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Written by on July 7, 2022

Secondary Cardholder A person designated by the primary cardholder as eligible to access the person's Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account with a second EBT card and personal identification number (PIN). U.S. Deferred Adjudication A type of probation where the decision for a conviction is postponed until the end of the probationary period. Independent Child A child who does not live with a parent and who is: Independent Living Payments Payments from Title IV-E funds that are distributed by Child Protective Services to certain people when they leave foster care. Parents and Caretaker Relatives Emergency (TA 31), Medically Needy with Spend Down Emergency (TP 32). Negative Management A household has negative management when its reported basic expenses exceed reported net income and resources plus support the HHSC excludes, such as vendor payments. The EDG includes members who are eligible and may include members who are not certified for benefits. Immigrant An alien who abandons residence in a foreign country to live in the U.S. as a permanent resident, for example a lawful permanent resident (LPR). This includes management and medical, at a specified time other than at application or complete action. How do I find my client ID number for food stamps? It is also referred to as spousal support. You'll get the Lone Star Card once you're approved for benefits. a Medical Program Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) household member. Or send an e-mail to: mail@dhs.state.tx.us. Standby List Applicants who are awaiting an interview without a specific appointment. Child support may be: Child Support Disregard The first $75 of the total child support collected in a month that is subtracted before determining TANF eligibility or benefits. Welfare-to-Work A federal program designed to support state and local efforts to move hard-to-employ Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients into unsubsidized jobs and promote their self-sufficiency. Qualified expenses include purchased books, supplies, equipment and other classroom materials. the adult provides more than half of the minor's total support (housing is not considered as support); the adult states that the adult has parental control of the minor; or. These items include housing, utilities, deposits for housing or utilities, food, clothing, and incidentals. Medicaid Supplemental Payment & Directed Payment Programs, Part D, Children's Health Insurance Program, Part F, Former Foster Care in Higher Education, Part M, Medicaid for Transitioning Foster Care Youth, Part X, Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer. Tax Dependent A person who expects to be claimed by someone else as a dependent on a federal income tax return for the taxable year that Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) eligibility is requested. It is when a child lives with both legal parents and both parents are requesting and are eligible for coverage. Call us at 1-800-772-1213 to make an appointment to file your application. ITIN holders pay taxes. Second Chance Home An adult-supervised living arrangement that provides independent living services to teen mothers and their children. Alert A system or user-generated reminder that action needs to be taken on a case or a notification that an action has already taken place. Qualified Hospital (QH) A Medicaid provider that notifies HHSC of its intent to make presumptive eligibility determinations and agrees to make PE determinations per HHSC policies and procedures. Other-Related Temporary Assistance for Needy Families/Medical Program (TANF/MP) Child An eligible child living with a relative other than the child's legal parent. Please look at the permit to find your number. Each original correspondence is given a unique Correspondence ID (identifying number). The functional areas that are available to the user are determined by the user's job title and security role(s). This amount was higher or lower depending on the couple's total income. Additionally, a consumer assistance program can help you file your appeal. lives with another person and they represent themselves to the community as married. Third Party Person or organization outside the certified household. Treat an untimely reapplication the same as an initial application. This guide will explain the different types of . Get help over the phone,from an HHSC benefit officeor community partner. TWC has designated all counties in Texas as Choices counties, and the Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs), after coordination with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) state office, assign a service level designation for each county depending upon services available in that county. Data Broker An online portal used to obtain financial and other background information about applicants and recipients. Citizenship and Immigration Services [USCIS] Form I-864 or I-864-A) on or after Dec. 19, 1997, agreeing to support an alien as a condition of the alien's entry into the U.S. Blue Shield of Texas at 1-800-521-2227 or www.bcbstx.com or contact the Texas Department of Insurance, Consumer Protection at 1-800-252-3439 or www.tdi.texas.gov. SeeCase Mode. Carryover Standby List Applicants from a previous day's standby list who have not been interviewed. Case Visibility Type of YourTexasBenefits.com account given to an applicant who has been through Advanced Authentication so is granted a Case Visibility level account. Keogh An individual retirement account (IRA) for a self-employed individual. SeeEDBC and Driver Flow. Texas Workforce Commission's Unemployment Benefit Services - Forgot User ID Office of Inspector General (OIG) A division of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) created by the 78th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to prevent and reduce waste, abuse, and fraud within the Texas Health and Human Services system. Vested Interest A situation or circumstance to which a person has a strong personal commitment. Capital Gains A profit from the sale of property or an investment when the sale price is higher than the initial purchase price. The marriage must not have been annulled. Contact the Texas Department of Insurance's Consumer Health Nonconvertible bonds are exempt resources. Community Supervision The placement of a misdemeanor or felony offender under supervision for a specified length of time ordered by the court. The driver flow is determined by the programs, types of assistance, and answers to questions as the case is worked. The Veterans Crisis Line has a new number: Dial 988 then Press 1. That means bringing some manufacturing back home, or "reshoring" and moving some of it . In 2003, USCIS officially assumed responsibility for the immigration service functions of the federal government. See Cascade Logic. Need help buying food because of recent disasters in your area? SDX information can be used as a source of verification and is available in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS). an account that contains the household's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food benefits; an account that contains the household's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash grant amount; or, Type Assistance (TA) 31, Parents and Caretaker Relatives Emergency, Type Program (TP) 32, Medically Needy with Spend Down Emergency. Welcome to UnitedHealthcare Individual Exchange plans, also referred to as Individual and Family plans. Qualified entities that are also Breast and Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) contractors with the DSHS may make presumptive eligibility determinations for Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer (MBCC) applicants. These are given to a SNAP household that either incurs a heating or cooling cost separate from the rent or received a Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) payment. Please retype the user name and password, or sign up if you haven't already done so. Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) Members of a household whose needs, resources, income and deductions are considered in determining eligibility for benefits. Educational Expenses/Student Loan Interest A federal income tax deduction for people paying interest on student loans or for people with education expenses such as tuition, fees, room and board, books and other supplies. Texas Health Steps A health care program of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for Medicaid people. ), dentist (D.D.S. The goal of ESP is to prepare recipients for employment and help them find and keep a job. SeeCase. The: User-Generated Action generated directly by an individual's computer input. This is a toll-free number (2-1-1 or 877-541-7905) that allows people to inquire on the status of their case, their next appointment time, or to determine if Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) received information. A person may buy the contract alone or with the help of an employer. Application Registration The functional area where a person's application for assistance is recorded. It is a medical condition (including emergency labor and delivery) manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably have been expected to result in: Employable Household Member A person whose earnings are countable and who: Employer-Paid Taxes Taxes that are paid by the employer on behalf of the employee rather than deducting the tax amount from the employee's wages. reaching the maximum age for that specific program; state error in the eligibility determination; or, fraud, abuse, or perjury attributed to the people or persons representative, was the spouse, parent, sibling or adult child of a victim who died as a result of a violent crime; or. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Vendor A company that performs EBT-related services for the state of Texas. Sentences are served in the community rather than in jail or prison. Persons with illnesses that require expensive treatment are not subject to lock-in status. For Type Program (TP) 08, Parents and Caretaker Relatives Medicaid A relative within the required degree of relationship, other than a legal parent, caring for a dependent child who meets the income limits for that program. Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Individual Income The sum of certain income received by aperson in a MAGI household composition, from which certain expenses are subtracted. A user can click the plus sign next to a functional area or sub-functional areas to display the pages available within that area. How do I find my Food and Nutrition Service number? (For SNAP - USDA Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on an official government site. Your session has ended. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). CEAP replaced the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Tip Income Income earned along with wages paid by patrons to people employed in service-related occupations. collects information from throughout the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS); and. The User Guide includes information about numerous TIERS topics. notifying the applicant and the eligibility system when spend down is met. Each state has its own rules about who's eligible, and what Medicaid covers. You need to pass a few authentication questions. Jury Duty Pay Taxable income received as compensation for jury duty. The benefit is funded by taxes collected from businesses. TSAP provides a 36-month certification period. Minor Parent A person under 18 who has a dependent. Adults on the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) must be legal parents (including a certified stepparent) to the dependent child. The PAN is not related to the persons Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) case number. Disaster SNAP (D-SNAP) gives short-term food benefits to people recovering from a disaster. in canning, packing, ginning, seed conditioning or related research or processing operations. Click here to re-activate your account. A petition for judicial review must be filed by the appellant in a district court in Travis County within 30 calendar days after the date the administrative decision is issued. Purchasing a product with SNAP benefits with the intent of obtaining cash or something other than eligible food. If the total collection is less than $75, then the amount of the collection is sent to the person . Intentional Program Violation (IPV) The act of intentionally making a false or misleading statement, or misrepresenting, concealing or withholding facts for the purpose of receiving assistance under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or Medicaid program. These facilities have limited power of attorney to obtain health care and educational services for the children under their care. Your case number is a 10-digit number that HHSC uses to bundle and process benefits you receive through their agency. ), advanced nurse practitioner (A.N.P.) Adverse Action Any HHSC action resulting in denial, suspension, reduction or termination of assistance. Case All the persons living together, and alien sponsors, who are related by Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) affiliation. the value of in-kind assistance provided by the sponsor or others. Tuition or GI Bill Deduction A federal income tax deduction for people who paid qualified tuition fees to eligible post-secondary educational institutions for themselves, their spouse or their dependents. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) A child who lives with either one or both parents, or a parent and step-parent, and one or both parents or step-parent do not receive TANF benefits. State Online Query SOLQ allows states real-time online access to SSA's SSN verification service. A child who will not graduate until after the month of their 19th birthday is not considered a dependent child after the month of their 18th birthday. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Regional Coordinator An HHSC employee designated to oversee, monitor, lead regional planning and act as a point of contact for EBT security procedures. Conception occurs, but no fetus ever develops. Public Assistance (PA) Household A Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) in which: Public Institution A facility that is either an organizational part of a governmental entity or over which a governmental unit exercises final administrative control. Personal Responsibility Agreement (PRA) A requirement for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) that certain people must follow the conditions of the agreement. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card A plastic card called the Lone Star Card issued to primary and secondary cardholders that allows the cardholders access to the benefits in the EBT system. Apply for TANF. Availability Period For TANF, the availability period is two fiscal years after the benefit was issued. The Workforce Information System of Texas (TWIST) The computer system used by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) for intake, eligibility determination, assessment, service tracking, and reporting of TWC-administered programs, such as child care, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Employment and Training, Choices, and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Complete Guide to Texas Employee Benefits During COVID-19 - Gusto Report Date The date information is reported to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Self-Service Portal (SSP) A web-based application, atYourTexasBenefits.com. Timely Disposed An Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) that is completed in accordance with program timeliness standards. Aperson under18 may not be a party to an informal (common law) marriage. The individual number for Texas benefits can vary depending on the benefits you are receiving. The amount the employer pays is counted as part of the person's gross income. Manage Office Resources (MOR) The functional area that supports the administrative structure in the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) and relationships between regional offices and their local offices, units, and employees. For non-federal governmental group health plans and church plans that are group health plans, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas at 1-888-907-7880 or www.bcbstx.com or contact the Texas Department of Insurance, Consumer Protection at 1-800-252-3439 or Applied Income The countable amount of income for TANF after allowing deductions for tax dependents, child support, alimony and persons a legal parent is legally obligated to support. What is the difference between a Medicaid number and a case number Processing Time Frames Number of days eligibility staff must complete a particular action. Social Security Number A unique nine-digit number assigned to a person by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Emancipated Minor A person 17 and under who has been married. Agriculturally Related Activities Employment: Aid A benefit, coverage or service in programs that HHSC administers. even if an applicant chooses not to apply for TANF, the person can still apply for Medical Programs and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to support employment while working toward self-sufficiency. eligible for Medicaid because a responsible person who is not within the degree of relationship required for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) applies on the child's behalf. Non-Secure Facility A publicly operated community residence that serves no more than 16 residents, such as a county emergency shelter or non-public group or foster home. These include construction of real property or lease, rental, license, sale, exchange, or other disposition of personal property, computer software, sound recordings, produced films, produced electricity, natural gas, or potable water. It is used to apply cascade logic by reforming EDGs until establishing eligibility. Battered Alien A battered spouse, battered child or parent, or child of a battered person with a pending petition with the U.S. Clearinghouse A centrally located site that processes medical bills submitted by applicants for Medically Needy with Spend Down. Left Navigation The list of functional areas that appears on the left side of the Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) page. The LUW is represented by a set of tabs at the top of a TIERS page. The intention is to get cash by purposely discarding the product and returning the container for the deposit amount. Each reprint of an original has the same Correspondence ID as the original. This is done by intentionally reselling the product purchased with SNAP benefits in exchange for cash or consideration other than eligible food. If there are no eligible members after cascade logic is applied, the household is ineligible for the program. Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) A reimbursement program administered by the Texas Health and Human Services Commissions (HHSCs) Third-Party Resource Unit, which pays for the cost of premiums, coinsurance, and deductibles. They will become lawful permanent residents (LPRs) upon the removal of their conditions by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Assets All items of monetary value owned by a person. Publicly Operated Community Residence A facility designed to serve up to 16 residents and to provide some services beyond food and shelter, such as social services, training in socialization, and life skills. Grant in Jeopardy The Office of the Attorney General's (OAG's) designation for a case that is potentially ineligible for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) grant because the OAG received a child support collection on the current monthly obligation and it equals or exceeds the TANF grant plus the disregard. TANF provides families with financial assistance and support services. Asylee A person granted asylum under Section 208 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). This may be a TANF representative payee or protective payee or a SNAP authorized representative for a resident of a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center or Group Living Arrangement. See Alternate Payee. Royalty A payment to a person for permitting another to use or market property. Examples of public institutions include county and city jails and Texas Department of Corrections prisons. Find Texas health insurance options at many price points. After, only the child will be certified on the EDG. Authorized Representative (AR) A person or organization designated by an applicant or recipient to take the following actions on the applicants behalf: Automated Income Check Process The first step in a periodic income check (PIC). Type of Assistance (TOA) The specific aid for one or more people in an Eligibility Determination Group (EDG). You can still manage your benefits online.Once we review your application you will be able to see your information on Your Texas Benefits. Changes in income identified through this process may impact eligibility for other programs. Staff also use the EBT system to perform such functions as inquiry, account transaction update to the vendor database and, in certain very restricted situations, priority SNAP benefit authorization. BENDEX (Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange) A computer tape match from the Social Security Administration that provides Social Security and Medicare information about Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) recipients. Wrap Up The Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) program page in Data Collection where Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) are built and the Eligibility Determination Benefit Calculation (EDBC) is run to determine the highest level of eligibility or ineligibility. Benefit Issuance The functional area that supports the issuance and tracking of benefits calculated in the Eligibility Determination Benefit Calculation (EDBC) and authorized in disposition. OPTION 2: Start an Application Online You can start the application process online. Availability Date The date that benefits are deposited into the recipients Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) account. Instructions include not writing their PIN on the card sleeve or anything they carry in their purse or wallet, not revealing their PIN to anyone, or letting anyone use their card. Crime Victim's Compensation Payments from the funds authorized by state legislation to assist a person who: The payments are distributed by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) in monthly payments or in a lump-sum payment. The caller must provide the head of households Social Security number (SSN) or the case number and date of birth of a household member to access information. We recommend creating an account so you can: Get alerts about updates to your application. Complete Review A re-evaluation of ongoing eligibility. causing serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part. Deportation (or Removal) Withheld Deportation is being withheld under Section 243(h) of the INA, or removal is withheld under Section 241(b)(3) of the INA. In most instances, Children's Medicaid relates to comprehensive policy for Type Programs (TPs) 43, 44, 45 and 48, unless specifically stated otherwise in a handbook section. SeeCascade Logic,Rebuild EDG, andRun EDBC. Effective Month The first month benefits can be affected based on the monthly cutoff date or applicable policy for advance and adequate notice of adverse action. Personal Possessions Possessions that include furniture, appliances, jewelry, clothing, livestock, farm equipment, and other items that an applicant uses to meet personal needs essential for daily living. Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What You Pay are received for a minimum of three months. What is individual number for Texas benefits? receive copies of the applicants or recipient's notices in the preferred language selected on the application and other communications from the agency; act on behalf of the applicant or recipient in all other matters with the agency, such as reporting changes. minimum service has little or no presence of Choices staff. See functional area. Off-Line Transaction The processing of Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) transactions using a manual voucher. Business Day Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. Also covers medicines ordered by doctors and dentists. It'savailable to applicants and Community Partners assisting applicants to: Also referred to as YourTexasBenefits.com. The notice of adverse action expires in 13 days. The following factors are considered in determining the alien's total income: Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) An account similar to a savings account that enables a person to save earned income for a qualifying purpose. Military Member Aperson in the U.S. Armed Forces/Reserves (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard), National Guard (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard or Reserve Guard) or the State Military Forces/Texas State Guard. SeeDetail Page. Annulment A court order declaring a marriage invalid. For the eligibility groups reflected in the table, an individual's income, computed using the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)-based income rules described in 42 CFR 435.603, is compared to the income . You'll get an email or text when there'sa form or notice available online in yourMessage Center. Mastectomy surgery is a significant life event for many people. What Is The Contact Number For Texas Health Benefits Cascade Logic A hierarchy of logic used to build Eligibility Determination Groups (EDGs) and evaluate eligibility for Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) programs and types of assistance. If you don't know what type of Medicaid you have, call toll-free 800-964-2777. Managing Conservator A person designated by a court to have daily legal responsibility for a child. Self-Employed Individual Retirement Account (IRA), Simple IRA, and Qualified Plan Deductions A federal income tax deduction for self-employed people or partners in a business. Third-Party Resource A source of payment of medical expenses other than the recipient or the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). These issuances are available to the person the same day the Eligibility Determination Group (EDG) is disposed. When you're done, you can create an account to apply for benefits and send your info to support services to be contacted by programs. These benefits are accessed by: card and personal identification numbers (PINs); or, Attempting to buy, sell, steal, or otherwise effect an exchange of SNAP benefits and using them for cash or something other than eligible food, either directly, indirectly, in complicity or collusion with others, or acting alone. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Generally, to qualify for SNAP, non-citizens must meet one of the following criteria: Have lived in the United States for at least 5 years. Clicking the Add, Update or Submit button saves information on specific pages. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) System A system HHSC staff with security access use to issue and replace Lone Star Cards.

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