organic acid test thyroideigenvalues of adjacency matrix

Written by on November 16, 2022

(PKD specifically may be helpful.) Its known to buffer lactic acid! Because even tho Ive regained my energy and feel-goods since I stopped detoxing, I am unable to go lower than 1000 mg liquid Ubiquinol CoQ10 without having problems, including breathlessness. I did a lot of research againits maddening. Foods to avoid: egg whites, shrimp, chicken breast, spirulina, watercress, fish, nuts, tuna, peanuts/legumes, and lowfat cottage cheese. Bacterial and Yeast Overgrowth. But I am really NOT surprised. I had a horrific crash after a day of activity which left me in bed awhile, and took weeks to recover from. I dont remember, Martin. I also have top of the range phenylpyruvic (PKU) due to mutations in the PAH gene which results in low levels of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Then did Oregano Oil and Berberine for about ten days, then garlic caps (pure allicin) and ginger. Mark, of course we all have unique chemistries. One and the same. Im to do a oat test and I will def use you research when going trough mine..your story sounds familiar to mine and Im also trying out nadh soon. By EL April 29, 2019 May 12th, 2019 Organic Acid Test, Podcasts, Thyroid. What if you have an overload of yeast in the body that may be preventing nutrients from being absorbed? Then I did specific tests which proved iti.e. To support your thyroid and body optimally, learn your nutrient deficiencies, order our Organic Acids Urine Test today! 4) I do detox and feel verrrry miserable. And frequently, those compensatory pathways are not wonderful ways to achieve good energy. So by adding Tirosent to NDT when you already had rising RT3 was destined to make it higherthus the increase in your symptoms. I am also suffering from multiple symptoms including histamine intolerance and I personally believe fixing micronutrients imbalance is the key. Fat, Protein, and Carbohydrate Metabolism. Black and white. If this test does not find any yeast, mold, or bacterial abnormalities, I would then recommend testing for SIBO specifically, as SIBO is present in 50 percent of people with hypothyroidism, and addressing any dysbiosis is a necessary part of one's . Natural Desiccated Thyroid 101 (NDT) And this info can apply to taking T4 with T3. Not all vitamins are stored in the blood. The patient should avoid apples, grapes (including raisins), pears, cranberries and their juices 48 hours before the specimen collection. Affiliate test page; Affiliate Webinars - Watch - Guest Name; Affiliate Workshop - Bridgit Danner; . I did a second OAT via Great Plains in May of 2016, two days after a major crash, and it revealed why I need MUCH more CoQ10 than was recommended, especially since I put two and two together that I also have three homozygous CoQ10 mutations. Heres a study showing the efficacy of NADH for chronic fatigue: And heres a great article which contains good NAD/NADH info: Youll see that the fabulous Andrew Heyman, MD, who contributed to the STTM II book, is mentioned. Or vice versa. Life Extension feels their Nicotinamide Riboside (the latter a precursor to NAD+) is a great product and that NADH is not effective as a supplement because it is poorly absorbed, due to disintegration in the digestive tract (said to me in an email). your cellular metabolism is made up of certain steps of certain biochemical reactions and pathways based on your bodys needs. For your thyroid, there are great groups listed on the following page which can help: Sort by: Filter by: lab. My recent elevated homocysteine levels could be due to supplementation of iron. I use many forms of it myself, and while I believe it has helped in optimizing cardiovascular health and energy production, I am concerned it may be worsening my hypothyroidism or possibly blocking my thyroid meds. Super helpful article! Many . ), First, understand that RT3 comes from T4, not T3 as you stated. You say that your results have nothing to do with your thyroid but surely you know that thyroid is a major regulator of mitochondrial function along with cortisol and estrogen. Since most of your bodys energy is produced from the burning of fatty acids, your muscles and brain suffer when this cellular energy pathway is blocked. As far as Cis-Aconitate, mine was high, and I lowered it with arginine. Well, my OAT results had nothing to do with my thyroid. Of course I realize that its more than just suppressing TSH, thats just one piece and a very limited one at that (which is why I cant stand most mainstream endos that only believe in and test for TSH/FT4 and nothing else). It was raising your RT3. The terminology of the Great Plains OAT is a bit different. Arginine is one of several necessary amino acids and is used in the biosynthesis of proteins i.e. Some experts say they account for 90% of chronic illness. So the Organic Acids Test is a test I use with most of my clients because in addition to giving insight into gut health issues and having the only reliable marker of invasive candidiasis, it also offers insight into bacterial overgrowths in the gut, other fungi, markers of mitochondrial health and energy production from all the macronutrients . I also become totally exhausted after a week or two and that lasts the entire time, too. I used this website a lot by Dr. Allison Siebecker: but there are many other good ones! I did hair testing (the hair toxic and essential elements kit) last year and BOTH were low. And this is where my faulty Citric Acid/Krebs Cycle again rears its ugly head. I just thought it was due solely to my Mitral Valve Prolapse. Contact Us, Lab Services If youre +/+ for RS601338, youre a non-secretor and this could be a cause for most of your issues. The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of a patient's overall health with 76 markers. How do you know youre copper dumping..? This article explains its lactic acid buffering quality: And heres a great article about it that doesnt even mention how it will buffer lactic acid, but so many other benefits! SIX Tactics to Activate the Deep Lymphatics. Again, all I know is I feel worse adding T4 at this point than when I was just on 1 grain NDT. I found that NADH does the following as well (from a book on the net, which again, I neglected to copy the URL when researchingsorry): repairs cell damage, stimulates the immune system, stimulates the breakdown/use of neurotransmitters (which positive affects mood), stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) which relaxes blood vessels in your heart, lungs, brain and kidney. Organic acid testing measures 70+ different markers looking at many aspects of your health, and these types of metabolites cannot be tested with standard pathology tests. Sure, treating our hypothyroid state in a correct way is huge for health, energy and well-being, since thyroid hormones effect virtually every cell and organ in ones body! Ive already achieved getting my My FT3 in the top range many times over the years. Malic acid is processed by an enzyme called malic acid dehydrogenase, activated by thyroid hormones. By Janie Bowthorpe. In simple terms, I do not make great energy, And because each metabolic pathway requires certain enzymes and nutrients to achieve the end result, my OAT information stated that these specific high acid levels imply that I am deficient in two key nutrients: Arginine (high Cis-Aconitate) and CoQ10 (Very High Succinate and Malate), plus several B-vitamins. I am curious how many years you felt better on thyroid before you became worse again so that I have some idea what to expect for myself. Healthy Recipes Purpose of Test. It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. That ends when my body stops. Cases in point: I also had a very high HPHPA, which literature states can cause this high HVA/VAM ratio. You can supplement with it. My doc feels that saliva cortisol testing is wholly inaccurate/unreliable (he has sent numerous samples from the same person done at same date/time and sent them to multiple facilities and received a different result from each). This test reports 21 metabolites (including creatinine) such as markers for beneficial bacteria, harmful bacteria, Clostridia species, Candida . This test can be purchased without a physician and is an at home test which is shipped to the patient with instructions. Search for others. Organic acids are metabolic intermediates that are produced in pathways of central energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, or intestinal microbial activity. and other articles on this site written by Dr Derrick Lonsdale. Organic Acid Test advanced 2022-10-24T03:39:06+00:00. Its also in a cutting edge nose spray Im using to treat brain inflammation (found that out with the second OAT test by Great Plains)the brain inflammation clearly related to the fact that I still have mold in me. Note: I will have to pay outta pocket. If your head feels weird when you wake in the morning, if brain fog anxiety is disrupting your work day and brain fog depression, haunting your nights, come in for a consultation. Youll see that CoQ10 is recommended again for a carb metab disorder, plus ALA and the B-vitamins. I am in treatment now to get this mold out of me. I still have not found my sweet spot for anything when it comes to thyroid treatment. e-Courses and Book Testing My physician just sent this out about a new saliva cortisol monitoring diagnostic that can be done on an iPhone with Point of Care (POC) technology: Considering when most of these complaints were documented after the industrial revolution, I think they are on to something. GPL-TOX pairs perfectly with our Organic Acids Test (OAT) and our Glyphosate Test in the Enviro-TOX Panel. As of Feb, 2016, I am currently taking 500 mg CoQ10 (I had to go higher. lab. . I moved up to 1500 mg liquid CoQ10 (Liq-Nol, but later moved to Cyto-Q) while detoxing high copper for the second time and noticed much better results!! Naturopathic Medicine This Organix test also looks for metabolic byproducts of several bacteria . The more . If anyone is interested and live in Charlotte NC you can see: Dr. Aaron Ernst Cornerstone Chiropractic / Heres to another Journey and cant wait! Pea protein is controversial in the traditional Paleo diet, but it will be . How do you handle it? . Ethylmalonic acid is an organic acid. In May of 2017, I thought more deeply about something else: CoQ10 is made from two amino acids: L-Phenylalanine and l-tyrosine. These markers can give us an analysis of yeast overgrowths, bacterial overgrowths, oxidative stress, vitamin and mineral levels, neurotransmitter levels as well as oxalate levels. Plus you need to see if you make your doctor far more knowledgeable. I simply had to come back to it another time. Avoid arabinogalactan, echinacea, reishi mushrooms, and ribose supplements for 12 hours before collection. What I do feel (feel worse) is when the numbers move in broader sweeps (i.e TSH 4+, FT3 <3, FT4 <1.2). Study this page carefully:, Third, your iron and % sat are too high compared to where men normally fall when optimal, along with the low ferritinall which point to you having a methylation problem that needs discovery and treatment. Argh. More great info here: I also read it could be related to ketosis, and Im in a constant state of ketosis according to other results. I was clueless. 8. 2021. When I first started researching treatments for hypo several years back, STTM was one of my primary go-to sources and the one I recommended to many other hypos and still do for those who've been led astray and frustrated by orthodox endos and need a good re-start. The Organic Acids Test (OAT) is a comprehensive test that gives metabolic insight into a person's overall health. Description: Organic Acid Urine Test. Later, thyroid patients were getting the CFS diagnosis a lot, too. Hi Janie. I talk about those two here:, Second, informed patients never to a serum cortisol. Lovely. I know I have Candida, but wonder if mold could be a problem as well? I dont really know if that is what started my problems but in some way I think its main problem is physical fatigue, heavy arms and legs, easily tired both physically and mentally..I did start with b6 and zinc in fall 2015..probably I started dumping copper after this and just couldnt get it out of my system? Hi Janie. Then comes another Update in red for 2017 where I discovered Ive had mold in my body all this timeperhaps the bottom line for ALL of this. . The test can be taken to detect the underlying causes of chronic diseases and is especially good for people who are tired, burnt out or have low energy. Helps to remove what my body didnt. Organic acid tests can reveal problems before they show up as deficiencies on other tests. This gives us a lot insight into what is going on at a functional level. Its honestly up to you, Mark. I cant stress the latter moreread, read! So two days later, I did another labs version of an OAT test I had on hand by Great Plains to get a clue, because I thought I was doing everything right, and this made NO sense. Lyposomal C is better, but it gets too be too much work to make quickly and you still need a lot of it to drink. This turned out to be another problem I have towards energy production! The OAT is recommended as an in depth initial screening tool for a variety of health . All the latter hugely lowering my glutathione. what it says to rule out doesnt fit meexcept the mention of diabetes. And Mark, an iron of 96 for a man is pitifully low, which also explains your RT3 problem, as explained, and could explain why you had issue with T3. Best to switch to at 40 years and up. But it can mean that the insulin issues could impact the transport of amino acids into the cells. So because of this issue in my fatty acid metabolism, I got on L-Carnitine (the Fumarate version) many months ago at 2400 mg. Elizma Lambert, aka "The OAT Whisperer" presented a full-day workshop on Organic Acid Testing for practitioners in London, UK. Lyme Disease and EBV Infections Seen With Adrenal Fatigue, Hashimoto and Anxiety-The Connection To Your Thyroid. Studies showed some people have gone as high as 3200 mg without side effects, so that made me feel better. So how do we know that blood levels of B12 are the most accurate measurement? Thanks so much for your article and its diligent research. My only question at this point why wouldnt it makes sense (on paper) to try and mimic the natural T4/T3 output of the human thyroid, hence the reasoning behind adding more T4 to bring up the levels in NDT from its 4:1 ratio closer to the natural 10-15:1 ratio? (They are). It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. But I learned the hard way that something was still quite wrong. And again, but on Great Plains, there were clear problems related to eating proteins. Both have some tests which were the same; both have some tests different from the other. Sorry to rant, but this is just another one on my conundrums in my long list of conundrums. I wonder, have you read the recent norweigan study that proves that ME-patients have difficulties to transform cell-glucose to ATP? Indication of bacterial and/or fungal overgrowth in the GI tract. It provides an accurate evaluation of intestinal yeast and bacteria. Treatment is with a diet lower in foods that contain phenylalanine and special supplements. late Feb, 2016 and concerns the first OAT test I did in mid-2015, plus more. Thyroid . Natural IBS Recovery| Understanding Leaky Gut Symptoms And Its Causes| Dr. Richard Hagmeyer, Cellular Energy & Mitochondrial Metabolites, Markers for digestion, and small intestinal bacterial and yeast overgrowth, Functional vitamin status, including B-vitamin need. Often this broad analysis can give us a lot insight into changes we can make to improve the function of the body, whether we need to add in different nutritionals, make dietary changes. In March 2017, I did a Spectracell nutrient test while I was experimenting with 1000 mg liquid ubiquinol and felt well on ityet Spectracell showed that was the ONLY thing I was functionally deficient in i.e. This profile assesses major metabolic areas that may be compromised by common lifestyle and dietary factors, such as nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, bacterial overgrowth, or medications. Mark, Im not where I can look at the dose at the moment.but Ive slowly brought it down after several months of a higher dose, thinking Im probably very saturated with it. That leads to energy-deficiency in the brain, and the glucose turns to laktate instead of ATP wich cause physical fatigue, and in the end inflammations in the body Im sorry I cant explain it better, Im swedish and Im dealing with a foreign language and ME! It gives clues if we have a blockage, nutritional insufficiencies, and/or bacterial overgrowth. Its solid for that reason. I just came across another form, DHA Acid /dehydroascorbic-acid, a reduced form and very absorbable, it does cross into the brain. All due to what a mold illness did to me. Looking back, Ive always been a lactic acid babe. B12 Deficiency. Then in red, youll see an Update for September 2016 after I had a MAJOR crash, plus did a second OAT right smack in the middle of that crash. Catabolic products of essential amino acids in urine may help to identify the flow of dysfunctional metabolic pathways. Its the very reason Stop the Thyroid Madness was created! There is an enzyme, (pdf-enzyme??) Newsletters Can Exercise Damage My Thyroid And Adrenals? Plus it does not cross the blood Brain Thanks for all the information and thoughts you are sharing! acidophilus!! I was thinking that these symptoms were due to an adjustment and that it will take my body a few weeks to find equilibrium again as the conversion enzymes will need to adjust to accommodate more T4 in my system, but now, I\m not so sure because the symptoms aren\t subsiding. Search for: Blog Archives. Is this related to the study, Monica?? And this points to another problem I found out I had via the OATI dont break down proteins in the right way, and it recommends I eat much lower amounts of protein. I cant say for sure what I physically feel from the NADH, but Im extremely impressed by what I read about it, and will stay on it the rest of my life for that reason. Did your OAT test from Great Plains not show the mold issue? Kidney disease and kidney stones are common in people with high levels of oxalates in their bodies, making it an important marker to . Every cell in our brain and body need it, I am still researching it.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Note: if you signed up to receive these blogs post in an email, they links won't be live. The mold damaged my mito somehow! Markers include oxidative stress, vitamin and minerals, neurotransmitters, glutathione, oxalates and intestinal levels of yeast and bacteria. keeping FT3 in the top 1/4 of the range and FT4 in mid-range + many of the other blogs and topics covered herein). All Im trying to do now is to get back to baseline before I added the T4 and address why I crashed on it, but somehow, between starting and then stopping it, my adrenals got messed up, and after a few days of initially feeling relief from the symptoms since stopping, I feel Im over-secreting cortisol which is causing an increase in blood pressure and anxiety. Mercury will not show in hair tests in most people. Perhaps this is due to my low arginine? Online Store I will ask 3 different sources and get 3 different opinions. The Liq-Nol is sweetened with sucralose, sadly, so I am experimenting with only 500 mg of the liquid along with Life Extensions gelcaps Ubiquinol with Shilajit (the latter has research showing it improves CoQ10 uptake). Links. Then a few years later, my overeating of chocolate on top of high stress (which depletes zinc) pushed my copper levels up!! Latest labs (2 hrs after taken thyroid meds) came back: TSH: 2.02, FT3: 3.50, FT4: 1.50, rT3: 25, ferritin: 52, serum iron: 162, TIBC: 326, iron sat: 50, serum cortisol: 12. Correctyour body doesnt lie, and adding T4 should speak volumes to you as to what happened. Biotin and B2. And in spite of her use of CFS, she has a good page about the mito problem: Hi Brooke. My Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorder contributes to my Energy Metabolism Disorder if Im understanding all this correctly. Many people struggle with low energy, and the OAT test can help uncover the root cause. i.e. Irina, Ive been optimally treated on NDT for 15 years. I understand what has worked for many, but we are all individuals with unique chemistries, and with mine, I cant seem to make any sense of it since I have tried it all. Thanks for sharing your story. Serum is stated to be 80% bound, and thats the minimum. In fact, as Im writing this, I majorly crashed when we did a heavy amount of walking over several hours a week ago. I am clearly someone who detoxes like a frantic mad man, thus the extreme fatigue. Test profiles containing Organic Acids. Avoid arabinogalactan, echinacea, reishi mushrooms, and ribose supplements for 12 hours before collection. I regain energy; feel so much better. Cis-Aconitate Very Low Free-form amino acids Amino Acid insufficiency. Increased lactic acid is a common acidotic condition that can be caused by a variety of metabolic problems. Today, I take amylase with any carb. So I had to begin extensive research on my own on the internet. There is no one-size-fits all approach. And rising RT3 is usually connected to an iron issue (if iron is high due to mthfr, we are in a low iron state) and/or cortisol issues as revealed with saliva, not blood. As I stated, there was no evidence from my iron or salivary cortisol levels that indicated any problems. The Organic Acids Test (or OAT) is a urine test that assesses over 70 markers produced by the body during normal chemical processes, such as digestion, energy production, neurotransmitters, liver detoxification, and metabolites formed by our gut microbiome too. May not use it., And my fingers are crossed, but after almost a week of taking carnisine, I actually think I notice less burn in my legs when climbing stairs. (And in 2017, I finally figured out that my body was not producing CoQ10 anymore, probably due to the stress of the massive Mold Inhalation I went through in 2013. i.e. I thought I finally got over it with treatment.but what I didnt now is that I had never gotten rid of the mold even though I felt better, and figured that out in multiple ways. Quest and LabCorp). Im thinking just do the test before you start taking your supplements for the day. (8) Finally, as of 2006, it was stated to be the only supplement with a scientifically prove anti-aging effect. Hi Karen. Didnt get the same after the second miserable detoxand never had it before or after in my life. Thanks for the article! Organic Acid Test. category. Rule out diabetes. When I was hypothyroid my organic acids were much worse than when I went on thyroid hormone. Interpretation of all the above has NOT been easy. The Organic Acids test measures bacterial overgrowth, yeast and fungal overgrowth. If you're looking for a thyroid specialist and holistic doctor, Manhattan Integrative Medicine is the place. See Organic acids can be used to identify various nutritional deficiencies . No, didnt like one better than the other. An increase in blood pressure and anxiety can be more about being hypothyroid. I do have that double fact have many other FUT2 mutationsand symptoms are mixed. There are over 70 markers on the organic acids test including vitamins and antioxidants, oxidative stress, energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter levels, oxalates, and intestinal yeast and bacteria. Bottom line is that despite the conflicting science and labwork, my body doesn't lie. 3) Dont digest very fast anymorecould also be related to low stomach acid as Ive gotten older though. Moreover, it also measures various B vitamin levels, antioxidants, neurotransmitter levels, detoxification, oxalate levels, fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial function. In this video, Dr. J and Evan talk about addressing gut symptoms via organic acid testing. i.e. I have now added NADH to it (the active form of B3), as CoQ10 works better with it. Thoughts? What is your recommendation? Knowing which metabolic processes to improve is essential to living well and reversing chronic disease. Iron correction is not about boosting ferritin, the storage hormone. Detoxification., Copyright 2022 Nutritionally Yours by Alane Stieglitz | All Rights Reserved, Comprehensive Blood Test / Lab Test Online, Environmental Toxins Testing / Chemical Allergy, Levels of organic acids in the urine can indicate insufficient cofactor micronutrients for critical enzymes that are needed in metabolic pathways. Again, we'll see what these next set of labs reveal and maybe it'll be more clear cut depending on where my rT3 falls. Just curious what types and dose of L-carnitine are you taking? I needed to go higher. Of course, what you do with the information from an Organics Acid Test is just as . But due to a few back-to-back incidents over the past year, it dawned on me that something else is going on with me. I also tested positive for being part of 24% of the population that doesnt get rid of mold easily, i.e. But they discovered that once they got on Natural Desiccated Thyroid AND found their optimal dose, that chronic fatigue went away. It says I need PUFAs, aka n-3 and n-6 LC-PUFAs, but will need help on that with my doctor. Sure, getting on natural desiccated thyroid made huge improvements in my life and was like a miracle. Organic Acids Test has 74 unique urinary metabolites and it . My first OAT was by Organix. And what comes out in your urine reveals what can be going on inside you thats inefficient or needs help. The metabolism of glucose to pyruvate also results in the chemical reduction of the enzyme cofactor oxidized form nicotinic acid dehydrogenase (NAD+) to nicotinic acid dehydrogenase (NADH) (reduced form). As far as straight NADH, there are some forums which say that no more than 5 mg is necessary, and some are over-stimulated on 10 mg. Then there are people I know who have done fantastic on 50 mg NADH. We understand! And I got candida from hell after that, but that was due to overdoing the bacteria kill! First, there are YouTube videos that helped a lot at the beginning and I highly recommend them. Finally, my Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) Inflammatory marker was HIGH. Dont know if its accurate but went with it anyway.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Krebs Cycle Intermediates by Enzmatic Therapy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The updated revision of "Stop the Thyroid Madness: A Patient Revolution Against Decades of Inferior Treatment", "STTM II"--each chapter contributed by a doctor. Right now its a supposition, but Im taking no chances and using straight NADH. All test results are to be used as educational materials and as a guide to help support your overall health and wellness. It is a non invasive urine test, so there is no blood draws required. But I took much higher amounts than the Organix OAT recommendations. Fatty Acid Metabolism Last I checked my copper and it was normal. . Boy was I shocked to see I had this. . And oh did that make sense, as my Dads side of the family ALL had diabetes (but only if they got fat). Ferritin is secondary to serum iron. The only good news: serum iron normalized (96) and ferritin increased (68). Thyroid Stress All Hormones Nutrition. Dr Richard Hagmeyer, DC, a former senior clinic director at the Naperville Institute For Neuro Metabolic Solutions of Chicago and now an online functional medicine online doctor. I clearly had a big problem there, and I think the high copper, then the detoxing, either caused it or made what I had much worse!! The Organic Acid & Environmental Pollutant Test Panel can help you understand what might be going wrong with your diet and environmental exposure, and how to make necessary changes. Andrew Cutler had counting rules on his website where you can tell by mineral displacement that you have mercury toxicity. (Update: turns out this high ratio/brain inflammation was caused by lingering mold in me, which I didnt know when I originally wrote this section. This test is intended for the diagnosis and monitoring of inherited disorders affecting multiple metabolic pathways.

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