, Leonardo repeated that classified, strategic information was not held on the computers that were violated. New Right Network depends on your support. You NEED To Hear This Latest update From Mark Taylor! WHENhistory is written, this moment in time will stand out as pivotal. Arturo DElia signed an affidavit admitting to switching data from the November 3 US presidential elections from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.. Investigative journalist Lara Loganposted a photo of an affidavit signed by lawyer Alfio DUrso detailing DElias sworn testimony. Affadavit of Arturo D'Elia Acknowledging Election Fraud It vows the arrested worker is willing to provide a copy of the original data and data switched as long as he receives protection from Italian prosecutors. posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its On 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, [DElia]undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote total, the affidavit circumstantiated. Italian IT Expert Confessed to Voter Fraud in November 3rd Election The warrant does not say whether the hacker was acting independently or at the behest of others, or the goal of the alleged activity. Sometimes a loss is just a loss. Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. I mention that above. Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe confirmed that - NewsCetera Affadavit of Arturo D'Elia Acknowledging Election Fraud May 4, 2021 by Steve Beckow Arturo D'Elia was former IT head of Leonardo SpA in Italy. "It was time for [Italy] to repay [WWII] by saving America.". Leonardo's involvement in US Election Hacking - GreatGameIndia Source: Great Game India Italian Supreme Court lawyer Professor Alfio D'Urso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardo's Security Head Arturo D'Elia's involvement in the US Election hacking case. Right, which means this person has a history of criminal hacking. The defendant is willing to testify to the indicated individuals entities of the fact that the votes were switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. The professor stated that DElia is receiving protection for himself and his family and has been brought to an undisclosed location. D'Elia, who at the time of the alleged crime was aconsultant for a small IT company called Open eSSe, was sent to Pomigliano as an "incident handler" to help police at the endof 2017 while. Its just odd to propagate this sort of idea without an overlying motive. DElia had managed to introduce USB pen drives with a newly engineered Trojan on 94 workstations, 33 of which in the company plant in Pomigliano dArco. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliffs report of international intrusion, Arturo Delio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy. . It also claims to focus on organizational design, appraisal interviews, and Drafting Effective Jobs Descriptions. Not exactly a group focused on exposing election fraud. Why the Fing Itailians? I know. What data you think they are talking about? And yet, the Democratic scumbags of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the Deep State, etc have . Nations In Action, a government transparency organization, partnered with the Institute of Good Governance to thoroughly investigate and research the election irregularities which yielded the long-awaited proof that a flawless plot to take down America was executed with extraordinary resources and global involvement. According to Professor D'Urso, "Arturo D'Elia, former head of the IT department, the Chief Technology Officer of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the Public Prosecutor of Naples." Arturo DElia is a real person, formerly worked with Leonardo SpA, and under arrest in Italy on hacking accusations. Yeah, I know. Confession - Affidavit of Arturo D'Elia who Hacked the 2020 U.S The latest conspiracy theory regarding fraud during the 2020 election involves a claim an Italian-based defense firm switched votes from soon-to-be ex-President Donald Trump to President-elect Joe Biden. The story broke on Twitter, and was covered by the NOQ Report: Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Those domestic terrorist thugs masqueraded as MAGA supporters and along with, sadly, p Something novel at the Pentagon. Evidence of the data regarding the switched votes is being secured for the purpose of providing the evidence in court. He is talking about changing massive amounts of data the votes are part of that data packets. Priscila D'ELIA | Cited by 27 | of Santa Casa de So Paulo, So Paulo | Read 1 publication | Contact Priscila D'ELIA

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