rock and roll lube absolute dryeigenvalues of adjacency matrix
Written by on November 16, 2022
If you are dispersed camping, we dont suggest building fires. (1) T650 om-05 Solids Content of Black Liquor, TAPPI, incorporation by reference (IBR) approved for 98.276(c) and 98.277(d). Sales oil means produced crude oil or condensate measured at the production lease automatic custody transfer (LACT) meter or custody transfer tank gauge. (7) A brief description of each best available monitoring method used, the parameter measured using the method, and the time period during which the best available monitoring method was used, if applicable. Key findings include: Proposition 30 on reducing greenhouse gas emissions has lost ground in the past month, with support among likely voters now falling short of a majority. (2) Perform all flow meter calibration at measurement points that are representative of the normal operating range of the meter. Unlike grease, Bike Lube (also known as Chain Lube) is a liquid applied to your chain to both protect it and enable it to be turned freely. One of the problems with cross-weight is that it will change the handling balance from a left to a right turn. Cell phone service is very limited on this route so a satellite communication or tracking device is recommended for emergency situations. word. (13) Method 8015C, Nonhalogenated Organics By Gas Chromatography, Revision 3, February 2007 (Method 8015C). In Part 1 of this (likely) three part series we cover preparation, cleaning and taping of rims. For a complete drivetrain clean, Brush Kits are extremely useful as they enable hard to reach areas to be cleaned properly. I sense a theme here of All rights reserved. Read more about this route project in theWYBDR Press Release. (33) ASTM D6866-16 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Biobased Content of Solid, Liquid, and Gaseous Samples Using Radiocarbon Analysis, approved June 1, 2016, IBR approved for 98.34(d) and (e), and 98.36(e). 200Hz to 20Hz is stunning. Destroyed methane includes, but is not limited to, methane combusted by flaring, methane destroyed by thermal oxidation, methane combusted for use in on-site energy or heat production technologies, methane that is conveyed through pipelines (including natural gas pipelines) for off-site combustion, and methane that is collected for any other on-site or off-site use as a fuel. Owner means any person who has legal or equitable title to, has a leasehold interest in, or control of a facility or supplier, except a person whose legal or equitable title to or leasehold interest in the facility or supplier arises solely because the person is a limited partner in a partnership that has legal or equitable title to, has a leasehold interest in, or control of the facility or supplier shall not be considered an owner of the facility or supplier. Anaerobic digestion systems, include but are not limited to covered lagoon, complete mix, plug flow, and fixed film digesters. (k) The following material is available for purchase from Standard Methods, at, (877) 574-1233; or, through a joint publication agreement from the American Public Health Association (APHA), P.O. Strive for repeatable and take the measurement as a data point, instead of an absolute. Address: 22222 Grey Reef Road,Alcova, WY 82620 If you prefer to grill your own steak and arrange your own logistics it doesnt get any better than the cottages. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. Phone: (307) 327-5361, The Cabins at Riverside, Riverside, WY (Section 1), Address: 205 Riverside Ave, Riverside, WY 82325 This simply If the owner or operator of a facility is required under 98.5(b) to use verification software specified by the Administrator, then all records required for the facility under this part must be retained for at least 5 years from the date of submission of the annual GHG report for the reporting year in which the record was generated, starting with records for reporting year 2010. (1) Best available monitoring methods. When I weigh my cars I try not too overthink all this binding stuff. (iii) The facility emits 25,000 metric tons CO2e or more per year in combined emissions from all stationary fuel combustion sources. Webdj (l) Special provision for best available monitoring methods in 2014 and subsequent years. Rather, each of these measurement devices shall be calibrated to meet the accuracy requirement specified for the device in the applicable subpart of this part, or, in the absence of such accuracy requirement, the device must be calibrated to an accuracy within the appropriate error range for the specific measurement technology, based on an applicable operating standard, including but not limited to manufacturer's specifications and industry standards. WebSearch information: MAPLE may be searched by navigating to the "Material names", "IMs", or "Producers" tab and selecting an item from a dropdown list or by navigating to the "Brands" tab, entering text into the search field, and then clicking the show results button. Excluded is kerosene-type jet fuel (see definition herein). Get the rear percentage as close to the manufacturer's specs as possible. (6) Tracer Gas Protocol for the Determination of Volumetric Flow Rate Through the Ring Pipe of the Xact Multi-Metals Monitoring System, also known as Other Test Method 24 (Tracer Gas Protocol), Eli Lilly and Company Tippecanoe Laboratories, September 2006,, IBR approved for 98.124(e)(1)(ii). Phone: (307) 332-5189, Desert Inn Motel & RV Park, Shoshoni, WY (Section 6), Address: 605 W 2 St, Shoshoni, WY 82649 Shop Bike Grease. get more into that later (actually I won't, that'll have to wait for the full Perfluorocarbons or PFCs means a class of greenhouse gases consisting on the molecular level of carbon and fluorine. Indications of portability include but are not limited to wheels, skids, carrying handles, dolly, trailer, or platform. Biomass means non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material originating from plants, animals or micro-organisms, including products, by-products, residues and waste from agriculture, forestry and related industries as well as the non-fossilized and biodegradable organic fractions of industrial and municipal wastes, including gases and liquids recovered from the decomposition of non-fossilized and biodegradable organic material. Distillate Fuel No. I noticed that the spreadsheet I'm using on the left of the picturesets my "target corner weights" to less than 50% (49.6%),why is that? These include RBOB (reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending) and CBOB (conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending), but exclude oxygenates, butane, and pentanes plus. Wyoming has so many state land properties along the WYBDR and its difficult to know when you are on them, on BLM land, or on private land. Glass produced means the weight of glass exiting a glass melting furnace. Kiln means an oven, furnace, or heated enclosure used for thermally processing a mineral or mineral-based substance. These products include but are not limited to calcium oxide, high-calcium quicklime, calcium hydroxide, hydrated lime, dolomitic quicklime, and dolomitic hydrate. Yeah, I'm a little puzzled by my result when I let me car down on my new scales as well. DataLounge - Gay Celebrity Gossip, Gay Politics, Gay News and Pointless Bitchery since 1995. That seem like a lot. Type: Quad balanced solid-state monoblock amplifier single Watt. You can expect to cover sections with deep ruts, loose rocks, sand, rocky hill climbs/descents and other challenges. Astrut with its innards removed? Simply posting a pic of her jaw-drop with eyes-wide-open all-amazed facial (iii) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (i)(4) through (i)(6) of this section, subsequent recalibrations of the flow meters and other measurement devices subject to the requirements of this paragraph (i) shall be performed at one of the following frequencies: (A) You may use the frequency specified in each applicable subpart of this part. Operators of military installations may classify such installations as more than a single facility based on distinct and independent functional groupings within contiguous military properties. (vi) If the facility or supplier is partially owned by a foreign company and partially owned by one or more U.S. companies, provide the legal name and physical address of the foreign company's highest-level company based in the United States, along with the legal names and physical addresses of the other U.S. parent companies, and report the percent ownership of each of these companies. Cartridges, Etc For example, the calcination of carbonates in a kiln during cement production or the oxidation of methane in an ammonia process results in the release of process CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Only tank-specific methane composition data and gas generation rate data. Poor Kelly! The indicated roll on the panel for the second vacuum instrument dataref name is worng! that something new in audio comes out. Don't just blindly cross weight it thinking it's the "right" way. AXPONA 2022 Show Report Records may be retained off site if the records are readily available for expeditious inspection and review. Vaporization unit means a process unit that performs controlled heat input to vaporize LNG to supply transmission and distribution pipelines or consumers with natural gas. These tell us all we need to know about the setup relative to the weight distribution. In preparing the GHG report, you must use the calculation methodologies specified in the relevant subparts, except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section. McIntosh MC611 shines. (2) The equipment or a replacement resides at the same location for more than 12 consecutive months. Funny. Bulk , with respect to industrial GHG suppliers and CO2 suppliers, means the transfer of a product inside containers, including but not limited to tanks, cylinders, drums, and pressure vessels. We may request cookies to be set on your device. On the first night, after about six hours of warm-up (1) Each such submission shall include the following certification statement signed by the designated representative or any alternate designated representative: I am authorized to make this submission on behalf of the owners and operators of the facility or supplier, as applicable, for which the submission is made. CanJam SoCal 2022 Show Report Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. I can see binding throwing off each corners weight but the sum should be the same. Dispatched in 2 - 3 working days.; in EPA Publication No. The Energy Information Administration Plant ID code is also referred to as the ORIS code, ORISPL code, Facility ID, or Facility code, among other names. For road racing and autocrossing, the ideal left weight percentage is 50 percent. Our free I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the statements and information submitted in this document and all its attachments. Carbon share means the percent of total mass that carbon represents in any product. Commercial applications means executing a commercial transaction subject to a contract. (7) Approved Alternative Method 012: An Alternate Procedure for Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate Determination (Tracer Gas) (ALT-012), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Emission Measurement Center, May 23, 1994,, IBR approved for 98.124(e)(1)(ii). Facilities and suppliers that are submitting their second annual GHG report in 2012 and that are reporting on one or more subparts listed in paragraphs (b)(1)(i) through (b)(1)(xii) of this section must notify EPA by March 31, 2012 that they are not required to submit their annual GHG report until September 28, 2012. Static composting typically occurs in an enclosed channel, with forced aeration and continuous mixing. has McIntosh been in business? 1, No. Natural gasoline means a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons (mostly pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons) extracted from natural gas. Official City of Calgary local government Twitter account. . Coke burn-off means the coke removed from the surface of a catalyst by combustion during catalyst regeneration. (2) A facility or supplier that was already subject to one or more subparts of part 98 but becomes subject to one or more additional subparts due to a change in the GWP for one or more compounds in Table A-1 of this subpart, is not required to include those subparts to which the facility is subject only due to the change in the GWP in the annual GHG report submitted for the reporting year during which the change in GWPs is published. Fluorinated acetates means fluorinated GHGs that are composed of an acetate group with one or more valence locations on the methyl group of the acetate occupied by fluorine atoms (e.g., CFH2C(O)O-, CF2HC(O)O-) and, linked to the single-bonded oxygen of the acetate group, another hydrocarbon group in which one or more of the hydrogen atoms may be replaced by fluorine atoms. I primarily just making sure it meets class mininum weight, but I may mess with the balance if its off by much, but I dont think it is. What are the rules for Wyoming state trust lands? Distillate fuel oil means a classification for one of the petroleum fractions produced in conventional distillation operations and from crackers and hydrotreating process units. Gas collection system or landfill gas collection system means a system of pipes used to collect landfill gas from different locations in the landfill by means of a fan or similar mechanical draft equipment (forced convection) to a single location for treatment (thermal destruction) or use. mention the teeny tiny almost matchbook sized GREATechuVAC that produced about a As a popular example for imaging, Roger Waters Amused To Death If we are talking of weighing a stock type vehicle, not a lot can be done since there are no adjustable parts. Official Site Graphics. Only year in which landfill first accepted waste, last year the landfill accepted waste (if used as an input in Equation HH-3), capacity of the landfill (if used as an input in Equation HH-3), and waste disposal quantity for each year of landfilling. Per monoblock? (4) Emissions Inventory Improvement Program, Volume II: Chapter 16, Methods for Estimating Air Emissions from Chemical Manufacturing Facilities, August 2007, Final,, IBR approved for 98.123(c)(1)(i)(A). Please be prepared for two-way traffic everywhere on this route and always remember to Ride Right to avoid head-on collisions around blind corners. Oh my, forgot to Phone: (307) 332-0248, The Hyde Out Guest Cabin, Atlantic City, WY (Section 5). The calibration method(s) used shall be documented in the monitoring plan required under paragraph (g) of this section. (vi) A signed and dated certification statement provided by the designated representative of the owner or operator, according to the requirements of paragraph (e)(1) of this section. Add to Compare. something that would fit perfectly within your audio system. Loudspeakers/ (I suppose cooking oil, motor oil, KY, or Astro-Glide would also work). Did you mean it was off several hundred pounds per corner? Address: 205 Bridge St, Elk Mountain, WY 82324, J Bs Stop-N-Shop, Elk Mountain, WY (Section 3), Address: 604 Old Casper Medicine Bow Hwy, Medicine Bow, WY 82329, Address: 24025 Lakeshore Dr, Alcova, WY 82620, Sloanes General Store and the Inn, Alcova, WY (Section 4), Address: 21405 Kortes Rd, Alcova, WY 82620, Atlantic City Mercantile, Atlantic City, WY (Section 5), Address: 100 E Main St, Atlantic City, WY 82520, Miners Grubstake, Atlantic City, WY (Section 5), Address: 25 N Granier Ave, Atlantic City, WY 82520, Svilars Bar & Steakhouse, Hudson, WY (Section 5), The Kai Espresso & Gifts, Hudson, WY (Section 5), Union Bar & Grill, Hudson, WY (Section 5), English Muffin Bakery & Espresso, Lander, WY (Section 5), Flat Stick Bar & Grill, Lander, WY (Section 5), Address: 1 Golf Course Dr, Lander, WY 82520, Mulino Italian Bistro, Lander, WY (Section 5), Address: 1350 W Main St, Lander, WY 82520, KTs Grab N Grub, Shoshoni, WY (Section 6), Sacketts Fork Pizza, Ten Sleep, WY (Section 7), Ten Sleep Saloon & Steakhouse, Ten Sleep, WY (Section 7), The Sleepy Coyote, Ten Sleep, WY (Section 7), Ten Sleep Brewery, Ten Sleep, WY (Section 7), The Daily Bread Caf, Ten Sleep, WY (Section 7). (C) Description of the procedures and methods that are used for quality assurance, maintenance, and repair of all continuous monitoring systems, flow meters, and other instrumentation used to provide data for the GHGs reported under this part. You can also change some of your preferences. Aaaaand here we go: Dynaco and Quad amps from the 1960s and 1970s: Hey, it's what 1, No. Do these percentages apply for front wheel drive cars? The only way to change the static weight distribution percentages is to physically move weight around in the car. Re-condenser means heat exchangers that cool compressed boil-off gas to a temperature that will condense natural gas to a liquid. With the MC611 it Fossil fuel means natural gas, petroleum, coal, or any form of solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel derived from such material, for purpose of creating useful heat. SAMP. 01 (4.71): This is a story of how a young woman becomes an exhibitionist Exhibitionist & Voyeur 01/02/21 Table A-1 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Global Warming Potentials, Table A-3 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Source Category List for 98.2(a)(1), Table A-4 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Source Category List for 98.2(a)(2), Table A-5 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Supplier Category List for 98.2(a)(4), Table A-6 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Data Elements That Are Inputs to Emission Equations and for Which the Reporting Deadline Is March 31, 2013, Table A-7 to Subpart A of Part 98 - Data Elements That Are Inputs to Emission Equations and for Which the Reporting Deadline Is March 31, 2015, 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3-(1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-propane, 1,1,3,3,4,4,6,6,7,7,9,9,10,10,12,12,13,13,15,15-eicosafluoro-2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, 1,1,2-Trifluoro-2-(trifluoromethoxy)-ethane, 1-Ethoxy-1,1,2,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane, 2-Ethoxy-3,3,4,4,5-pentafluorotetrahydro-2,5-bis[1,2,2,2-tetrafluoro-1-(trifluoromethyl)ethyl]-furan, 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoro-3-methoxy-propane; Methyl 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropyl ether, 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoro-1-(fluoromethoxy)ethane, 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoropropan-2-yl formate, 2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl 2,2,2-trifluoroacetate, (Octafluorotetramethy-lene) hydroxymethyl group, Novec 1230 (perfluoro (2-methyl-3-pentanone)), 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,7-Undecafluoroheptan-1-ol, 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,9-Pentadecafluorononan-1-ol, 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,11-Nonadecafluoroundecan-1-ol, 2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (Halon-2311/Halothane), Saturated hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) with 2 or fewer carbon-hydrogen bonds, Saturated HFCs with 3 or more carbon-hydrogen bonds, Saturated hydrofluoroethers (HFEs) and hydrochlorofluoroethers (HCFEs) with 1 carbon-hydrogen bond, Saturated HFEs and HCFEs with 2 carbon-hydrogen bonds, Saturated HFEs and HCFEs with 3 or more carbon-hydrogen bonds, Fluorinated acetates, carbonofluoridates, and fluorinated alcohols other than fluorotelomer alcohols, Unsaturated perfluorocarbons (PFCs), unsaturated HFCs, unsaturated hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), unsaturated halogenated ethers, unsaturated halogenated esters, fluorinated aldehydes, and fluorinated ketones, Fluorinated GHGs with carbon-iodine bond(s), Electricity generation units that report CO. HFC-23 destruction processes that are not collocated with a HCFC-22 production facility and that destroy more than 2.14 metric tons of HFC-23 per year (subpart O). Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Various Grease can also be used on pedals, bottom brackets, threads, bolts, and screws although anti-seize compound is more typically used in these areas. Keep your bikes drivetrain in great condition with our wide range of Bike Lubricants & Grease, Degreasers, Wax and Oil from quality brands such as: Finish Line, Weldtite, White Lightning, Birzman, and more. . Not a few years of operation, or five years, or ten. Cables. There also may be some deep puddles and water-crossings especially early in the season. The term includes, as appropriate: (4) The transferee, if the right to draw merchandise in a bonded warehouse has been transferred. (16) ASTM D2505-88 (Reapproved 2004)e1 Standard Test Method for Ethylene, Other Hydrocarbons, and Carbon Dioxide in High-Purity Ethylene by Gas Chromatography, IBR approved for 98.244(b). Destruction efficiency, or flaring destruction efficiency, refers to the fraction of the gas that leaves the flare partially or fully oxidized. ASABE means the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Non-crude feedstocks means any petroleum product or natural gas liquid that enters the refinery to be further refined or otherwise used on site. It's easy to use, no lengthy sign-ups, and 100% free! mind I wanted this review to be 'different'. Operator means any person who operates or supervises a facility or supplier. Be prepared and bring the WYBDR Butler Map AND your navigation device with the latest WYBDR GPS tracks loaded. Destruction efficiency means the efficiency with which a destruction device reduces the mass of a greenhouse gas fed into the device. All classifieds - Veux-Veux-Pas, free classified ads Website. now pretty darn good. We do not officially rate roads or routes because the difficulty can change from day to day depending on weather, changes in road conditions, and road damage caused by a variety of forces including wind, storms, flooding, snow, logging, forest fires and more. New California laws will create 4 million jobs, reduce the states oil use by 91%, cut air pollution by 60%, protect communities from oil drilling, and accelerate the states transition to clean WebA Weekend on the Bottom (4.51): My friend E mails Me about her weekend as a subbie. Not monitored 24/7. I would imagine that disconnecting the shocks is only applicable to setups where the shock and spring are separate, like a lot of solid axle cars, or Mk2 Supras in my experience. Binghamton, NY 13903, Voice:(607) 723-3512 , John's new, fully decked Tumbleweed Prospector is ready for years of rugged, loaded exploration. (2) Liquids produced at natural gas processing plants are excluded. Bounce the car at each corner to free the suspension from any bind, then roll the car onto the scales. (2) The data used to calculate the GHG emissions for each unit, operation, process, and activity, categorized by fuel or material type. You may use either the manufacturer's recommended calibration schedule or you may use the industry consensus calibration schedule. This definition applies to the regular grade categories of Conventional-Summer, Conventional-Winter, Reformulated-Summer, and Reformulated-Winter. All of the roads used on the WYBDR are open to vehicles. No stopping the Detainees. HIFICRITIC In this case, the deadline for the successive calibrations of the flow meter shall be set according to one of the following. Thinking about this a little, the weight measured by the scales is the sum of the force of gravity acting on the car's mass, and the force of the springs pressing downward. 2, and No. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. I borrowed some scales to weigh my Terceltomorrow. (xii) Imports and Exports of Equipment Pre-charged with Fluorinated GHGs or Containing Fluorinated GHGs in Closed-cell Foams (subpart QQ). Below are answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions about the Wyoming Backcountry Discovery Route. This was not the typical "Steven, shows zero compression. Additionally, there is trailer parking for guests during your adventure. Include the date of the three most recent shutdowns for each relevant process equipment or unit, the frequency of shutdowns for each relevant process equipment or unit, and the date of the next planned process equipment or unit shutdown. (5) ASME MFC-7M-1987 (Reaffirmed 1992) Measurement of Gas Flow by Means of Critical Flow Venturi Nozzles, IBR approved for 98.124(m)(5), 98.324(e), 98.344(c), 98.354(h), and 98.364(e). Gaseous fuel means a material that is in the gaseous state at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure conditions and that is combusted to produce heat and/or energy. For these facilities, the annual GHG report must cover emissions from stationary fuel combustion sources only. Phone: 307-383-2300. It has to, it's just the laws of physics. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. (1) Calculate the mass in metric tons per year of CO2, N2O, and each fluorinated GHG that is imported and the mass in metric tons per year of CO2, N2O, and each fluorinated GHG that is exported during the year. The notification shall be submitted no later than March 31 of the year immediately following the fifth consecutive year of emissions less than 25,000 tons CO2e per year. A transshipment, as it moves through the United States or its territories, cannot be re-packaged, sorted or otherwise changed in condition. Seems in the past few years these toys are, well, exotic Italian cars, perhaps a Since this article still gets a bunch of traffic, just bumping it up. If you have comments or suggestions on how to improve the website or have questions about using, please choose the 'Website Feedback' button below. Phone: (307) 752-2444, Brendas Home Cooking, Baggs, WY (Section 1), Address: 1460 Penland St, Baggs, WY 82321, Bear Trap Cafe & Bar, Riverside, WY (Section 1), Address: 120 Riverside Ave, Riverside, WY 82325, The Mangy Moose, Riverside, WY (Section 1), Address: 108 Riverside Ave, Riverside, WY 82325, Ds Bar & Grill, Encampment, WY (Section 1), Address: Mac Farlane Ave, Encampment, WY 82325, The Divide Restaurant & Lounge, Encampment, WY (Section 1), Address: 520 McCaffrey Ave, Encampment, WY 82325, Bear Bottom Bar & Grill, Centennial, WY (Section 2), Address: 2768 WY-130, Centennial, WY 82055, Address: 2758 WY-130, Centennial, WY 82055, The Mountain View Cafe, Centennial, WY (Section 2), Address: 2747 WY-130, Centennial, WY 82055, Address: 2753 WY-130, Centennial, WY 82055, Elk Mountain Trading Company/The Crossing Cafe, Elk Mountain, WY (Section 3). No stopping the Detainees. Gas conditions mean the actual temperature, volume, and pressure of a gas sample. Laws & Rules Governing Purchasing & Contracting, Targeted Group, Economically Disadvantaged & Veteran-Owned Small Business Program, 2017 & 2018 MDA MINNESOTA ORGANIC CONFERENCE, 2019 DPS/OJP CONFERENCE ON CRIME & VICTIMIZATION, 2021 BCA SEX TRAFFICKING INVESTIGATION CONFERENCE, 2022 & 2023 MNDOT RIGHT OF WAY PROF WORKSHOP, ADVERTISING - PLACEMENT SVCS FOR JOB POSTINGS, ADVERTISING SERVICE FOR THE MDH RADON PROGRAM, AERIAL FIRE SUPRESS PRODUCTS FOR FIGHTING WILDFIRES, AERONAUTIC NAVIGATION SYSTEMS, PARTS, & SERVICE, AFTERMARKET TRACTOR/SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS, AGGREGATES & SAND DELIVERED FOR STOCKPILE, AGGREGATES: TYPE III MICRO-SURFACING AGGREGATE, AIDS & DEVICES: LOW VISION INCL SOFTWARE & HARDWARE, AIR COMPRESSORS: TRAILER,SKID MOUNT, CAB & CHASSIS, AIR HANDLER: INSPECT & REPLACE MN HISTORY CENTER, AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE FOR MNDOT, DPS, & DNR ONLY, AMMUNITION: RIOT CONTROL MUNITIONS EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES, ARCHERY EQUIPMENT: DNR (ARCHERY IN SCHOOLS), ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, HVAC CLEAN, LEAD REM, ETC, ATVS, UTILITY VEHICLES, TRACK SYSTEMS & ACCESSORIES, AUCTION SERVICES FOR CONFISCATED EQUIPMENT - DNR ONLY, AUDIO-VISUAL PRODUCTS: EQUIPMENT, SERVICE, RENTAL, BACKGROUND AND FINANCIAL SCREENING SERVICES, BADGES: NAME (ID TAG), NAME PLATES, WALL PLAQUES, BALLISTIC HELMETS, BODY ARMOR & COMMUNICATION DEVICES, BANKING SERVICES FOR THE MN STATE LOTTERY ONLY, BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN COUNTER EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE, BIOMEDICAL EQUIP, MAINT, & REPAIR FOR MCF, BITUMINOUS MATERIAL & CRACK/JOINT SEALERS, BITUMINOUS MATERIALS, OILS & EMULSIONS (SUMMER, WINTER), BLADES, PLOW GUARDS, CUTTING EDGES, BOLTS, BREATH TESTING PRELIMINARY SCREENING DEVICES, BUILDING SUPPLIES: WALK-IN CONVENIENCE PURCHASES, CA CL APP FOR DUST CONTROL AT CAMP RIPLEY AND AHATS, CABLE(FIBER) FURNISH & INSTALL - BY REGION, CAFETERIA & CATERING FOOD SERV FOR MSRS BUILDING, CAMERA:INDOOR/OUTDOOR IP PTZ CAMERA W/WIPER MNDOT ONLY, CARPET AND RESILIENT FLOORING - 87 COUNTIES, CATERING SERVICES: CAMP RIPLEY ON-CALL (DPS ONLY), CATERING SERVICES: STATE PATROL CADET TRAINING, CENTRAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS - CTSCS, CLEANING COMPOUNDS/DETERGENTS - DISH & LAUNDRY, CLEANING SUPPLIES AND FLOOR CARE PRODUCTS, COFFEE CONCENTRATE (LIQUID) & DISPENSING SYSTEM, COMPUTER CAPACITY SERVICES FOR MN.IT SERVICES, COMPUTER EQUIP & RELATED PERIPHERALS & SERVICES, COMPUTER: BENTLEY MASTER LICENSE & SERVICE AGREE, COMPUTER: ASSET MGT SOFTWARE (MAXIMUS) & SVC, COMPUTER: DATA WAREHOUSE TECHNOLOGY DHS ONLY, COMPUTER: ELECTRONIC LAB NOTEBOOKS - BCA ONLY, COMPUTER: ESAR SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE & SUPPORT - MDH ONLY, COMPUTER: GIS SOFTWARE & MAINT - ELA - MN-IT ONLY, COMPUTER: RECEIPT PROCESSING SYSTEMS - DHS ONLY, COMPUTER: S/W (VULNERABILITY/SEC)MAINT SUPPORT, COMPUTER: WEB TO PRINT SOFTWARE - MINNCOR ONLY, COMPUTERS, MONITORS, ACCESSORIES, & SERVICES, COMPUTERS: ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT SYSTEM - MDH ONLY, COMPUTERS: IBM HARDWARE, MAINT & SERVICES, COMPUTERS: UNISYS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, AND MAINTENANCE, CONF: 2018 & 2019 DPS STATE FIRE MARSHALS CONF, CONF: 2019 MDH HEALTH REGULATION DIVISION IN-SERVICE, CONF: 2020 OSS COUNTY AUDITOR ELECTION TRAINING, CONF: 2022 BCA MISSING PERSONS & DEATH INVESTIGATION, CONF: 2022 DPS OJP MN VICITM ASSISTANCE ACADEMY, CONF: DPS 2018 & 2019 GOVERNOR'S (HSEM) CONFERENCE, CONFERENCE: 2018 MMCAP ADVISORY BOARD MEETING, CONFERENCE: 2019 OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR TRAINING, CONFERENCE: 2021 EXPLORE MINNESOTA TOURISM, CONFERENCE: 2022 ROUND TABLE EVENT (DNR ONLY), CONFERENCE: 2022-2023 VETERANS CAREER FAIR (DEED ONLY), CONFERENCE: AGO SPRING 2018 ALL DAY CLE SEMINAR, COPIERS: MFD GROUPS BC: PRODUCTION AND WIDE FORMAT ONLY, COURIER SERVICES FOR MDH CLINICAL SAMPLES ONLY, CRUSHED ROCK SALT REGULAR AND TREATED - FOR ROAD USE, CURRENT MODEL YEAR AUTOMOBILES: PATROL TYPE, DECONTAMINATION/RECOVERY SYSTEM WITH TRAILER, DHS 2017 & 2019 AGE/DISABILITY ODYSSEY EVENT, DHS SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH CONFERENCE 2019 & 2020, DHS TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION (TED) PROGRAM, DIGITAL LICENSE PLATE & VALIDATION PRODUCTION (MINNCOR), DIGITAL TELECONF BRIDGING RECORD & STORAGE-DEED ONLY, DISTR CTR FOR RECEIPT, STORAGE, RELEASE OF DONATED FOOD, DNA ANALYSIS CHEMICALS, SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT, DOOR HARDWARE - LOCKS CLOSERS & EXIT DEVICES, DRIVER OR MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE RECORD CHECKS, EARLY CHILDHOOD ONLINE ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS, ELECTRONIC VEHICLE TITLE & REGISTRATION PROGRAM, ELEVATOR/ESCALATOR MAINTENANCE - ALL 87 COUNTIES, ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE-FULL SERVICE, ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE-LIMIT SERV, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE COST REDUCTION PROGRAM, EQUIPMENT: AUTOMATED PHARMACY DISPENSING MACHINES (DHS), EVALUATION: ONLINE RESPIRATOR MEDICAL EVALUATION, EXCAVATORS AND EXCAVATOR PARTS AND ATTACHMENTS, EXHIBITS: MPCA MN STATE FAIR ECO EXPERIENCE, FENCING MATERIALS: DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, SNOW FENCE, FIRE ALARM MONITORITING & SUPPORT FOR MNNG, FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE, FIREWALL MGMT SVCS - DPS EMERGENCY COMM NETWORKS, FISH FOOD FOR SALMON & STEELHEAD - DNR ONLY, FLAGS: USA, STATE OF MN, POW-MIA, & ARMED FORCES, FLEET MGMT/MAINT - REFERRAL SERVICES - FSS, DPS ONLY, FOOD BEVERAGE & STORAGE PRODUCTS: DISPOSABLE, FOOD SERVICE SUPPLIES & SMALL EQUIPMENT (NON-DISP), FOOD SERVICE: CAPITOL COMPLEX AREA - ADMIN ONLY, FOOD, BEVERAGE & STORAGE PRODUCTS: COMPOSTABLE, FOOD: FRESH, FROZEN, DRY, CANNED, DELIVERED, FOOD: SANDWICHES & BAKERY GOODS (MVH GENERAL STORE), FORENSIC DRUG & ANALYTICAL REFERENCE STANDARDS, FREIGHT SERVICES: LONG HAUL & LTL STATEWIDE, FREIGHT: SMALL PACKAGE DELIVERY STATEWIDE, FREIGHT: SMALL PACKAGE & EXPRESS DELIVERY SERVICES, FRESH, FROZEN, DRY, CANNED FOR STATE HEALTH-CARE & CPV, FUEL: DIESEL EXHAUST FLUIDS & DISPENSING EQUIP, FUEL: FIXED & SPOT PRICE FUEL PROGRAM-METRO ONLY, FUEL: RACK PRICES FOR GAS, DIESEL, BIODIESEL & PROPANE, FURNISH & INSTALL BRAKE TESTERS FOR MN STATE PATROL, FURNITURE: SEATING, SYSTEMS, OFFICE & RELATED SERVICES, FURNITURE: SYSTEMS FURNITURE AND RELATED SERVICES, GAS: PROPANE & TANK RENTAL/MAINT PROGRAM DNR ONLY, GAS: PROPANE, LP-SPOT PRICE PROGRAM-CUSTOMER OWNED TANKS, GASES: BULK NITROGEN SUPPLY & TANK (MDH & MDA), GASES: SPECIALTY, ARGON IN BULK TANK (MDH & MDA), GLASSES: PRESCRIPTION LENSES, FRAMES & MATERIALS, GUARDRAIL COMPONENTS & INSTALLATION BY COUNTY, GUNS PISTOLS RIFLES&ACC - MSP DNR BCA MET COUN MIL AFFR, HAZ MAT: RECYCLE/MGMT OF FLOURESCENT LAMP, HAZ MAT: USED ELECTRONICS RECYCLING & MGMT, HAZ MAT: USED OIL, FILTER, ABSORBENT & ANTIFREEZE, HEARING AIDS: VOLUME PURCHASE HEARING AID PROG, HVY EQUIP TRAINING SIMULATORS, SOFTWARE MAINT, HYDRO-VAC EXCAVATING SERVICES - STATEWIDE, ILLUMINA CONSUMABLE LAB SUPPLIES & SERVICE, INCENTIVE PROGRAM: MONETARY CORP REWARD CARDS, IND PAPER PRODUCTS: TISSUE, TOWELS, NAPKINS & WIPERS, INDUSTRIAL SWEEPERS, SCRUBBERS, AND VACUUMS, INSP/PREV/MAINT/REP METTLER TOLEDO TRUCK SCALES (MNDOT), INSTALL & REPLACE TRAFFIC RECORDING COMP-MNDOT ONLY, INSTALL/MAINT OF GAC WATER FILTRATION & RO SYSTEMS, INSTRUMENTS & CONSUMABLES FOR RECOVERY OF DNA, INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (ITS) CONTROL CABINETS, INTERNET PAYMENT SVCS: CREDIT CARD PROCESSING, JANITOR SVC: MNDOT DETROIT LAKES MORRIS & MOORHEAD, JANITORIAL SERV: SOUTHERN CITIES DENTAL CLINIC - DHS, JANITORIAL SERVICE: MN AIR NAT'L GUARD ONLY, JANITORIAL SERVICE: MNDOT WINONA TRUCK STATION, JANITORIAL SERVICES: BCA CRIME LAB BEMIDJI ONLY, JANITORIAL SERVICES: DEED CAREERFORCE SOUTH MPLS ONLY, JANITORIAL SERVICES: DNR FIRE CENTER - GRAND RAPIDA, JANITORIAL SERVICES: MN ARMY NATL GUARD ARMORY, JANITORIAL SERVICES: MNDOT DISTRICT 1 VIRGINIA HQ, JANITORIAL SERVICES: MNDOT DULUTH HEADQUARTERS, JANITORIAL SRVCS: MNDOT GRAND RAPIDS TRUCK STATION, JANITORIAL SVCS: MINNCOR INDUSTRIES & DOC ONLY, JANITORIAL: MNDOT OAKDALE, GOLDEN VALLEY, RICHFIELD, JANITORIAL: MNDOT ST CROIX & DAYTON PORT WEIGH STATIONS, JANITORIAL: MNDOT TRUCK STATION - FERGUS FALLS, KIT: XTAG CYSTIC FIBROSIS, DEPT OF HEALTH ONLY, KITCHEN EXHAUST HOOD & CAFETERIA VENT CLEANING - FMD, KITS: BLOOD ALC, PM BLOOD ALC, SEX ASSLT, URINE KITS, KITS: KITS REAGENTS & EQUIP FOR MYCOBACTERIUM TESTING, LAB ANALYSIS: CONTAMINANTS OF EMERGING CONCERN (CECs), LAB ANALYSIS: ENVIRONMENTAL ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY, LAB EQUIPMENT: COMPARISON MICROSCOPES (BCA), LAB INFO MGMT SYSTEM (LIMS) - MN DEPT OF HEALTH. The materials listed in this section are incorporated by reference in the corresponding sections noted. (viii) Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide (subpart RR). (B) You must make all temperature and/or total pressure measurements in the demonstration described in paragraph (i)(3)(ii)(A) of this section with calibrated gauges, sensors, transmitters, or other appropriate measurement devices. This process also includes high-rate flowback of injected gas, water, oil, and proppant used to re-fracture and prop-open new fractures in existing low permeability gas reservoirs, steps that may vent large quantities of produced gas to the atmosphere. (2) ISO 3171: Petroleum Liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling - Second Edition 1988-12-01, IBR approved for 98.164(b). . Only surface area (in square meters) at the start of the reporting year for the landfill sections that contain waste and that are associated with the selected cover type (for facilities using a landfill gas collection system). Unsure about autox. The left weight percentage is found by adding the LF weight to the LR weight and dividing the sum by the total weight. peak output
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