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Written by on July 7, 2022

WebTexas Department of Housing and Community Affairs ESG Program: Examples of Acceptable Documentation for AtRisk of Homelessness Status (Rev. For example, in some areas, you can apply for rental assistance yourself. If youre a landlord, youmay think ofrental assistanceashelp for renters. Research Shows Rental Assistance Reduces Hardship and Provides Grantees should adjust the list of programs to reflect additional programs available in their jurisdiction. SELF ATTESTATION FORM - United States Secretary of the It is clear that the coronavirus pandemic is affecting renters of color differently, exacerbating past inequality, and leading the path to a future of worsening inequality. I was living somewhere else, earlier in the pandemic. If you dont have a signed rental agreement or lease, local programs may accept proof of your address and a written statement about your rent, such as: You may also be able to show your rental payment amount with: If you give a written statement, local programs may require you to certify that you did not receive and dont expect to get help from a different source to cover the same rental costs. Sign Up Regardless of the outcome, having an eviction filed makes it more difficult for an individual to obtain rental housing in the future. Communities of color, disadvantaged from a long history of racism that has undermined their financial stability and housing security, now find their hardships further exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. Journal of Family Issues, 37(7), 921946. For example, if the applicant only checks that they need assistance with gas bills, only additional fields pertaining to the gas bill will be shown. If they do not agree, or if they do not respond within seven days (or within five days, if the program contacts your landlord by phone, text, or e-mail), your local program may be able to give the money to you. The CARES Act required landlords to provide at least a 30-day notice to tenants before filing an evictiona protection that is not set to expire.89 This protection, and other prefiling notice requirements,90 provide tenantswho previously only had a few days notice before court involvement91more time to take the action needed to prevent their eviction or, if an eviction does occur, search for emergency housing. American Journal of Public Health, 97(3), 464469. doi: 10.1002/jcop.21665, Cutts, D. B., Meyers, A. F., Black, M. M., Casey, P. H., Chilton, M., Cook, J. T., & Frank, D. A. Try working with them to create a repayment plan for unpaid rent and resolve any issues related to your lease. Demography, 52(5), 17511772. Including a section on past assistance that was received from other programs can help identify and prevent any overlap in assistance given to the applicant. Beyond moratoriums and court action, invisible or soft evictions continue to occur across the country, with tenants being locked out of their homes56 or having their utilities shut off against local protections,57 which may take a toll on renter confidence in the effectiveness of some legislation. When you apply for emergency rental help, be ready to show an agreement signed by you and your landlord that shows where you live and your rental payment amount. This example shows a way to structure the rent assistance portion of an application. Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Frequently Asked Mia Ives-Rublee, Justin Schweitzer, Michela Zonta, Natasha Murphy, Osub Ahmed, Marina Zhavoronkova. This example shows how in these instances, you can ask for documentation of the rental address and evidence of past rental payments or allow tenants to self-attest. Yes, but only for rent and utility bills charged on or after March 13, 2020, when a national state of emergency was declared. %PDF-1.6 % Housing instability encompasses a number of challenges, such as having trouble paying rent, overcrowding, moving frequently, or spending the bulk of Highlighted within these initial eligibility screens are the practices detailed in "Guidelines for ERA program online applications". Rental assistance cant be used to cover any utilities and home energy costs that your landlord normally pays for. ACF/HUD Letter to Support Collaboration to Prevent and End How stable is stable? (2014). Journal of Negro Education, 72(1), 2238. Receipt due to past Journal of General Internal Medicine, 21(1), 7177. Renters in foreclosure: A fresh look at an ongoing problem. The change in rent could apply to unpaid rent. State and local renter assistance programs, including local moratoriums on evictions, have developed across the country.54 Local moratoriums vary with regard to which stages of the eviction process are halted, from filing to court proceeding to voluntary or forced vacation of a rental unit. Nontribal members living on Tribal lands can receive emergency rental help from a Tribe or Tribally Designated Housing Entity (TDHE), as long as you are not already getting assistance from another Tribe or TDHE, or from a state or local government. Your local program should let you know how their system for prioritizing applications works. At least one member of your household has: Qualified for unemployment or should qualify, Your household income is below a certain amount, based on where you live, At least one member of your household is experiencing housing instability, which means they are at risk of becoming homeless or would have trouble finding a stable place to live. The twelve months of payments can be used to cure arrears and/or pay current housing costs. If they do rely on your written statement, the program you apply to needs to review your household income again every three months to make sure you remain eligible. Office of Housing Stability | A past due utility or rent bill or eviction notice, Proof that you live in unsafe or unhealthy living conditions, or, Other proof that the program asks you for, Proof that you paid utilities for your home or apartment unit (like a water bill), Other paperwork that shows regular rent payments, or, You havent signed or co-signed a mortgage for the property that you are renting-to-own, You havent exercised an option to purchase the property. These laws include bans on camping or sleeping in public spaces or in vehicles; loitering; panhandling, both giving and receiving; public food-sharing, both providing and accepting; and more. U.S. Department of the Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance As frameworks such as those in the BREATHE Act specify, those communities most affected by both past harms and the current pandemic must be included at all levels of policy and decision-making. Beyond these packages, other legislation focused specifically on housing has been introduced, including the Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act,46 the Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act,47 and the Protecting Renters from Evictions and Fees Act.48, In September, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) enacted a national halt on residential evictions for nonpayment of rent,49 which required renters to sign a declaration form stating that they meet certain eligibility criteria.50 This action came with the following CDC acknowledgement: Housing stability helps protect public health because homelessness increases the likelihood that people may move into close quarters in homeless shelters or other settings. Sarnata Reynolds, Caroline Medina, Molly Weston Williamson, Rachael Eisenberg, Brandon Tucker, Hadi Sedigh. The Pandemic Has Exacerbated Housing Instability for Renters of Waters and Oksana Miranova, Addressing the Eviction Epidemic, Community Service Society, September 28, 2017, available at, Deena Greenberg, Carl Gershenson, and Matthew Desmond, Discrimination in Evictions: Empirical Evidence and Legal Challenges,, Teresa Wiltz, A Pileup of Inequities: Why People of Color Are Hit Hardest by Homelessness, The Pew Charitable Trusts, March 29, 2019, available at, National Homelessness Law Center, Racism, Homelessness, and COVID-19, available at, Kim Parker, Juliana Menasce Horowitz, and Anna Brown, About Half of Lower-Income Americans Report Household Job or Wage Loss Due to COVID-19, Pew Research Center, April 21, 2020, available at, Michael Madowitz and Diana Boesch, The Shambolic Response to the Public Health and Economic Crisis Has Women on the Brink as the Hob Recovery Stalls (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2020), available at, Olugbenga Ajilore, The Persistent Black-White Unemployment Gap Is Built into the Labor Market, Center for American Progress, September 28, 2020, available at, Scott Horsley, Overlooked: Asian American Jobless Rate Surges But Few Take Notice, NPR, October 1, 2020, available at, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hospitalization and Death by Race/Ethnicity, available at, Stout, Analysis of Current and Expected Rental Shortfall and Potential Evictions in the U.S. (Washington: National Council of State Housing Agencies, 2020), available at. Any additional program policy decisions could be captured in this checklist, or other parts of the interface, as needed. But many families who do not become homeless face When you apply for emergency rental help, you will be asked to show that your income is eligible and that youre experiencing housing instability. Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020. doi: 10.2307/2137103, Cardoso, M. R. A., Cousens, S. N., de Ges Siqueira, L. F., Alves, F. M., & DAngelo, L. A. V. (2004). The act requires landlords planning to end a tenancy to provide tenants with a Notice of Rights and Resources. HOPWA Program Administration Toolkit (2007). } In 2018, 8,200 fair housing complaints were filed for discrimination based on race or national origin6likely a vast undercount of actual occurrences. Journal of Community Psychology, 42(8), 964979. Published by Articulate Storyline We also have information on emergency resources for tenants. Here's a snapshot of the evidence-based resources related to topics covered in this literature summary. (2009). WebWhen completing a Housing Stabilization Services Eligibility Request, eligibility documentation must be attached. Its always a good idea to talk with your local program. For instance, people who are If your household is eligible for emergency rental assistance, local programs may cover the cost of a hotel or motel room if: If emergency rental assistance is not available to help cover these costs, you can also ask for help under the HUD Emergency Solutions Grant program. Mortgage foreclosure and health disparities: Serial displacement as asset extraction in African American populations. The intention is to help tenants see themselves and/or their situation within the checklist options offered and to avoid asking tenants to provide a narrative. Additionally, people with criminal records continue to face barriers in obtaining rental housing. This term is preferable to Latino, which is not gender-inclusive. Measuring overcrowding in housing. Web(e.g., proof of residence at an eligible rental unit in the absence of a lease/rental/sublease agreement) Financial Impact (e.g., unemployment, reduction in i ncome, significantly increased expenses, or other financial hardship) Housing Impact (e.g., risk of housing instability or homelessness) Income qualification WebMy household is experiencing housing instability due to (please select all options that apply to your households circumstances): Receipt of a rental eviction notice. These example pages can be used by program administrators and staff or vendors in building or modifying ERA applications. If you have overdue rent, the money must go toward rent that you owe, first. WebHousing insecurity can take a number of forms: homelessness; housing cost burden; residential instability; evictions and other forced moves; living with family or friends to Defining and measuring housing stability. dataLayer.push({"event": "signup_submit", "form_detail":"enSubscribeSlideUp"}); In cases where tenants are faced with eviction, investments should be made in further preventive eviction diversion programs. As a result, in addition to filling out the application Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country. If its hard for you to show income or job loss, or if you have a special situation, local programs may let you write out your own statement about your income. APPLICATION REQUIRED DOCUMENTS - Washington, D.C. dataLayer.push({"event": "signup_submit", "form_detail":"enSubscribeFooter"}); The author would like to thank Areeba Haider and Justin Schweitzer for their fact-checking assistance; Alexandra Cawthorne Gaines, Taryn Williams, and the Race and Ethnicity Policy, Economic Policy, Government Affairs, and Executive teams, as well as the Womens Initiative and Poverty to Prosperity Program, for their review; and CAPs Editorial, Art, and Press teams for their guidance. Email However, housing is rarely constructed with multigenerational families in mind, and the supply does not meet the growing demand.13 Latinx, Native American, and Asian individuals, who increasingly live in multigenerational households,14 disproportionately live in overcrowded rental units that are not large enough or are not constructed for larger households.15 A benefit of living in a multigenerational household is that it increases household resources,16 which can serve as a safety net and lift families out of poverty.17 However, without adequate and affordable rental units designed and constructed to fit a range of families needs, the cultural, social, and economic benefits of living in multigenerational households are less available. A study examining data from New York City recently found that evictions increase the likelihood of a person being hospitalized up to two years later and increase the probability of hospitalization to address a mental health condition.63, People who have been evicted are also more likely to apply to stay in shelters, as well as spend more days living in shelters.64 Pacific Islander, Native American, Black, Latinx, and Asian communities already face higher rates of homelessness,65 and once pushed into homelessness, families encounter a pileup of inequities.66 When stable housing is not available, people often confront criminalization due in large measure to anti-homeless legislation.67 They also suffer from food insecurity,68 declines in physical and mental health,69 and further barriers to obtaining future housing.70, Anti-homeless legislation and ordinances are present in 9 out of 10 cities, and their passing and enforcement have been on the rise.71 These laws criminalize specific public behaviors and make it possible to punish people experiencing homelessness who are simply looking to meet their basic needs and may have no other alternatives. Keep copies of important documents like your lease agreement, rent receipts, security deposit receipts, and any written communications with your landlord. , an advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans. Explore guides to help you plan for big financial goals. Starting May 7, 2021, landlords who accept direct payments of future rent are not allowed to evict you for not paying rent during the period covered by the rental assistance. If you meet the requirements, emergency rental assistance is available to help you with housing costs that you cannot afford as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each week, theOffice of Housing Stabilityhosts a virtual legal clinic for small landlords and tenants. (June 24, 2020), available at, Protecting Renters from Evictions and Fees Act of 2020, S. 4097, 116th Cong., 2nd sess. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP), Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery (SIGPR), Budget Request/Annual Performance Plan and Reports, Inspector General Audits and Investigative Reports, Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), The Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund, Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN List), Sanctions Programs and Country Information, Financial Literacy and Education Commission, The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners, U.S.-China Comprehensive Strategic Economic Dialogue (CED), Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Daily Treasury Par Real Yield Curve Rates, Debt Management Overview and Quarterly Refunding Process, U.S International Portfolio Investment Statistics, Report Fraud Related to Government Contracts, Cashing Savings Bonds in Disaster-Declared Areas, Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund, Electronic Federal BenefitPayments - GoDirect, General Property, Vehicles, Vessels & Aircraft. Prevent evictions, July 16, 2019, available at, David Elliot, CDC Agrees: The National Eviction Crisis Is a Public Health Emergency, Coalition on Human Needs, September 2, 2020, available at, National Low Income Housing Coalition, COVID-19 & Housing/Homelessness, available at, National Low Income Housing Coalition, Housing Needs By State, available at, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020, Public Law 136, 116th Cong., 2nd sess. 37.1 million households, including renters and owners, were cost burdened of these, 17.6 million households were severely cost burdened. I am a Tribal member living on non-Tribal lands, or a nontribal member living on Tribal lands. 102 0 obj <> endobj You dont have to be behind on rent to get assistance. Journal of Urban Health, 88(3), 390402. Example screens for ERA program online applications American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible. The Importance of Housing Affordability and Stability Free civil legal aid to low-income people in Boston. When a family is living in Ilhan Omar Introduces Bill to Cancel All Rent and Mortgage Payments During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Press release, April 17, 2020, available at, Emergency Housing Protections and Relief Act of 2020, H.R. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1497.2005.00278.x, Frederick, T.J., Chwalek, M., Hughes, J., Karabanow, J., & Kidd, S. (2014). The federal ERA Program allows local programs to cover rent, utilities, and home energy costs. Association of residential mobility with child health: An analysis of the 2007 National Survey of Childrens Health. A full list of supporters is available, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Can Support Racial Equity in Homeownership and Environmental Justice Efforts, The United States Must Deliver on Equitable Housing Outcomes for All, The ARP Grew the Economy, Reduced Poverty, and Eased Financial Hardship for Millions, Why the United States Must Stay the Course on Ukraine, Paid Leave Policies Must Include Chosen Family, The Killing of Tyre Nichols Must Serve as a Catalyst to Root Out Racial Injustice in Policing, 5 Ways Governors and Mayors Can Leverage Federal Investments. Local programs may be able to help with future rent. We help tenants in housing crisis due to fire, natural disaster, eviction, or condemnation. doi: 10.1257/aer.20150572, Ludwig, J., Sanbonmatsu, L., Gennetian, L., Adam, E., Duncan, G. J., Katz, L. F., & McDade, T. W. (2011). Treasury understands that aspects of these examples will need to be adapted to meet their localized needs and program requirements. V@xYdpYJ8B0T\&t`*PyC" i(8yvL,LLB\,230P4S5c o6?02hs0igHdfpYb^33s0053. The link between neighborhood poverty and health: Context or composition?. @ This additional evidence will facilitate public health efforts to address housing instability as a social determinant of health. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.301945, Manglik S. (2012). }. sky~.:dcUW$P# 8h$oGo-4j$UI Pedc=MG_O[Zuw*TC;@gRR@ OHS is looking for students who share an interestin: Interns with OHS will have the opportunity to learn from staff who are knowledgeable about housing resources for tenants and landlords. Homelessness and housing insecurity among former prisoners. These filings are then reflected negatively on tenants credit reports and public records.59 When a tenant is evicted, loss of housing can fuel cycles of multigenerational poverty.60, Across their lifetime, 1 in 5 Black women are evicted, compared with 1 in 15 white women.61 The threat of eviction is a stressful event with negative health impacts.62 Even if housing is not lost, the eviction process can have negative effects on the health of household members. The Office of Housing Stability's Housing Crisis Case Coordinators can help you deal with the eviction process. Housing instability encompasses a number of challenges, such as having trouble paying rent, overcrowding, moving frequently, or spending the bulk of household income on housing.1,2These experiences may negatively affect physical health and make it harder to access health care.1,3,4This summary will discuss the cost of housing as well as the health effects of substandard housing and forced evictions. Housing subsidies administered by the federal government provide financial assistance to help low-income people pay rent.6,33,34However, households may be on waitlists for several years before receiving assistance.6,18,33Due to limited funds and the large number of households in need, only 26 percent of eligible households received federal housing subsidies in 2013.8Further work is needed to explore potential strategies to reduce housing instability. New England Journal of Medicine, 365(16), 15091519. The state of the nations housing 2014. (2011). Council Considers Bill To Seal Eviction Records, DCist, June 19, 2019, available at, David Thacher, The Rise of Criminal Background Screening in Rental Housing,, Weiss, Housing Access for People with Criminal Records., Reentry and Housing Coalition, Barriers to Housing, available at, Clean Slate Initiative, Home, available at, Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University, Americans Rental Housing 2020 (Cambridge, MA: 2020), available at, Loren Berlin, Using Housing to Fight Discrimination Against People with Disabilities, Urban Institute, April 24, 2019, available at, Guzman and Skow, Multigenerational Housing on the Rise, Fueled by Economic and Social Changes., Elliott Anne Rigsby, Understanding Exclusionary Zoning and Its Impact on Concentrated Poverty, The Century Foundation, June 23, 2016, available at, U.S. Census Bureau, Measuring Household Experiences during the Coronavirus Pandemic, available at. US housing insecurity and the health of very young children, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Use Healthy People 2030 Evidence-Based Resources in Your Work, Social Determinants of Health Literature Summaries, Reduce the proportion of people living in poverty SDOH01, Increase employment in working-age people SDOH02, Reduce the proportion of families that spend more than 30 percent of income on housing SDOH04, Social Determinants of Health: Permanent Supportive Housing with Housing First (Housing First Programs), Social Determinants of Health: Tenant-Based Housing Voucher Programs, New Perspectives on Creating Jobs: Final Impacts of the Next Generation of Subsidized Employment Programs, Strengthening TANF Outcomes By Developing Two-Generation Approaches To Build Economic Security,,,,,,, OASH - Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. doi: 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2011.03.008, H.R.558 - 100th Congress (19871988): Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act. What does emergency rental assistance cover? var subscribe = document.getElementById('enSubscribeFooter'); Mortality among homeless adults in Boston: Shifts in causes of death over a 15-year period. Continues Encampment Cleanups During The Pandemic Despite CDC Guidance, DCist, October 15, 2020, available at, Theresa Clift, Sacramento police still clearing homeless CDC coronavirus guidelines discourage it,, Jakob Rodgers, Sweeps Of Homeless Camps Run Counter To COVID Guidance And Pile On Health Risks, KHN, June 26, 2020, available at, Marisa Westbrook and Tony Robinson, Unhealthy by design: health & safety consequences of the criminalization of homelessness,, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Interim Guidance on People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness., Movement for Black Lives, What Is the BREATHE Act?, available at, Movement for Black Lives, Section 3: Allocating New Money To Build Healthy, Sustainable & Equitable Communities for All People, available at, National Alliance to End Homelessness, The Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response, available at, Executive Office of the President, Executive Order 13950: Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, Press release, September 22, 2020, available at, National Council of Nonprofits, The Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping, available at, U.S. Department of Justice, The Fair Housing Act, available at, National Fair Housing Alliance, Furthering Fair Housing, available at. Some programs offer help with future rent. %%EOF Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science, 647(1), 26899. Housing affordability and health: Evidence from New York City. Allowed Documentation for Housing Stabilization Housing instability and food insecurity as barriers to health care among low-income Americans. (2016). (2013). (2015). Yes. This HEROES package originally included key protections, such as $100 billion in emergency rental assistance, a uniform federal moratorium on evictions, and $11.5 billion in homelessness aidsupports that were responsive to the direct asks of advocates, experts, and critical-need communities. Domestic Violence and Homelessness - HUD Exchange Based on conversations with grantees and tenants, it can be difficult to describe and document financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Wehelpresidents find and maintain stable, safe, and affordable housing. Because of this we've used examples to help tenants identify their experiences. Local emergency rental assistance programs must prioritize applications for renter households with income below 50% of the AMI and households with a worker who has been unemployed for at least 90 days before applying. Including a list of the potential months helps applicants think through each month. to contact us. if(subscribe.checkValidity()) { Web(e.g., proof of residence at an eligible rental unit in the absence of a lease/rental/sublease agreement) Financial Impact (e.g., unemployment, reduction in i ncome, significantly increased expenses, or other financial hardship) Housing Impact (e.g., risk of housing instability or homelessness) Income qualification Long entrenched, racially targeted policies and practices at the local, state, and national levels have led to discriminatory practices and disparities in rental housing.4 The Fair Housing Act (FHA) of 1968 prohibits discrimination against applicants and tenants based on various identities, including race.5 Yet despite the FHA and its amendments, overt and subtle racial discrimination still occurs.

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