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Written by on July 7, 2022

Cath The alleged knee touching allegation aimed at Salmond proved to be false much like many of the criminal accusations. But at least now youve seen it for yourself. Im knackered just reading about it. He cannot be seriously expecting us to believe that being the head of COPFS and his neck on the line on this that he did not scrutinised that letter in detail before it was handed over to the committee. As the first from a working-class housing scheme in Edinburgh to go to university, Grahame found herself burdened by the feeling she didnt fit in and, she believes, underachieved as a result. The thread hands up if youre totally corrupt, wasnt a license to talk about the alphabet women. What other job is she qualified for? She has been an MSP since the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999, and has. So hasnt he just said something that will aid jigsaw identification for a lot more people who dont follow Wings or Craig Murray? How can this man stand in parliament and say that the COPFS has redacted the evidence in the interest of the public when it is in the interest of the public to know who abused their position of power, who breached codes of conduct and who contributed to the waste of millions of pounds in an unlawful procedure and the damage limitation exercise that followed? Mr Salmond seeks an injunction and a judicial review to protect his reputation. The work of Tommy H- Those who continue to shout wheesht for indy, or that there is nothing to see here, or that it is all Salmond and Cherrys fault, have lost all sense of critical faculty and moral compass. 2002, B.S. OT It is clear she holds the bipartisan character of the committee system in high regard often very different from the tribal jostling that FMQs gives rise to while drawing a clear distinction between her roles as a convener and backbencher. James Caithness says: Craig Murray should just wire 25 large ones to James matthews because he quite clearly has the aberdein statement, or possibly even an interview lined up. I said a few blog posts back the truth will out. Date lodged: Monday, February 27, 2023, Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Ivan McKee, Lorna Slater, John Swinney Is Lord Wolffe incompetent, I have no idea. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. He was determined not to give the game away. Not enough to make it disappear and for us all to forget anyway. It seems to me that Scots law is incompatible with One Nation Britain and will have to be got rid of at some point. In 2005 Christine Grahame MSP (an for the SNP) was allegedly shaggging a married Tory MSP and nodding her head saying yes to a different sort of question. Christine Graham - People Directory - 200 Results for Christine Graham Please use the search above if you cannot find the record you require. Whoever from COPFS did this is either a loose cannon or not too bothered / doesnt feel the need about getting the Lord Advocates permission or input. This is very serious. It is interesting that he has been called back at all. Another way, lets put it like that. I watched the whole thing live. Incidentally, in his interview with Mark McNaught recently Craig Murray identified a former MI5 agent working at the Crown Office. The only thing too wee too poor and too stupid about our country, it seems, is the bulk of the political class in it. Has Scotland or anywhere else ever jailed a Lord Advocate ? Billions for English Flood Defences It seems to be disappearing. They will be told how she needs their support. Liam Fox might have added that if even part of what Salmond says is true, Sturgeon can expect to face criminal charges. The Lord Advocate: After graduating, Grahame worked as an English teacher in secondary schools. As Rev suggested, there was this man who is allegedly an expert in court, always on his brief and quick with his digging for the truth (maybe). Tom Arthur was definitely a plant there to bolster the flagging Lord Advocate, did I hear right that the Lord Advocate, said it was up to the committee to make the final decision on Salmonds evidence, and all that his office was concerned with is contempt. Looking back now I see it was much more of an investment. last 24 hours and why has the daily Death total today still higher than She has served on the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body since May 2021.[1]. Even at age nine, Christine Grahame didnt stay silent for long when she deemed something was wrong. Top of the News. Odd, that MSPs of a Holyrood Parliament can meekly accept flannel when the gravest of questions require to be answered? So there are a few bloggers dropping hints now. It beggars belief. Billions on Dud Track and Trace The press are already waiting anxiously. Blimy OReilly! [21], A few days after the dropping of Megrahi's appeal against conviction and his release on compassionate grounds on 20 August 2009, Grahame wrote an op-ed article for The Independent saying she is convinced of his innocence: "He is not a saint, of course he had a history with Libyan intelligence but his hands are clean over Lockerbie."[22]. Surely that would have sunk his boat instead of asking questions that have an infinite get out Claus. Whatever the outcome of Evil Queen Nic v Honest Scot Alex, surely the Yoons are going to play on this for a long, long time afterwards. With that said, if the committee or SPCB go to Lady Dorrian/High Court with all of the evicence (which it may or may not get from the Clown Office) and has the judge give opinion on their lawfulness in respect of the criminal trials anonimity order, then that would clear the way for all of this evidence to be published to the inquiry, evidence which is being witheld & buried by the corrupt Clown Office, Clown Agent and the biggest clown of them all the Lord Advocate. I think the events of today have proven my point. We should expect those in whom we have placed our trust to protect above all else the 'constitution' and the structures that protect us from tyranny. Thanks again, Al-Stuart for cutting through the usual crap and exposing a poor wee lassie with problems as being another chancer in the SNP premier league. A week or two at the tops @jeggit Jason Michael. In 2011, she was elected MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale. The encouraging thing was that Ruth Davidson called for a judge-led criminal inquiry in to this shambolic affair. Shes beneath contempt. Nobody had the gumption to ask about the professionalism professional prosecutors who mount malicious prosecutions by their own admission and political prosecutions by any objective estimation. If she goes he goes. One development, though, in her view, is less positive. My concern is we want cases that get to court and have a chance of success., Given the Lord Bonomy review into additional safeguards is not expected to report until early 2015, can anything possibly assuage her concerns between now and the Bill going before the chamber at Stage 3? It has not sought, and will not seek, to limit the evidence that the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints may have available to it or to interfere with the work of that committee. Twitter. He knows too much and sky are quite happy to run with it, drip feeding it over the last month or so. In the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame held the seat, increasing her share of the vote to 45.1%. If Aberdeins evidence is made public Liz Lloyd is either going to have to take a fall to protect her boss or turn on Sturgeon to protect her career. Why have you come to this decision? Lady Dorrian is going to be extremely miffed when yet again a case appears before her on the exact same issues as the other week brought by the Spectator. I know. Someone above quoted Alex Salmond on how he was basically saved by the Court of Session and the High Court. Text relay calls welcome. Education. Was this man given parliamentary privilege meaning that he could effectively be lying and never risk contempt of parliament? Christine Grahame | Scottish Parliament Website It is like a sausage machine, whichever government it is. In line with our commitment to be Net Zero Carbon by 2030, Ford will become the Billions on the Brexit divorce settlement Until he commented that the section had been redacted to protect complainers. Thank you. Following the 2016 election, she was elected as Deputy Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, serving alongside Linda Fabiani MSP. Although it was undoubtedly a skirmish, we can tell that neither Sturgeon or Wolffe are confident. But a portent of what is to surely follow and I hope that soon, both will be talking to Salmond. What are Christine M. Graham's areas of care? You can get involved with the Scottish Parliament by joining a Cross-party group, submitting a petition, lobbying or exploring our education resources. They look at each other and ask .Do you think there might be any others?. The murk and muck is really getting to me now and I am having difficulty maintaining politeness for those who still defend the entire mess. Christine Grahame MSP (@CGrahameMSP) / Twitter [24] In July 2009, Grahame snubbed Elizabeth II by checking her e-mails rather than attending the royal speech at Holyrood to mark the tenth anniversary of Scottish devolution. Millions for those unable to export because of Brexit MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale (Constituency) 2011 - present day, Former MSP for South of Scotland (Region) 1999 - 2011, The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP. Her maternal grandfather was Welsh. For a little over eight minutes, the Lord Advocate was allowed to ignore and avoid a series of questions put to him regarding the abjectly corrupt Crown Offices recent interference with the work of the Fabiani inquiry by redacting evidence which in no way identified anyone as a complainer in the trial of Alex Salmond. After her visit, she told the press: "I found it quite upsetting. Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 84 for, 4 against, 30 abstained, 11 did not vote, See all of Christine Grahame votes in Parliament. I have been privileged to represent the people of Midlothian and the Borders for 22 years in the Scottish Parliament. So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? I have often wondered if she suffers from a form of Parkinsons? full marks to Jackie Baillie for making him look shifty and evasive, Well done Jackie you are wasted in the Labour party, Ian Spruce says: The second best result is Christine Anne Graham age 50s in Brighton, MI. (More), Stats: Unbelievable though, the biggest gig in town and the big cheese doesnt know or control whos doing what or when. Wolffesstuttering, breathless performance, constantly licking his lips like a nervous lizard, had all the convincing character of a small child with a chocolate-smeared face denying any involvement in a half-eaten Black Forest Gateau a surprising trait in a senior QC used to presenting cases in serious criminal trials. another pearl of wisdom SNP 1 and 2 Aye thats worked so eh far anything else , oh yeh forget everything we have seen and heard over the last year or so forget it even happened, forget Nicola Sturgeon stood up in Holyrood and said I will cooperate fully and comply with every requirement and request from this committee everything will be given to them in order for them to successfully complete their work . In the criminal trial, Ms Hs testimony was trashed because two defence witnesses testified that she wasnt at the dinner, after which the alleged offence took place. Another shite performance under what can only be described as polite questioning .I hope that someone wasnt paid public money to coach him Trending videos Doctors and patients discuss the latest medical treatments and health tips Drugs A-Z Search prescription drugs for why they're used, side effects and more. Deputy Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Depute Leader of the Scottish National Party, "BBC NEWS | Election 2007 | Scottish Parliament | Election Result: South of Scotland", "Election 2011 Scotland Midlothian South, Tweeddale & Lauderdale", "Ken Macintosh chosen as Holyrood presiding officer", "MSPs: Cross-Party Groups: Animal Welfare", "North-east MSP gains new role in Scottish Parliament", "Lewis Macdonald elected temporary Deputy Presiding Officer", "Midlothian MSP takes a trip on new railway", "SNP councillors and MSP embroiled in feud over Great Tapestry of Scotland", "Great Tapestry of Scotland's Tweedbank business case examined", "Borders councillors being advised to pick Galashiels to host Great Tapestry of Scotland", "Council ditches Tweedbank to give Gala the Great Tapestry", "Christine Grahame: Al-Megrahi is home. Christine Grahame - Executive Assistant - Taconic Capital Advisors Everybody knows. They make an initial statement on becoming or being returned as an MSP. Not only does the trust in the Scottish government, but also the trust in parliament and more importantly for the British state, the trust in the crown that sponsors COPFS and the lord advocate, is at stake here., So wild guess as to Jeggitss next best thing to independence. I thought Id kept it but in my technophobe world I hadnt. Using her married name, Christine Creech, she was the SNP candidate at the 1992 General Election for Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale. After reading many explanations about my comments about the member, Christine Grahame, sitting behind the LAs shoulder, I sincerely apologise for my comment. Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? And one post in particular seems to suggest that she is no shrinking violet. She later divorced and reverted to her maiden name. We appear to be living in a Sturgeonian dystopia where her popularity insulates her from scrutiny. Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale Constituency. Yup. (In 2007 Alex Salmondde-politicised the post and excluded the then-Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini, from Cabinet meetings. The whole thing is about to blow up soon and more than the rest he knows things have gone beyond the option of just resigning in disgrace. ensure that the conduct of the Scottish Government does not bring politics in the whole of the United Kingdom into international disrepute.. In the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, Grahame won the redrawn seat of Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, defeating former Liberal Democrat finance spokesman Jeremy Purvis. Dont forget this guys responsible for several failed malicious (declared so by a judge) prosecutions which cost this country millions. Ireland to offer all Scots (for some definition of Scot) Irish citizenship? But honestly still have no idea how this is all going to end (yet). Its the current manifestation of Scottish government thats the problem here, not so much the Scottish Parliament as an institution. Christine Graham - Building Manager - California State - LinkedIn It is the latter that has caused most division within and outwith parliament. Date lodged: Tuesday, February 28, 2023, Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 55 for, 64 against, 0 abstained, 10 did not vote, Submitted by: Paul O'Kane, West Scotland, Scottish Labour. Is this the one we know about, from Lady Dorrian? Find out what motions Christine Grahame has submitted recently. This rhetoric is devastating for womens trust in reporting sexual harrassment + abuse. Im sure Mzzzzzz Sturgeon would agree. This site requires JavaScript for certain functions and interactions to work. Pull your head in guys & gals. At 76, Christine Grahame has become the oldest MSP ever to be elected to Holyrood,winning 19,807 votes. More to the point, it reveals a darker side of the matter and conspiracy is too light a description. Christine Grahame. Meanwhile Ms 1 has quietly slipped away. Find doctors by specialty. Dr Milne was the natural. Source: Submitted by: Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Glasgow, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Under the public interest defence? Has she felt other parties have tried to capitalise on it? Stuthe reason it was so short is because everyone in the chamber recognized bullshitters when they see them. Im not prepared to make any commitment just now until I see what happens up and through Stage 2 When we were talking about corroboration before we even had the legislation, I said the jury is out to use that awful expression Im not convinced. Christine Grahame is a hypocrite of the first order given her alleged sexual peccadilloes causing a married man to lose his job (okay he was a Tory and some say all is fair in love and war). She cannot help it and it is difficult to treat. Because I know there are people in the Labour Party who support the abolition, for instance, of mandatory corroboration, I know it, but they wont speak out. Someone mentioned a few weeks ago that the Electoral Commission had a registration for a new party in Scotland, but nobody seemed to know who was behind it..I forget the name that was used.. @Brian Doonthetoon says: 24 February, 2021 at 9:43 pm. In 1984, she graduated from the Edinburgh University again, but this time with a Bachelor of Laws degree. I was just getting into the whole Come to Ghana thing from the Ghana tourism authority on twitter, then this kinda threw me: Who was the Wee Nodding Donkey sitting over the Lord Advocates right shoulder and confirming everything that yon bloke was saying? that`s $65,000,000 going south every day. When I did my first Summary-only court cases in Wales 40-odd years ago I was told; I suppose we shouldnt be surprised but its still a shock to find ourselves in this situation. analysis, corruption, disturbing, investigation, scottish politics, video Politicians speak words as nebulous as candy floss as people greedily consume them. She often sits behind NS or others and is often in the camera shot. Is there a country with a Government and Judiciary that actually work going spare? Christine Graham. ", See all of Christine Grahame's questions submitted in Parliament, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Animal Welfare, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Gardening and Horticulture, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Older People, Age and Ageing, Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee, Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland Amendment Bill Committee, Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Bill Committee. Wings Over Scotland | Contempt of democracy Come home Agent Sturgeon, your job is dome, signed your bosses at MI5. With such history of sexually impropriety, Christine Graham is seen there nodding in agreement to slithery Wolffe licking his lips with body language that give much away in the effort to stitch-up Alex Salmond AGAIN. At Westminster, its normal to have some backbenchers, particularly ex-Cabinet ministers who become real bombshells when thrown, so I think it is very important to do that. Murrell is probably in debt up to his eyeballs. THE UK Government has announced plans to spend millions on projects across Scotland by working directly with local authorities.. Wonder if he made a mistake there somehow. Watch the bit of the briefing again and youll see what I mean. I have seen the backbenchers being less rebellious over the 15 years across all parties, absolutely. She held the position alongside Linda Fabiani from 2016 until 2021. Billions on Englands High Speed Railway Moochie Welch - Bottom half crushed against a wall . [19] In May 2009, Grahame visited Megrahi, in Greenock jail. Ive tried to see the issue from all sides. Im sure he can throw money about and just mark it down as Covid Costs. We know this because this is what she said to the court. She announces that the report will be put on the record, meaning it is available under FOI And remember, people even politicians are people have busy lives too. So she makes a charge of sexual harassment, just so that it is on the record for vetting purposes. Theyre presumably not talking to Salmond at this stage, just about him. Listen, if Murrell nationalised Scotlands oil, all the profits would be spent on fucking legal fees. Just in time for the May Elections we all saw that coming didnt we???? Please dont hesitate to get in touch with me whether you have an issue, a question or even a suggestion you would like to put to me. They will be told harrowing tales about Ms 1. what a shifty cunt he licks his lips like a serial killer in a movie. Your kind is extinct. Are your links related to the cryptic Twitter message others have linked to, in which a chap called Jason Michael says something very big is about to happen in Scottish politics? It is my understanding that the current Loard Advocate apologised for the Malicious Prosecutions fiasco, even though he inhereted the mess from the previous Lord Advocate, who got promoted for it, or something like that! Is one supposed to give a free-pass to people with *alleged* difficulties, and yet those same people seem to waltz through life, and lifes challenges/social challenges without let or hinder? You are outside of history. There now seem to be many comments supporting my nodding donkey first thoughts. And I know why [it happened], hes worked very hard on this, everybody has a moment when they get carried away. Christine Graham - Address & Phone Number | Whitepages Does this mean that COPFS has been chancing their arm with that letter hoping Fabiani and co would be intimidated by it and remove the publication? He said he saw the letter after it was composed. A woman who faked a pregnancy after a one-night stand has been sentenced to community service. Did he also said that is really for the Committee to make the decision about what to publish, or did I just imagine it? Here is the register for Christine Grahame. She, like most, still lack the introspection to acknowledge this empirical @1inthree fact (links within the piece). If you look at our work programme, its all legislation. There we have it ladies and gentlemen and all in between. 6 High Street Previous roles in cross-party groups are not included in this list. Here endeth the lesson, let those who have ears and not one eye on their next career move, hear. 24 February, 2021 at 9:12 pm It takes neck of a particularly dodgy brass to claim the COPFS is formed by professionals when he was forced recently to tender an apology (although many thought it should be his resignation) because those professionals have costed us tens of millions of pounds in malicious prosecutions. A Bill that is introduced in the Scottish Parliament is scrutinised and debated by MSPs. She is also ranked in the richest person list from England. Ms 2 and Ms 3. AYRSHIRE ROB think for five minutes, before you start typing. Really? Jeez, what a farce! Rumour of good news imminent on Twitter anyone got anything concrete?? How can he have not been near it? [17], However, Grahame's position was eventually vindicated, with the council recommending Galashiels as the preferred site in December 2016 stating "Galashiels offers the greatest potential to provide a world class attraction which will make a significant contribution to the Borders economy.[18], Grahame has been outspoken in her view that the conviction of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing is unsafe and represents a miscarriage of justice. So, was he basically telling us that the only interest the COPFS ever had in all this was to mutilate Mr Salmonds and Aberdeins evidence to stop the public knowing that Sturgeon breached the ministerial code? At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. Select this result to view Christine M Graham's phone number, address, and more. Guilty Fool takes sovereign nation for idiots! Well. I know that that msp has a medical issue which causes head tremors. So *was* Geoff a complainant? He testifies that he was contacted subsequently by Liz Lloyd to amend a press statement to hide the knowledge of the allegations against Salmond in March 2018. Christine Graham - Occupational Therapist in Raleigh, NC - Healthgrades Have some respect & consideration for Stuart. Oh dear, I do not know what to say regarding my previous comment about Christine Grahame., Scotland also has the highest proportion of probationers under supervision for offences against persons in all of Europe., The number of people in prison is predicted by the Ministry of Justice to rise further, as sentence lengths and custody rates continue to increase.. SNP government try to bleed him dry. I have absolutely no faith in Scotlands prosecution service. This episode is far from over. Walter James Wolffe, Her Majestys Advocate, known as the Lord Advocate, Alison Di Rollo, Solicitor General for Scotland, Who else is in the frame as a seniur profesional prosecutor apart from the now notorious, and named by Jackie Bailey, OK, Brian Doonthetoon She passes the dossier to the police, who refuse it. Very badly reported as Salmond v Sturgeon of course. I note that the Lord Advocate did not answer any of my previous questions. So we have to get our message out in those terms. In the 1994 European Parliament election, she contested the South of Scotland constituency, again unsuccessfully. That the COPFS only intention on this was to protect the identity of the accuser is simply not credible. He previously served from 2011 to 2016 as Lord Advocate, one of the Great Officers of State of Scotland and the countrys chief Law Officer, and as Solicitor General, the junior Law Officer.[3]. Jackie Baillie: Bring it on. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I mean that seriously. Pertinent questions are starved before birth. Her first name is "Christine" and her last name is . A fishing expedition ensues. Please dont hesitate to get in touch with me whether you have an issue, a question or even a suggestion you would like to put to me. aLurker says: Starts to make sense why Lloyd has been prevented from giving testimony under oath. Scottish lawyers affiliated to Scotgov are indeed bent. Brian Doonthetoon says: Although she finished second in the constituency vote, she was elected on the SNP's South of Scotland regional list. In the background Liam Fox and the Tories are talking about intervening. Because if there is only one court order for anonymity, Wolffes non-answers make no sense. Following his discussion from his legal team, AS is a smart, knowledgeable & courageous man. 24 February, 2021 at 5:55 pm, Im wondering if there is any other link between Nicolas office and the copfs which would allow Lord Wolffe to say I didnt touch it. Family Medicine . Christine D. Graham, M.D. I dont know about you folks but these days Alex Salmond dignity is clear to see. What did she do with those two genuine complainants, those two slices of reality about which to burnish her poison? We know the media works on Salmond v Sturgeon, and it aint gonna change. The reason being that while we are understandably nervous it detracts from the message. Its bubbling up. The lines are being drawn up: on their side are the Sturgeonista loyalists, the sophomiric woke Wahhabis, the grey suited Charlotte Street SPADs and those dependent on the SNP for funding for their quango or the prospect of sinecures as long as they remain on message. Bythe end, hed left nobody any the wiser. Grahame joined the Scottish National Party in 1970. Isnt that what lady Dorian said too?

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