how to avoid prepositional phraseseigenvalues of adjacency matrix

Written by on November 16, 2022

You can skip these horrid parts of speech and save yourself the headache of trying to figure out if the right phrase includes on or of!. It is a group of words made up of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of that object. >> Frank kicked his screaming fans a field goal. I am looking forward to seeing more subjects like this especially those concerning the use of articles, relative clauses.etc. In particular (partly because of where the words wrap), Frank kicked his screaming fans is what is sometimes nicknamed a garden path sentence, because you have to revise your interpretation as you get to the end of the sentence. All rights reserved. In fact, a prepositional phrase normally functions as an adverbial phrase modifying a verb. The focus of this project was to study the effects of increased global temperatures on local fish hatcheries. And we always try to change nominalizations into active verbs, as a general rule of practice. In the sentence above, 'up' is the preposition. For example: Location: Caesar was defeated in the city. If the prepositional phrase is (a part of) the pre- or postmodifier of another phrase, it is an adjective and you do not have to worry about its position in the sentence since it will always be within the phrase in which it acts as a pre- or postmodifier: You will find that prepositions can act either as adjectives or as adverbs in a . He spoke hesitantly as he accepted the deal. An example of prepositions are "with, to, at, in". in of focus. Avoid Excessive Prepositions. In our example, the preposition is the word in. So we now know that the prepositional phrase starts at the word in.. Thanks, Mark. Prepositional phrase pile-up: It is a matter of the gravest possible importance to the health of anyone with a history of a problem with disease of the heart that he or she should avoid the sort of foods with a high percentage of saturated fats. Ive decided to print it and keep near my p.c., to consult whenever I write or correct my work. A Quick and Simple Guide, 101 Words That are Both Plural and Singular, The Indisputable Proof Rewriting Tools and Article Spinners Simply Dont Work Vappingo, Whats the Difference Between Article Spinning and Article Rewriting? What this means is a prepositional phrase has a preposition and the object or a word along with . [This ones hard. Don't write "ATM machine" letter "M" stands for "machine.". 2 If the preposition is part of an informal phrase Five excited puppies are almost too many to put up with. Remove prepositional phrases by using adjectives And another: Prepositional phrases can establish time relationships, known as temporal relationships, between nouns. Do NOT write: The material applied to the blades of wind turbines age rapidly in tests. These should be put in a sheet protector or laminated. Common examples of prepositional phrases that can be abridged include in order to, which is often shortened to to, and with regard to, which can be replaced with regarding or concerning. You can see more examples in a related article. ". in the forefront of. Avoid grouping together two or more prepositional phrases. You should also avoid using "at the weekend" in formal settings, as audiences will find it challenging to make sense of the traditionally British English wording. Every prepositional phrase is a series of words consisting of a preposition and its object. (I will explain how to eliminate extra prepositions, revisi. A preposition is a part of speech that shows the relation of a noun or noun equivalent (an object) to another word in the sentence. Heres an example of the same strategy: These two types are referred to as adverbial phrases and adjectival phrases. He spoke with hesitation when he accepted the deal. This type of sentence could be shortened and condensed to minimize the . 5. over and through; river and woods; over the river, through the woods. They usually express relationships of direction, time, or location. In our example, the preposition is the word "in." So we now know that the prepositional phrase starts at the word "in." Find the noun or pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase. Example: The author chose the mixed-method design to explain that the purpose of the study was to explore the leadership qualities of the principals in the schools as a means to gauge teacher satisfaction in the first year of teaching.. The result of misplaced modifiers can be confusing or comedic-in fact, comedians . First, here are 5 useful strategies for editing prepositional phrases. 3. Definition and Examples. Somewhere along the way I never developed a good grasp on the rules of grammar. You saw a few of these cases above. For example, the sentence Their attempt to provide a justification of the expense was unsuccessful, simplified to Their attempt to justify the expense was unsuccessful, not only transforms the verb+article+nominalization clump provide a justification into the streamlined verb justify but also makes of unnecessary. The preposition relates words within the sentence. 3. I somehow overlooked your crucial Heres a place where it might not be appropriate. in of use. Vappingo, The Indisputable Proof Rewriting Tools and Article Spinners Simply Dont Work. Precise Edit: Im not convinced about your #2. The ones: one, everyone, someone, anyone, no one The things: everything, something, anything, nothing The bodies: everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody These pronouns are always singular, even if they're surrounded by prepositional phrases that express plurals. Cutting off the heads of lots of snakes. Sorry, there was an error when processing your request. I took the picture of her to the police. Make sure you don't put a prepositional phrase after a noun that it doesn't modify. 4)Replace withstronger verbs: Some prepositional phrases can simply be replaced with strong verbs. Examples The man driving a car with a high speed is a car racer. What is a prepositional phrase? (But take care that the inversion of the sentence structure doesnt incorrectly shift emphasis or diminish dramatic effect.). However, we include the specific type of such proper . Don't cut off communication with your mom, regardless of whether she believes you or not. When you do this, you should usually place a comma after the phrase. 2. The prepositional phrase is ' up the hill '. (I originally wrote but also makes the use of of unnecessary, but then deleted the superfluous phrase the use of and thereby deleted a preposition. This phrase answers to the issue of which artwork the writer considers to be the finest. Make sure to use the correct preposition, as shown below. Each of the samples was treated with the same dose of antibiotics. At the minimum, a prepositional phrase will begin with a preposition and end with the object of the preposition. In 12% of cases cut off is used Foucault just cut off its head. Thanks for this piece! In the first sentence, behind you answers the question "Look where?" In the second, with fervor answers the question "Drank how?" Prepositional phrases acting as nouns Ex: changes to the global economy >> global economic changes, 2. Lets try that again: Unless youre a time traveler from another era, youll probably use the second sentence when speaking. Direction: The soldier walked toward (or to) Caesar. Pronoun Reference. SO SORRY. Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Thats a lot of words you could delete! Our sister company, Research Square, is a trusted preprint platform that lets you get credit for your unpublished research early, increase your citations, and get feedback from the community. Let's go home after dinner. Here are a few more strategies that we use: 1. Our highly qualified editors have years of editing experience and a combined expertise in more than 2,000 fields. A good plate of spaghetti should not be so hard to come by. . In addition to that, a preposition is present to show time, a place, direction, etc. After a few seconds, the prepositional phrase finder app will generate a comprehensive report . Avoid using more prepositional phrases in the text. Some common preposition problems include choosing between different from and different than, or whether to use between or among. Also, try to avoid using too many prepositional phrases in a single sentence, since they can obscure the main subject and action of a sentence. A prepositional phrase is a group of words containing a preposition, a noun or pronoun object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object. in disguise. She brought a box to me. in of stock. Prepositional phrase attachment: NP: The natives stalked the soldiers (,) from the fort (,) before launching a fast and furious attack. in of touch. Prepositions are words which begin prepositional phrases. If you have any questions about prepositions and prepositional phrases, please leave a comment and let us know. The town changed a lot during the war. Paired with an object of the preposition, they make up what is known as a prepositional phrase. The aim of our research was to assess the correlation between variable A and DNA replication rates. Prepositional Phrase Examples: Modifying Nouns How to Fix a Sentence Fragment, with Examples, What Is a Generic Noun? It is only a portion of a sentence and cannot stand on its own as a complete thought. Here are two examples of adjective prepositional phrases: Example 1: "The painting on the end is the best." This sentence answers the question of which painting the writer believes is the best. Every prepositional phrase starts with a preposition and includes an object of that preposition. 6) Was it really necessary? Be careful with abbreviations. He walked down the street at a brisk pace, with his waistcoat buttoned against the cold and a jaunty top hat perched atop. Admissions Editing Services (Essay Editing, Cover Letter Editing, Personal Statement Editing, Statement of Purpose Editing, Recommendation Letter Editing, CV/Resume Editing), Academic Editing Services (Paper Editing, Manuscript Editing, Thesis Editing, Dissertation Editing, Assignment Editing), Business Editing Services (Document Editing, Report Editing, Blog Editing), Writer Editing Services (Script Editing, Book Editing). An example of a prepositional phrase is, " With a reusable tote in hand, Matthew walked to the farmer's market.". For example: The town changed a lot after the war. In the example above, with is the preposition and reusable tote is the object. While . It is an adverbial phrase that modifies a verb. In this example, the phrase "in front of the mirror" modifies the verb "stood." Prepositional Phrases as Noun Substitutes. Also, try to avoid using too many prepositional phrases in a single sentence, since they can obscure the main subject and action of a sentence. Josh begged his friends for a pencil. in of prison. 3. To do this, you need to find the other noun/pronoun with which in the refrigerator creates a relationship. For example, At school = (preposition + noun) With her = (preposition + pronoun) By signing = (preposition + gerund) Ex: Ill build a house for you >> Ill build you a house, 3. Thank you very much! Use Adverbs, Stronger Verbs or Adjectives Instead Using a prepositional phrase to modify a verb instead of using a stronger verb or an adverb can dilute your writing. It is always best to put prepositional phrases with the words they modify unless you are consciously moving an adverb phrase. in defense of. 1)Bepossessive: In many situations where there is a close connection, like a possessive relationship between two nouns, you can eliminate the preposition. However, a different problem may arise when noun string use is minimized: preposition overuse. Grammar snobs love to tell anyone who will listen: You should NEVER end a sentence with a preposition! Thank you for signing up. Here's how: Arranging Prepositional Phrases A prepositional phrase often appears after the word it modifies : A spaceship from Venus landed in my back yard . (3) We exclude name entities since they cannot be generalized across properties. 4. You will also learn how to identify infinitives and distinguish them from pre. Here are five strategies for minimizing the number of prepositions you use: Shifting from passive voice to active voice, as in the revision of The watch was obviously designed by a master craftsman to A master craftsman had obviously designed the watch takes a preposition out of action. Luckily for those poor, persecuted prepositions, that just isnt true. For example, if you have Noun1 of Noun 2, or Location1 in Location2, take the second noun and move it before the first noun and add an apostrophe to create a possessive form for the second noun. You should also pay attention to prepositions because choosing the wrong one may be embarrassing. A preposition is a single word used to describe a position in time, physical position, or any other relationship with another person or thing. Prepositional phrases usually provide additional information, which can make sentences more descriptive and clear. We use the following phrase filtering rules: (1) Only extract noun, verb, and prepositional phrases. 1. For example, if the above example were written passively, it would read as follows: This sentence construction adds an unnecessary preposition (by). . Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises! A prepositional phrase is a word, a group of words or ideas that consists of the preposition and the object. The elephant teetered along the edge of the cliff. At the least, a prepositional phrase is made up of one preposition and its object . Informal language is generally accepted in conversation and will likely allow your conversation to flow more smoothly since your friends won't be distracted by your perfectly precise sentence construction. LOVE the Daily Writing Tips! They can act as adverbs, and as adjectives. in favor of. The preposition in this prepositional phrase is "before." The word that it governs is "going," which is a gerund. A List of Common Prepositions. TIP SheetAVOIDING MODIFIER PROBLEMS. Precise Edit: I agree that audience and context are paramount and were in the realms of style rather than grammar, but even so, in most of your examples, I prefer the first. Topics include proper subject-verb agreement, using articles, using the word respectively, and how to Read More , How to avoid sentence fragments, which could confuse or frustrate readers and reviewers, in your academic writing. "The vegetables in the refrigerator were green with mold." To identify the prepositional phrase, you should first find the preposition. Prepositions form relationships between words (the object of the preposition) and other words in a sentence. Unnecessary prepositional phrases, often used with abstract nouns and nominalizations, can make your writing long and boring. >> I took the police the picture of her. Just a few common prepositions include: Prepositional phrases always begin with a preposition: a relationship or directional word that links nouns, pronouns, verbs and phrases to one another. 2)Beactive: When a passive construction is followed by by (Noun1 was/were + past participle + by + Noun2), take the second noun and make it the subject of a sentence using active voice. These pronouns must be matched with singular verbs. A prepositional phrase does not have a subject, except for the preposition and the object. A string of multiple prepositions in a single sentence can make the text choppy and potentially confusing for your audience, and especially for an international audience. The book on the bathroom floor is swollen from shower steam. The book is swollen from shower steam. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? "Driving" is being modified by a phrase that is used as adverb prepositional phrase. As we continue our series on reducing wordiness and improving your writing, we will shift our focus to the dreadful prepositions that plague everyone! ' Answer: when you get to the sign. We call these adjectival prepositional phrases, or sometimes just adjective prepositional phrases. How To Rewrite an Article Without Plagiarizing, How to Rewrite Your Thesis as a Journal Article with Minimum Effort, What is a Dissertation? The vegetables in the refrigerator were green with mold., To identify the prepositional phrase, you should first find the preposition. Passive - It was expected by the college that students would pay their tuition fees on time this year. Temporal prepositional phrases For example, "in the morning" and "during the summer." Locative prepositional phrases describe the location. What is a prepositional phrase? Great post Mark, I have to admit it took me a while to get over some of the prepositions I used as a crutch but there are sometimes I tend to forget. Updated on January 18, 2020. The preposition works together with its object to form the prepositional phrase (prepositional phrase = preposition + object of the preposition), for example: Paul walked to the primary school at the end of the block on Monday evening during a very heavy thunderstorm. The best way to start a sentence with a preposition is in an introductory phrase. Vocabulary For Dummies. They're important when clarifying the time period in which an event occurred. Consider the following examples: Verb with prepositional phrase: Thomas stated with passion that he was innocent. Essentially, these are one word. Here are a couple of examples: The book with the dog-eared pages was well-loved. For example, "in the house" and "on the table." Directional prepositional phrases show direction. Coloring the one next to the exit black would cut off the other and force it to be black. The contest was held in the library. This is a very quick and simple activity that the student will love.Included:3 prepositional phrase worksheets. In the writers toolbox, adverbs are stronger tools than prepositional phrases. True. In most cases, prepositional phrases modify nouns and verbs. Of course, this is an extreme example of revision; implementing only one or two of the above strategies may have yielded an acceptably clear sentence. All Right Reserved. For example, She was disturbed by the violent images in the movie gains more impact (and loses a preposition) by reversing the sentences subject and object: She was disturbed by the movies violent images. (Combine this strategy with a shift from passive voice to active voice, and you jettison two prepositions and further strengthen the statement: The movies violent images disturbed her.), Another use of this technique is to revise a phrase including a reference to a location within a location, as in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, which can be more actively and efficiently rendered as New York Citys Museum of Modern Art.. Active - The cat scratched the girl. In the prepositional phrase "to the moon," the preposition is "to" and the object is "moon.". 3. near; train station; near the train station. The following words are the most commonly used prepositions: For example: Passive - The girl was scratched by the cat. You have successfully subscribed to our marketing emails. Here are two instances of prepositional adjectives : Example 1: "The artwork on the beginning is the finest. If youre looking for a fun way of learning some of the common prepositions, check out our free printable preposition games. Jack and Jill climbed up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Take a look at these examples: Your documents are handled in strict confidence and with the highest ethical standards. The colony number observed immediately after culture reflected the drugs efficacy. Using active voice is not possible always as to better emphasize the context, but other 4 ways mentioned here are really worth practicing for a better effective writing. My brother is running behind me . Remember that prepositional phrases can govern nouns, gerunds, or clauses. There are two ways to write a prepositional phrase, as illustrated below: Preposition + Modifier + Object (Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Clause) Preposition + Object (Noun, Pronoun, Gerund, or Clause) This statement tells us which cafe Michael wishes to visit. AJEs comprehensive suite of high quality author services enable researchers to spend less time preparing their work for publication and more time doing the research that drives society forward. Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Read More , Sign up for early access to AJE Scholar articles, discounts on AJE services, and more. The licensing of the software will be completed next week. Writers and editors aid clarity and conciseness by uncovering nominalizations, otherwise known as buried, or smothered, verbs. There are two types of prepositional phrase: a prepositional which functions as. We know that prepositional phrases end with a noun, so we stop. With delivery as fast as 9 hours, our proofreading and editing services are available 24/7. Some people see such constructions as obfuscation (I wouldnt be surprised if there is an article about it on this very website), and your shorter version is certainly harder for non-native speakers to understand. Again, the subject is singular, so the verb must agree with 'material' and not 'turbines.'. The librarian waited for the pupils since this morning. I left my glasses at the movies. 3. . The town changed a lot before the war. Like with pronouns, too many prepositional phrases can create wordiness in a sentence:. They can show connections of location, time or ideas. in fear of. A common example of a problem of word order occurs when two or more prepositional phrases are grouped together in a sentence. For example, take the sentence "George rode his bike to the library." The preposition in this sentence is "to", and the object attached to "to" is "the library." (Even so, I still tend to prefer the others.). Wordvice provides high-quality English proofreading and editing services.We have helped thousands of researchers, students, writers, and businesses maximize the impact of their writing. If you may recall, nominalizations often create passive voice structures! The seller agreed with reluctance. A prepositional phrase is a phrase made up of a preposition and its object. To get back to you, we are looking back on what was done to figure out what we can do moving forward. Remember that 'each' is a singular subject, and "of the samples" is simply . Revision of the sentence The politician responded to the allegations with vehemence to The politician responded vehemently to the allegations strengthens the thought and deletes the weak preposition with. We will notify you via the email address you submitted when English to Chinese digital translation and editing is available. For example: After my English test, I. How to Identify Prepositional Phrases You can identify a prepositional phrase by looking for the preposition and then figuring out what object that preposition attaches itself to. In formal English, prepositions are almost always followed by objects. in detail. Before class, Josh begged his friends for a pencil. Phrase aggregator units. Five excited puppies are almost too many to put up with. 6 . On #4, why not eliminate the passivity while youre at it? 3. In this article, we take a look at prepositions and provide a list of some of the more common prepositions in use in the English language. 10. Replace prepositional phrases with adverbs (similar to #2) I know itll give my writing a different slant. Please email us if you have any comments or questions. Imagine a page filled with prepositional phrases like the ones above. We have covered prepositions in some detail in an earlier article: A list of common prepositions. Our growing team is made up of researchers and industry professionals working together to solve the most critical problems facing scientific publishing. Avoid as much as possible to end a sentence with a preposition. We know that the word the is an adjective, so the prepositional phrase doesnt end there. For you to easily identify a prepositional phrase, you need to know the format or pattern it follows in a sentence. Which journal was your article published in? When a prepositional phrase modifies a noun, pronoun, gerund, or noun phrase (all of which function grammatically as nouns), it is considered to function as an adjective within the sentence. Copy/paste your work into the blank editor. All Rights Reserved. We invite you to share your research with the community by posting it online as a preprint. An easy test to help reduce the number of prepositions is to search for the genitive case, or a possessive form: If a sentence could use the genitive case but doesnt, revise the sentence. Visit our website. 12. Image by Taryn Elliott via Pexels. Prepositional phrases consist of a preposition followed by a noun object. There are three main types of prepositional phrases: temporal, locative, and directional. Note, however, that you should avoid these phrases in formal writing. Sometimes, a sentence can include too many prepositional phrases. How to Improve Your Writing: Eliminate Prepositions. In such cases, you can cut out the entire phrase. Answer (1 of 2): I will explain different ways of eliminating prepositional phrases by revising my own sentences with the revised directions appearing in parentheses beneath these sentences and an explanation of the changes in brackets. In this article, we show you a really simple method for identifying prepositions and prepositional phrases. Let us help maximize your writing impact today. So, we start with in and keep reading. It is not to cut off the hand of thieves. Avoid pleonasm. For many of you reading our posts, English is a second language, and we can imagine how much you despise memorizing prepositional phrases. Prepositions, words that indicate relations between nouns, pronouns, and verbs (mostly small ones like for, in, of, on, to, and with but sometimes more substantial, as in the case of beneath or between), are often integral to a sentence, but writers can clutter sentences by being overly dependent on them. Some . For example: From my mother However, the number of prepositions that is appropriate may be context dependent, so it is preferable to focus on the clarity and flow of a specific sentence. Avoid Unnecessary Prepositional Phrases: A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed by a noun or a noun equivalent, such as in the summary, on the engine, under the heading. Click the 'Check' button and wait for the tool to analyze your texts. In the second sentence, the phrase "under the tree" modifies "present.". As part of our advice about concise writing, this article shows the problems with too many prepositions in writing and demonstrates how to avoid their overuse. November 7, 2011 by Vappingo. In any writing endeavor, one must consider the audience. Don't repeat the word denoted by one of the letters. 2022 Research Square Company. But if youre writing a research paper or submitting a business proposal and you want to sound very formal, avoid ending sentences with prepositions. A preposition sits in front of (is "pre-positioned" before) its object. Prepositional phrases can act as adverbs or adjectives. The vegetables in the refrigerator. according to / conform to / plan to (not on) agree on / conform with / retroactive to (not from) agree to / correspond to/ similar to (not with) agree with / correspond with / try to see (not try and see) capable of / different from (not than) comply with/ identical with (not to) And another: In this article, I will give you the essential information, key points, and resources to keep in mind before you begin the writing process for Read More , Sign up to receive this video series about writing in English. The preposition atop is missing an object all together. Answer (1 of 2): A prepositional phrase, so to speak, doesn't modify a verb. To find the person who stole the last cookie, look behind you. Manner: The man defeated the city with courage. Example 2: "Taylor wants to stop at the restaurant by the mall." This sentence tells us what restaurant Taylor wants to stop at. In a sentence like The best outcome for this scenario would be an incremental withdrawal, note whether the meaning is clear without the phrase, and if so, strike it out: The best outcome would be an incremental withdrawal.. A prepositional phrase is usually made up of a preposition and the other word (the object) which it modifies. Prepositional phrases are common and helpful elements in a sentence that function as adjectives or adverbs (and very rarely as nominals/nouns). Find the noun or pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase. Another general rule of thumb that is sometimes cited is a maximum of four prepositions per sentence. Reducing the number of preposition used in a sentence not only make it easier for the reader to grasp, but it also improves the writing style. The house of my mother sat on a big hill. In English grammar, a prepositional phrase is a group of words made up of a preposition (such as to, with, or across ), its object (a noun or pronoun), and any of the object's modifiers (an article and/or an adjective). So, while "between" and "in" are examples of . Use indirect objects rather than prepositional phrases 3) Choose adverb substitutes: Some prepositional phrases, like those starting with "with," can be converted to stronger adverbs. The bus is going through a tunnel. The seller reluctantly agreed. Example 2 "Michael wants to eat at the cafe near the mall, ". Look at the example. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Daily Writing Tips . Identify the noun or pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase: Prepositions and prepositional phrases are extremely easy to get your head around and can help you to significantly improve your writing by providing you with a mechanism by which you can present relationships between ideas. Heres a place where it might not be appropriate: 11. Avoid improper pairing of prepositions with verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Mary threw the ball to John. Both put up with and hard to come by are commonly accepted informal phrases, and its OK to end sentences with them. Some prepositional phrases can be deleted because they add no value to the sentence, given the context. The contest room is near the library. Prepositions are small words but they give English speakers big headaches. Ex: A number of people >> Some people. >> She brought me a box. Some of the more common 50 English prepositions are used in phrases below: above the law across the country against the wall, among the crowd around the corner at home before sunrise behind the house below ground beneath the surface beside the road by the sea during vacation except them from the news in time inside the school into the mist This is but one strategy we use. It should be remembered here that there were no overall temporal gains or penalties from the inclusion of . in fact. Whats the Difference Between Article Spinning and Article Rewriting? Yup, thats right. As in the examples above, you could shorten your word count by two words for each prepositional phrase you eliminate. A prepositional phrase adds information to a sentence. (2) Exclude phrases with sentiments because they can occur in an opinionated context. Eliminate Prepositions by Using Active Voice Shifting from passive voice to active voice, as in the revision of "The watch was obviously designed by a master craftsman" to "A master craftsman had obviously designed the watch" takes a preposition out of action. The word can be a noun or a gerund verb (that is a verb that ends in -ing). SAY: Each newspaper subscriber who lives in Washington, DC. To use prepositional phrase in a sentence correctly, you need to follow those 7 basic rules or use prepositional phrase identifier online as mentioned below. Click here for Eliminating Nominalizations). They can also be arranged to be more effective, or condensed or eliminated to cut the clutter. Start here. Adjectives can be placed between the prepositions and objects in prepositional phrases. As a division of Research Square Company, were committed to making research communication faster, fairer, and more useful. A preposition is a relationship or directional word that is used to link nouns, pronouns, verbs and phrases to one another within a written sentence. Nice little refresher, I will chew on this at work. Prepositional phrases will normally be an adverb or an adjective within a sentence. 3)Chooseadverb substitutes: Some prepositional phrases, like those starting with with, can be converted to stronger adverbs. So, another effective way to avoid using too many prepositional phrases is to write sentences in active voice. Instead of Their attempt to justify the expense was unsuccessful, write They failed to justify the expense. This simplifies the sentence even more, too.

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