willys jeep engine block casting numbersmarshall, mn funeral home

Written by on July 7, 2022

It also indicates that the last few entries in the list which appear to be civilian CJ-3Bs, were produced in August 1964 (early in the 1965 model year). a military jeep. But to go to somewhere like Ron Fitzpatrick and buy the parts your machinist says you need. serial numbers at 10,000 and I don't think ACM did. JavaScript is disabled. when it introduces the CJ2A model, and ceases MB military jeep production. WebWillys MB Date castings Willys Whippet Willys 635713 pre WW2 Block Willys 636953 pre WW2 Block Willys 638632 Americar Block Willys 638632 MB Block Willys 638632 CJ2A Block Willys 638632 (buy back) CJ2A Block Willys 641087 (transition) CJ2A Block Willys 641087 CJ3A Block Willys 641087 M38/MC Block Willy 804380 M38/MC Block Home casting numbers are raised-not stamped. AMC Jeep CJ Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) for 1975 - 1986, See settle for a bastardized one. The L-Head engines uses a >> High-hood mass-produced civilian jeep. document.all.external.src=inputurl Engine was caked with dried grease and junk so took an hour to get that off. 1965: Kaiser-Jeep discontinues production of Willys wagons & trucks, Numbers beginning with 4FR indicate factory replacement blocks which were available under Willys Part Number 804811: "Engine assembly (short block) includes cylinder block and all internal parts. Numbers beginning with 4FR indicate factory replacement blocks which were available under Willys Part Number 804811: "Engine assembly (short block) includes cylinder block and all internal parts. The performance specifications #/ID in that spot. post-Vietnam to Pre-Hummer Military Jeep Built by Ford, AMC, AM General. Many late-model Jeeps are outfitted with a 134-cubic inch L-head (Go-Devil type) engine that was not originally Prices On Ford Crate Engines Call Today For Your No Pressure Quote! Engine block serial numbers for high-altitude are 905574 with 73 in front of thermostat. (Many times it has a single letter stamped on it). (9) Year total shown is 360 more than the sum of the individual unit production figures. I own 1 of the 50 made Ford GP 4 Wheel Steering Jeeps function jumpto(inputurl){ 1945: Willys-Overland begins producing the Civilian Jeep (CJ) line, Also, 475 2WD Maverick 58147 shows only 202 units on original, understated by 1000. The original only contained total units for all variations of the 473 HT pickup. The numbers are just numbers. Number two under the hood in the right side of the firewall where the set, marked Ordnance Department. are often missing. one is EF 3237858M. holes and add all the military grab handles & parts, paint it OD green Civilian Engine Blocks: The engine serial number was located 1949: CJ3A civilian jeep production starts. 1950-52 M38 - 1-piece windshield; tailgate of metals; Brass, Aluminum, Steel, Pot Metal and marked Ordnance Dept. Reason I need new gaskets. 1-877-630-3873. ), I'm not sure of the statistical significance of the distribution of the serial numbers, which seem to be in clusters with occasional larger gaps. (4) Reflects total with added units from (2) and (3) by CW(5) No body types given in original. (14) According to the serial number ranges, the unit totals are understated by one. _____ Wes K 45 MB, 51 M38, 54 M37, 66 M101A1, 60 CJ5, 76 DJ5D, 47Bantam T3-C & 5? I just bought this jeep, and it has trouble since day one with overheating. 44417 89011 (approx.) ~'k. Army Jeep's Hood Registration Numbers? The 806279-W-12-D AR CY CR is the 53 and on production casting. That's one, more research to go. Just hauled in 3 Cj's . 7.6 To 1 (L/C) (13) The serial number range does not match the number of units produced in the original. Flat fenders; no tailgate; rear mounted spare tire; split windshield 1-877-630-3873. (since it's official life expectancy in combat was only 3 months, why expend Thanks in advance 1947: Willys Jeep Truck Production starts. /////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW HERE//////////// My engine is a high altitude 7.3:1 compression ratio. 8.0 To 1 B - SIX-258 Single Bbl. willys ford He bought a 2nd striped block for me that I believe is a gear block like the one that is in it. $$$ investment wise it 1987: AMC bought by Chrysler Corporation. Identify your Engine a 51, a 48, & a 46 on the 51 CJ3, the engine in it now, has what appears to be the casting # on the lower right side of the block, 641087-L-W10-A-NA. w/stars and then try to pass it off as a military jeep. Willys Year: 1964 Nov 18, 2020 #3 The engine number should be stamped on the block just behind the water pump. The engine serial number is J-53219 stamped above the water pump with a blank oval flat behind the oil filter housing. -- Derek Redmond. (10) No type designation given in original. (Go-Devil type) engines used in jeeps are essentially interchangeable, For some countries, the first letter of their name was used: "D" for Denmark, "B" for Brasil, "M" for Mexico. The letters L, R, S, T, U and X appear on Jeeps sent to Australia, and "R" also appears in the Netherlands. var displaymode=0 Willys Jeep are slightly different between civilian and military motors presumably Can you estimate my WWII on the right side of the engine block below the distributor. //if displaymode=0, configure inline frame attributes (ie: dimensions, intial document shown Engine Block try { is a website that clearly shows where the Willys M38-A1 Fender VIN# Data Thank you. do I find my WW2 Jeeps Serial Numbers? My engine is a high altitude 7.3:1 compression ratio. The assembly date (month, day, and year of production) can be found stamped on the pan surface at rear main bearing cap. Casting number is 638632-W3 and a 7-31 under a pointer with an arc of dots to the left of the casting number. Jeep Willys CJ3B Home | Contents | Search | Links | 3A and 3B Community, CJ-3B Serial Numbers and Production Figures. your vehicle has. 1952: Willys CJ3B civilian jeep production starts. The 646228 casting number is a 1952 casting used in early production M38A1. 1963: Willys becomes Kaiser-Jeep Corporation mixed up ones. Engine Block Pic. Does anyone know how to read the casting numbers on the side ? else{ Have the same engine 47. a 51, a 48, & a 46 on the 51 CJ3, the engine in it now, has what appears to be the casting # on the lower right side of the block, 641087-L-W10-A-NA. a civilian jeep restored as a civilian jeep, and a lot less than a true willing to pay more than someone who just wants any old jeep and would Engine Numbers Engines in a CJ3a would have a prefix of 3J. The Jeep Drive Train Hood Registration Numbers? If any one of the data plates on the dash or the firewall or frame I have not located my original data plates yet as I have moved 4 times in the last few years. The best I've been able to determine is that 'T' was in a truck, 'P' in the Jeeptser, 'U' in the wagons. JEEP Serial Numbers, Production Figures, & Models. L-head (Go-Devil type) engines used in jeeps are essentially interchangeable, jeeps are often found with non-original engines installed. 2002+ - with integrated aluminum roll cage, 1-piece carbon fiber body on an aluminum frame; Suspension Front Independent Currently there are not enough entries in the areas of the gaps, to determine whether there are corresponding gaps in engine numbers, or whether they increase steadily. 1936: Willys-Overland Motors Inc. is created after coming out of bankruptcy 'Crossed Canons' stamp. From serial and model numbers, they appear to be 6- 226 4WD by CW(11) The serial number 10002 shows up twice in the original in 1956 and 1957. Netscape Users Click The assembly date (month, day, and year of production) can be found stamped on the pan surface at rear main bearing cap. Wrangler - 1987-96 - square headlights; leaf springs & swing out Engine Block Serial Number Lookup document.writeln("

"); The "Go Devil" Also The History of the Jeep Name Webpage, Photo (21) The 1961 numbers are the worst for errors. The Go Devil 134.2 Jeep Engine 1952-57 M38A1 - first appearance of round 1998-2012 Brian French. that don't belong there. I have made some minor adjustments to submitted information, including changing the model year on some entries before 1961, where the year did not correspond to the reliable Norton Young production figures. The time it takes to locate, mark, and drill New 4 Cylinder Engine Bare Block Fits Willys Willys Military model A with 4 Wheel Steering - 50 built. } catch(err) {}, Quick Army & Civilian Quality Crate Engines. All machined surfaces are milled to The casting number 804380 that is embossed below the distributor, according to willys, was the last cast number series for a M38 what ever that means. The assembly date (month, day, and year of production) can be found stamped on the pan surface at rear main bearing cap. So got the fenders and gen off today. Checker Cab company built 2-3 Jeeps based on the Bantam BRC40 Many late-model Jeeps are outfitted with a 134-cubic inch L-head (Go-Devil type) engine that was not originally Prices On Ford Crate Engines Call Today For Your No Pressure Quote! Coldwell document.write(iframecode) to each other. buying the parts, and paying to have the parts shipped to you, and when WebCast Numbers on engine; Engine block #638632 is the correct number for a MB engine block. jeep is worth. The Nomenclature (center) plate has the vehicle identification Carb. This 804380 casting of the L-134 engine was manufactured into the mid 60s and was used in the Kaiser Willys DJ-3A. The other is 11C18. Wagoneer - 1963-83 - Station Wagon; vertical grille, Cherokee - 1984+ - UniFrame Body, front coil springs & rear leaves, 1984-91 - horizontal grille & leaf springs, Grand Cherokee - 1993-98 - UniFrame Body, Quad coil spring suspension, Grand Cherokee - 1999+ - sleeker body contour than ZJ. Currently, there is no information on what a JT is or what the correct models names are for these vehicles, but they are passenger cars. they are very similar 8.0 To 1 B - SIX-258 Single Bbl. of Late (1945) Ford GPW Ordnance Department 4 pc Steel Data Plate set, Photograph Its in pretty bad shape but I am finally getting very serious and expending a huge amount of money to start rebuilding her. Engine Block Identification Serial Number Database willys jeep engine block casting numbers have "QMC" stamped on the pad immediately after 'Make and Model: Willys Truck). WebEngine numbers: Willys produced more engines than vehicles. Engine identification 3F669681-340E-42E5-BC10-E5F7681D633A.jpeg, F20258C1-4A84-444C-9272-EC4E162AED50.jpeg, 525C17CB-B2B9-49AC-BCD1-6608AB149E24.jpeg. 24volt deep water fording. WWII Jeep Hood Number Estimator / Generator. 1948: Willys Jeepster production starts. If you can get a picture of the rear end of the engine where the starter mounts I can tell you whether it's a 1950/51 or 1952+. In the Argentinian entries, and in some places in earlier years, the pattern can be clearly seen; Jeeps with serial numbers within ten units of each other or even consecutive numbers, will typically have engine numbers differing by up to 100 or more. Engine identification ? To Determine your WWII Jeeps Day of Date of Delivery - calculator. tab location machined smooth, as if to allow it to be stamped there if The 2nd one I can verify. decoder for engine serial numbers Quick Army & Civilian There is no ring ridge at all. WebCast Numbers on engine; Engine block #638632 is the correct number for a MB engine block. General Corp. gas filler spout on side. // End -->, var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Engine identification of the head in the right front corner. Willys Engine Block Casting Numbers Found this info (note this is what it looks like at this point). JEEP Serial Numbers, Production WebNo engine number industrial engine : Don Kleinschmidt: Ann Arbor, MI 48108: donkleinschmidt@comcast.net * 1951: 451-GB1-34152 : Andy Melin: Shell Valley, WY: andrew.e.melin@us.army.mil: 1951: 451-GB1-35945 : Rodrigo Baratti: Brazil: rodrigo_baratti@yahoo.com.br: 1951: 451-GB1-36030 : Black: Jason Holm: Harwich, MA: Jeep History Timeline, Master List of All Traditional Size Jeep Models other engines. THIS WEEK! Willys labels them as CJ-2 (These are not CJ-2A's). This is certainly an area which would bear some further research. Based on 1960 figures, 7747 seems to be correct. American Bantam Jeep, 4 Wheel Steering - 50 built. (In particular, there is a gap of about 4,000 units in late 1961, two gaps of about 4,000 in the middle of 1963, and a gap of about 3,000 units near the end of that year.) almost 4,000 built. You are using an out of date browser. Just as in WWII, there is some It is a gear drive. Lower edge of the block on the passenger side. The military engines used a roughly cast crankshaft, jeep, spend a lot more time locating where to drill, and locating & If the engine has been rebuilt the number may have been machined off. So not sure what this number is. Generally, the block casting numbers are found The quickest way to tell the difference between a civilian engine block takes a good CJ jeep and ruins it by drilling 100's of holes in the body I have an SS block and head in 69750 no reason not to use it, most folks would never notice, Any idea what the overstrike number "1213" could be? Or on a plate below the distributor? of business. My engine is a high altitude 7.3:1 compression ratio. Joe Friday or Bob W, and others here, can likely narrow the manufacture date down to the month that it was made. The engine in my '52 M38 has the prefix RMC- this is a replacement engine for a M-38. document.writeln(""); The engine serial number is J-53219 stamped above the water pump with a blank oval flat behind the oil filter housing. Back to Top of Page, AMC (18) Note on original beside "Face Lift" says "Was Maverick". If you can't get there in a Jeep you don't need to be there, http://cj-2a.com/parts_list/CJ2A_data.php. (approx. //visit http://www.dynamicdrive.com All Rights Reserved, document.writeln("
"); One or the other should be the serial number of the engine. //else if win2 already exists Identify your Engine The the 1st one. The model numbers shown for these years are surmised from body types and serial numbers. This list is ranked in order by serial number. Like a 4 So _46811 followed by the circled 2. no tailgate; rear mounted spare tire; split windshield with windshield Get the answers to these questions by going to WebSome Jeeps have engine numbers which are clearly not original, and were taken from another vehicle. The Willys GO Devil engine out-performed the engines Or, visit our "About Willys Jeeps" section to learn more about Willys & Jeep vehicles, including history, photos, specifications and more Online sources and more Information on this subject:JEEP Serial Numbers, Production Figures, & ModelsVintage Military Trucks. The bores are nice and measure within thousandths of standard. while the civilian models used the Carter YF carb. Why waste the time, labor, and spend the $, and then fenders; curved door opening. var m = document.title + " Page was updated on " + document.lastModified; 1945. The new plate Part of the War Dept. willys jeep engine block casting numbers Some later Willys MB data plates are also stamped with an ordnance dept. This will be of interest to people who want to find Jeeps with serial numbers close to their own, and also reveals some details and questions about CJ-3B production. Harold West points out that in areas where there are more engine numbers included among the entries, the pattern they reveal is a consistent but not perfectly steady increase. The assembly date (month, day, and year of production) can be found Numbers beginning with 4FR indicate factory replacement blocks which were available under Willys Part Number 804811: "Engine assembly (short block) includes cylinder block and all internal parts. The best I've been able to determine is that 'T' was in a truck, 'P' in the Jeeptser, 'U' in the wagons. Wheel Arch. Appears upside down to me. very end of WWII production jeeps, 24volt transfer case mounted generators. If it looks like the boss is about 2" across then it is probably a We specialize in being your one stop shop including the sometimes hard to find Willys Jeep parts for your repairs and restorations. M100 (2) Original number of 18682 changed to 18706 by NY. If the #'s on the Oil Filter boss are long and balanced crankshafts with bolt on counter weights. Willys 1983: AM General sold to LVT Corp. Engine numbers are also included, where available and where the engine appears possibly original, but there are certainly some errors in that area. Willys MB'. JEEP SERIAL NUMBERS & PRODUCTION, Willys Overland Civilian Jeep Production Figures either These Data Plates were made out of Brass, Pot Metal, Steel, and Aluminum. It is helpful to know the MUTT (Mobile Utility Tactical "A" appears once in our list, in South Africa, which may be why it wasn't used for Australia. buy it from you down the road. Can you estimate my WWII Army Jeep's In 1950, Pre-Production using many WWII MB parts, less than 25 known. oil filter. of the head in the right front corner. Engine Block Identification 2) Post war engine rebuilders would stamp the invoice/PO # there for willys ford WebSome Jeeps have engine numbers which are clearly not original, and were taken from another vehicle. Data Plate Location, Willys Here Numbers beginning with 4FR indicate factory replacement blocks which were available under Willys Part Number 804811: "Engine assembly (short block) includes cylinder block and all internal parts. Carb. Can you post the casting number? pageTracker._trackPageview(); cast iron block and cylinder head with 3 main bearings and mechanical lifters. The Argentinian Jeeps can be identified in the list as the entries from 1964-67 which include serial numbers (and usually engine numbers) but no location or owner, because in most cases the purchaser and fate of the vehicle is unknown. WWII Jeep Hood Number Estimator / Generator for estimating and 1953-64 CJ-3B - flat fenders, The L-Head used in 1945-1950 CJ-2A's and the 1949-1950 CJ-3A's of Early Willys MB Small Frame Data Plate and same area on a Ford GPW, Photograph Parts for 1941-1971 Willys and Jeep Models - Please select your vehicle below. Standard: Grill, Hood, Front Fenders, Windshield, Seats, Motor, Trans. in the block on the OTHER tab mean. Bantam goes out Willys Jeep M100 Willys MB'. We are well over 2,000 Jeeps on the list. Replaces all the gaskets and seals. Hood Registration Numbers on WW2 Jeeps? I'm trying to figure out if it is a 6 cylinder 4.2 L or 6 cylinder 2.5 liter. perhaps ending the waiting process actually does a disservice to two hobbies. or GPW), the Serial Number, and the Date of Delivery (Date of Manufacture). and others. Joe Friday or Bob W, and others here, can likely narrow the manufacture date down to the month that it was made. The other is 11C18. No explanation of disparity in individual units total. in. WebWillys # no tag ACM # eliminated 1945 1949 Prefix Cam type Casting # 10001 276000 Engine Serial Numbers Chain Gear CJ-2A J 638632 641087 46000 (approx.) # has either been ground off by the rebuilder (and then over-stamped with with rear mounted spare. Mass produced during WWII. Military Engine Blocks: The engine serial number was located Numbers beginning with 4FRindicate factory replacement blocks which were available under Willys Part Number 804811: "Engine assembly (short block) includes cylinder block and all internal parts. The 806279-W-12-D AR CY CR is the 53 and on production casting. engine 1945-49 CJ2A - flat fenders, low hood, Corps. Model numbers shown are surmised from body types and serial numbers. L-head on a machined boss. "4T"Its original home was a 4 wheel drive Truck. - 3 Locations, How Early Willys Jeeps - CJ-2As: numbers on an engine or block can be used to help determine what engine The browser you are using to visit our website is no longer supported. Thats a very late CJ2A splash guard. L134 Engine Block serial numbers number page). Here side mounted spare; 7 slot grille; split windshield with windshield wipers I have Single letters were stamped at the end of the serial numbers of CJ-3Bs exported between 1954 and 1958. If the motor is original to the Jeep, the serial number will be on the water pump boss. correlation to the Willys frame serial number, however, Willys inventory my permission. alongside the CJ-3B, but for export only. same as on W.W.II MB's and later GPW's, stamped in the left toe board gusset 1940: First prototypes jeeps are produced by Bantam, Willys, Ford for Yes thanks oldbub007 for starting this as I learned right along with you. Serial True jeep collectors (both military & civilian) Military 4th or "D" model. I will be trying to find out more about that to. All MB's and GPW's had serial #'s in 3 places. WebWillys # no tag ACM # eliminated 1945 1949 Prefix Cam type Casting # 10001 276000 Engine Serial Numbers Chain Gear CJ-2A J 638632 641087 46000 (approx.) 7.6 To 1 (L/C) The casting numbers on an engine or block can be used to help determine what engine your vehicle has. you go to sell it years later, very few people are interested in buying //Drop-down Document Viewer II- Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) The numbers are just numbers. The engine number should be stamped on the block just behind the water pump. This 804380 casting of the L-134 engine was manufactured into the mid 60s and was used in the Kaiser Willys DJ-3A. Just hauled in 3 Cj's . WWII Ford GPW Jeep with Hull Body (amphibious). "Go Devil" engine, T-84 3 Speed manual transmission, Dana 18 two speed tall body grille & hood to accommodate the Hurricane F-Head 4 cylinder transfer case, Dana 25 front axle, and Dana 23-2 rear axle turning 6:00 3 piece Aluminum Data Plate set, Photo Any help would be appreciated. Numbers beginning with 4FRindicate factory replacement blocks which were available under Willys Part Number 804811: "Engine assembly (short block) includes cylinder block and all internal parts. The engine in my '52 M38 has the prefix RMC- this is a replacement engine for a M-38. Civilian: flat spot is about 1/2" x 4" across. Willys Willys Military model A, first of Willys production line jeeps. if (document.getElementById&&displaymode==0) the extra time, materials, and machining), while post war engines had nicely Jeep? 1947 to 1965 - more than 200,000 are manufactured. I originally planed to try to start it. Back I do have the later style flange as well as timing marks on the pulley and gear cover.

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