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Written by on July 7, 2022
Examples of designated authorities are embassies, ministries, courts or (local) governments. Such a certification is called an apostille (French: certification). U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau This procedure is the last option which an individual has for authenticating documents. They need to pass an exam organised by the Hong Kong Society of Notaries. A country's designated authority issues this certificatethat works as a proof of authentication. Individuals who arrive more than 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time will not be permitted entry until their scheduled appointment time. The Notarization Law of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the 17th meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on August 28, 2005, is hereby promulgated and shall go into effect as of March 1, 2006. Notarize a document from Hong Kong in a matter of minutes. Support Members notary public. same-day service for simple documents and witnessing. Masters Clerks Office (Apostille Service Office). Contact usif you have any questions about the services we provide or if you are in need of specialized assistance for a particular issue. Are you a website owner? Take a second to understand what online notarization is, and the legality of online notarization for US citizens living or traveling abroad. These are the most common types of notarization which a person might require depending on the situation. In most cases, a Hong Kong Notary Public is sufficient, but there are some exceptions. Unfortunately we cannot perform a Medallion Signature Guarantee, which is a special type of signature acknowledgement sometimes required for the exchange of securities. We also serve as an Apostille (under the Hague Convention) and Legalisation agents. a current member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries. For non-Hong Kong documents and certificates, you may go through legalization (please see section 4 below) for them to be used and accepted by China authorities. The above is exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Fast Response Enquiry. 13 being produced. corporate, commercial or business documents. Requirement for legalization occurs for nations which are not a part of The Hague Convention. Scam Alert: From time to time, the Law Society receives reports on scam websites, emails or other means of communication using bogus law firms or solicitors / foreign lawyers on fake law firm letterheads with false contact details. Notarize is the simpler, smarter, and safer solution to get a notarization from anywhere. For example, in New York City, the Office of Vital Records (which issues, among other things, birth certificates) is not directly recognised by the New York Secretary of State. With our Notary Public appointed by and registered with the High Court of the Hong Kong SAR and being. How to Get it Notarized. Legal Assistance - U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that the document is authentic. A Medallion Signature Guarantee can only be obtained from a participant in one of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved programs, such as a commercial bank, brokerage firm, credit union or savings and loans institutions that are members of the Medallion Stamp Program. Theappointment as notary public in Hong Kongis made once following the review of the Chief Judge (who then issued a certificate of appointment). Simple notary starts with HKD900. Whilst the Law Society has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the entries, it accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this List. passports, marriage certificate, birth certificate, graduation diploma etc, To attest or witness a signature of a contract, verify your signature, When dealing with international business transactions, When buying, selling or mortgaging property abroad, When setting up a business or company abroad. Notary Public. Chow & Cheung Solicitors Notaries As an American citizen living or traveling in Hong Kong, it can be incredibly difficult to find a US notary public that is available when you need them. Not all documents are accepted for Apostille service.Documents accepted for apostille service are broadly classified into the following two categories :Public documents bearing the true signature of an official party such as a Hong Kong SAR Government recognized officer. Reach out and Connect For example, (a) Notary Public - Power of Attorney - Certified true copy (b) Commissioner for Oaths - Declaration Fees Apostille service is provided at a fee of HK$125 per apostille. Processing Time For example, (a) Notary Public - Power of Attorney - Certified true copy (b) Commissioner for Oaths - Declaration. We invite you to watch a video about the role of the notary public: The notary public in Hong Kong can a both prepare and notarize (certify) certain declarations, documents and official acts. On the top is the text APOSTILLE, under which the text Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961 (English: Hague Convention of 5 October 1961) is placed. 2014 EasyCorp Limited. Notarize is the simpler, smarter, and safer solution to get a notarization from anywhere. Our Hong Kong notary public services from easyCorp provides a painless way to obtain authentications by legal institutions. NotaryPublic.Asia - notary, apostille, legalisation Detailed information for visitors traveling to or through Hong Kong is availablehere. A computer, iPhone, or Android phone with audio and video capabilities. 9660-8058 (Call or WhatsApp). For questions about notarial services, please contact the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau via email ( or telephone (2841-2211) from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except public holidays. This is important especially when documents have to be submitted in a foreign country. Notarial Services, notary charges, Notary fees, Tags: By accessing the website of The Law Society of Hong Kong, you will be providing your consent to our use of cookies. A passport or Hong Kong ID card is best. For example,In Hong Kong, the High Court maintains specimen signatures of all notaries public, so documents that have been notarised are eligible for apostilles.Likewise, courts in the Netherlands are eligible of placing an apostille on all municipal civil status documents directly.In some cases, intermediate certifications may be required in the country where the document originates before it will be eligible for an apostille. Skip the hassle of trying to find a US notary public near you, and connect with one of our on-demand 24/7 notaries right now. To be eligible for an apostille, a document must first be issued or certified by an officer recognised by the authority that will issue the apostille. About the Society However, many people often confuse when it comes to Apostille, Notarization, and Legalization. What is the difference between notarization, legalization, and an How to Get a Notarized Minor Travel Consent Form, What Is an Affidavit? Apostille Hong Kong - set up branch offices or subsidiaries of Hong Kong companies in China. Because of the Convention, consular officers are prohibited from authenticating documents in Hong Kong or Macau for use in the United States. Hong Kong Notary Public Addresses and Phone contact Notarization of Power of Attorney for use overseas (outside Hong Kong) : may appoint you as a notary public. What documents do I need to bring for the notarization? We provide a wide range of notarial services, which include the following. Sample Letter of Applying for Registrar's Certificate pdf (15 KB). Ready to get started? Yip, Tse & Tang, Notary Public. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service. U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau +852 2841 2211 +852 2523 9011 (after hours) In this case, the inquiry can be discontinued without a further hearing. Notary Public Hong Kong - Notarization is one of the most standard procedures for authenticating any certificate. bearing the signature of a witness who must be a notary We have 2 full-time notary public, Thomas Tse and Charles Tse (above picture). The fees associated with the notarization of different documents, as well as other procedures undertaken by the notary himself are determined by the Hong Kong notary office and vary. An Affidavit is a sworn statement made by an individual. Collect the Certificate of Appointment after 2 Authentication or legalization is the procedure by which the authority of persons who issue or execute documents in one country may be recognized by another country. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. The Law Society of Hong Kong Annual Report 2021, Conditions of UseSitemapPrivacy PolicyPolicy on Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment. Simple notary starts with HKD900. Moreover, the individual needs to have applied for membership with the Society of Notaries. Office (LG2/F., High Court). bearing the ID Card No of the Experience a contact-free transaction. passport, ID document, address proof, Verify and confirm corporate identity e.g. $25 for one notarization. Make an appointment and arrive at your designated appointment time. Some documents for use overseas may require, Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service, Fast Same-day notary services: easy & fast, Document Types for Notary Public Services. All notarial services are provided by appointment only. We have 3 full-time notaries public. of signatures and nature of the notarisation works, Public Notary Office of People's Republic of China, NotaryPublic.Asia - notary, apostille, legalisation, For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary. 2841-2211(office hours) Please also note that US $100 banknote series 1990 and also series 1914-1990 are no longer accepted. What are the normal charges or fees for a notary public in Hong Kong HK Notary Public Bring the notarial fee of $50 USD or $400 HKD per notarial signature/stamp. The preparation of legal forms is typically the task of an attorney. We can help our clients to have their legal documents notarized and authenticated. We can arrange this. Contact Us. If you're a business, and need to send documents for customers to sign, head on over to the Notarize pricing page for our plans. there were 293 individuals who applied for the examination in 2019; out of the total, 50 individuals passed both papers included in the examination; in 2015 the number of applicants was 240. Accounts Office on LG2/F., High Examples of legal forms are available on-line (PDF 7.55 KB), but please keep in mind that the forms and their purposes can vary widely from one jurisdiction to another. The following notary fees or notarial charges are quoted by the notary public at Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary: Notary provides a wide range of notarial services, which include the following. Take the original motion together with the Registrar's Certificate and all the necessary documents to Room G31, Ground Floor, Clerk of Court's Office, High Court for listing the case to the Designated Judge. Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. Thank you for your message we will be in tough shortly. Notarization, Apostille, and Legalization of a document are essential for all! Notarial fee details: Witnessing of Signature for Statutory Declaration The Consulate-General witnesses signature on Statutory Declaration for use in Singapore. Hong Kong Judiciary - Appointment and Registration as a Notary Public In the numbered fields the following information is added:Country [country name]This public documenthas been signed by [name]acting in the capacity of [function]bears the seal/stamp of [authority]certifiedat [location]the [date]by [name]No [apostille registration number]Seal/stamp [of the authority giving the apostille]Signature [signature of authority giving the apostille]The information can be placed on the (back of the) document itself, or attached to the document as an allonge. Within seven days of the decision to conduct an inquiry the respondent and the applicant are to be informed of the names of the Tribunal members who will oversee the proceedings. Notary Public and CPA Certified Documents in Hong Kong - Startupr What are the services provided by a Hong Kong notary? An original, unsigned document (Don't sign it before uploading! This act proves that any individual who appears before the notary public Hong Kong is the same person who one claims to be and the signature on record matches with the one scripted before the authoritative person. passport, ID document, address proof, Certifying a person's identity and photo likeness, Verify and confirm corporate identity e.g. We encourage you to keep checking the online appointment system if you do not immediately find an open slot. According to the Notary Public Practice Rules, these professionals need to observe a set of good conduct rules. For us to notarize your documents, you must: The U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau can notarize documents for any U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Otherwise, the document must be certified by the foreign ministry of the country where the document originated and then by the foreign ministry of the government where the document will be used; one of the certifications will often be performed at an embassy or consulate. Message for U.S. Citizens: U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau Profit sharing with individuals who do not act as notaries public or solicitors is not permitted in Hong Kong. We know the practice by each of the common consulate-general in Hong Kong and is glad to provide you with our professional advice on that. You may collect the Notaries are very experienced lawyers. Knowledge-Based Authentication, Credential Analysis, and native platform tools to support proper notarial vetting ensure that Notarize is a simpler, smarter, and safer solution. Notarization, Apostille, and Legalization of a document are essential for all! Office with the letter mentioned in Court Registry on LG1/F., High Court. The United States, Hong Kong and Macau are all parties to the Hague Convention. the application is not filled in according to the provisions/it does not comply with the relevant section of the Notaries Public (Practising Certificate) Rules; the applicant has conducted in a manner that is unfit of a notary public; the individual is unfit to act as notary public.