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Written by on July 7, 2022
We Were Here Together Review - GameSpew In the carts plant the two yellow fish heads and the green liquid. Each of the stairs refers to a specific symbol. We change the pipes. Head down the stairs and pick up the seeds on the floor by the overturned cart this is for the yellow fish like plant. In one room with a reservoir there are three taps with fluids of three colors: green, orange and purple. We Were Here Together is a co-op indie puzzle game about two people stuck in the arctic who come across a suspicious looking castle and need to figure out puzzles together in order to escape~ I play the role of The Alchemist Spire and Kita plays as The Fallen Sanctuary role :3Here's part 9 (Chapter 9) of our playthrough where we get to where we can make The Soul Stone and sort through a bunch of long words and potions in order to make the last crystal to create the final stone! We Were Here Too [GOOD ENDING / WALKTHROUGH] - Steam Community Player 2 needs to head to the garage and pull the lever -8 and this will give us the desired 6L. Player 2 at the top of the stairs head left and to the compass like console. Here's when you may be able to see two planets 'kiss' in the night sky OX = OIxymurexoris (carrot) Walk up that staircase, ignore the lever and turn right and walk through the open door at the end of this path. Each picture is divided into 4 squares, which the second player can rotate. We made" Player 1 must describe where these paintings are in his room and what the animals in the paintings look like. We Were Here Together: Original Soundtrack $1.99 $6.98 Add all DLC to Cart A new chapter is here! Find the exact match to your painting and place the corresponding tiles underneath your personal painting to solve the puzzle. When you complete the puzzle, you will both earn your respective roles' achievements. In the mixer place a yellow cup and a green bucket pull the lever to get a dark green liquid in a mug. Every game in the We Were Here Series is a standalone co-op adventure - the stories are connected but you don't need to play them in order. Unlocked by Player 1 in Chapter 9. P1 goes down the corridor to the right to the next platform through the blue gate (P2 is still at the lever and can turn it) turns the platform counterclockwise passing to the yellow lever and activate. We Were Here Together - Walkthrough: Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 Solution Head to the mine cart and put the newly harvested plants in the mine cart and hit the lever. There will be a riddle with electric wires. Lost in a frozen wasteland and split up from your partner inside an abandoned castle, the only possession you have left is a walkie-talkie with a familiar voice on the other end. Then, your first challenge is to collect the wheels (aka Valves) that are scattered throughout the cabin. At first, one player can find 4 objects in his room to collect. These are necessary to the installation because it will be necessary to transmit flames of a certain color. Player 1 leave the lift and head down the stairs, get in the mine cart lift and press go up four times. This means a second playthrough from chapter 5 will be needed as the other player as well as an additional 2 playthroughs of chapter 10 so both players get unlock the different endings. Walk through a door on either side to gain access to the stage. The player on the left side goes to the elevator with the mark and rises to the very top and through the roof of the elevator with the pickaxe goes to the elevator with the dinosaur skull. 2. There will be a riddle with electric wires. Crouch through the hole and in the vines are two more pipes. The next puzzle requires you to turn cranks 5-6 times to fully extend props on the stage (just keep turning them until there is no scraping noise), then to press and pull the Scene lever located just to the right of the panel of cranks. Place the t-junction in the first space rotate to connect up, down and right. First, the player in the cave must line up the signs so that a line can be drawn through them. Player 1 head to the green curtain and pull it. Plant these seeds and then pick up another set of these seeds and plant these also. This can also be considered a walkthrough and may be used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam. Walk through the gate and the door ahead will open as you approach. A door will open in the middle of the room and you both will earn your respective roles' achievements. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 5312 0. Player 1 pick up the red and green fuse and take it to coil the to the left of the fuses. One of the paintings does not contain an animal, but a man (the portrait differs from that in the other room). If done correctly a pin will pop out in Player 1s room however operating the wrong crystal will reset the puzzle. This is also not an achievement-based guide. Both Players head into the caves until they reach a gate with a blue gem. Wait for your Lord, and leave the castle! Step onto the second tile, which will bring up a third tile but do not step on it yet. Player 2 head along the corridor and up the stairs. We need a dual-slot. We Were Here is a cooperative first-person puzzle video game developed by Total Mayhem Games from The Netherlands, released for free on February 3, 2017, on Steam for PC. PEASANT: You must direct Lord to move the knight towards the other soldiers on the board protecting the castle. Player 1 walk forward and take the blue gemstone from the door. Player 1: Head back on top of the building and to the antenna monitors. Discuss this walkthrough in its Walkthrough Thread. To solve the puzzle you need to perform the following sequence of actions: After the previous knights, the next riddle will be around the other four knights along the royal throne. You need to extend this slider to the three places marked with a circle (you have not marked them yet). Place the yellow fish head and the plant with three long grapes in the mixer and pull the lever to get the red liquid in a bottle pick it up. We Were Here Together - 100% Achievement Walkthrough - YouTube I will specify when the Librarian is getting instructions as well as putting the specification in bold so it's harder to miss. You need to stop a needle in the green to turn on 3 green lights above the generator to complete this minigame. Head right and place OL into the machine. A player with a picture of a bearded man looking to the left should make up the word ESPIAN. the blue knight in the corridors is facing the blue banner, so the blue knight in the hall must be facing his blue banner too. If you need the secret achievement and. There is a pressure plate and a gate ahead. In this chapter, you both find yourself in rooms that are similar to each other, but there are significant differences. 11.4 509. Valve 1 (square) is right in front and slightly to the right of player 1 as he left his bedroom. Assisted in escaping the Painting Room ..and enjoyed fine arts. @Yoel the player below left a kind comment.? As the Librarian, walk through the room with the table in the center and you will see red pipes leading past a newly opened door in the far corner. Player 2 once the lift has stopped head left go across the first lift you come across, head left and go down the slope. Interact with it. Player 1 head outside and through the wooden gate. Player 1 will press the right button and a radio frequency in blue will appear on their monitor, they now must describe the wave to Player 2 to match the radio pattern by increasing/decreasing the radio-wave size and frequency by using the four arrow buttons in the radio room. In the third space place the straight pipe to connect left and right. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. Both players by this point will unlock The Curse of Castle Rock, The Curse of Castle RockObtained all We Were Here Together trophies, Minor IllusionSolve the puzzles of the Grand Alchemist. First you need to release a friend using the lever that is next to the window. The player must now mentally draw a line starting from the universe. Here are the recipes from another player's room: In the other room can you find all the equipment. If the first player approaches the crystal, and the second ball flashes quickly, it means that it must be activated. Now player two must decide whether to sacrifice themselves or player 1. When you get to the next staircase leading into a new room, follow along the right wall and you will come to an open green gate with a staircase leading down behind it. The player in the corridors runs to the other side and turns the knights lever with the red curtain. Before entering the room make sure Player 2 is ready as this puzzle is on a timer and it is possible to die. Further back is a 5x5 tile puzzle. We Were Here Together __bilibili We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Interact with it to pick it up and begin the first puzzle. It goes along the roof of the elevator with pickaxeto the next elevator with the dinosaur skull. !Keep winning at life! Turn around and walk up the stairs to leave the room. Here are the recipes from another player's room: In the other room can you find all the equipment. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The rooms of two players are connected by rails with trolleys. ReStore e Kettydo+ insieme per il lancio della soluzione - LinkedIn Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a445037105eeee3a417697593f23f1b0" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Another picks up these items and uses them for their intended purpose. The player on the street should pull the lever with the number 7 on both tanks. Pull the switch on the right and you will get the poison. Be care, this riddle is limited in time. Dunno the true answer, but its wrong in this diagram. The rooms of two players are connected by rails with trolleys. Then head to the shelves. They are combined. The left lever moves the left/right and the right lever up/down. , . -We Were Here Together - 3322 Three of the usable settings will play music when lined up correctly, but the 4th one will let you hear a man calling for help, and that is the one you want. The task is to arrange the pipes so that there are no leaks in any of the rooms. So its time to brew a few potions! We Were Here - 100% Full Game Walkthrough - YouTube Player 2 get of the lift and go to the mine cart lift, press up twice.
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