wuchereria bancrofti transmissioneigenvalues of adjacency matrix

Written by on November 16, 2022

the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. 2012, 5: 259-10.1186/1756-3305-5-259. In 2013, testing of older children and adults was restricted to those who were positive by ICT in 2012 (n=50). 2013 Aug 28;6(1):247. doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-6-247. funestus complex was responsible for more infective bites than the An. In 2009, two (0.05%) filaria-infected Anopheles females were detected (Table4) without any infective larval stage recovered. Dried blood spots were collected for additional laboratory analyses. Govella NJ, Moore JD, Killeen GF. The main limitation encountered during the MX evaluation in Bangladesh was the difficulty in collecting sufficient mosquitoes to reach the targeted sample size of 13,500 female mosquitoes per district. The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. A number between zero and the sampling interval was randomly chosen to select the first village from the HH list, and then the sample interval was added to that number repeatedly until the 30 villages were chosen. . gambiae s.s. collected in 2001 were the S molecular form (Table4). gambiae s.s. molecular forms. In 2002, both An. quinquefasciatus seasonality in Bangladesh in the published literature. The results of the monthly HBR (from all night HLC) multiplied by the W. bancrofti infectivity rate for a given species give an estimate of the number of infective bites of W. bancrofti received per human per month. This parasite is transmitted by the bite from an infected mosquito. In that case, the sample size needed was half the one calculated initially (13,500), closer to the 10,021 tested in this study. Randomised community-based trial of annual single-dose diethylcarbamazine with or without ivermectin against Wuchereria bancrofti infection in human beings and mosquitoes. A total of 1,735 culicine mosquitoes, including Culex and Mansonia species, were dissected, but none were infected with filarial larvae. Yaya I. Coulibaly, Siaka Y. Coulibaly, [], and Thomas B. Nutman. No information was found concerning any benefits Wuchereria bancrofti may provide for humans.. Economic Importance for Humans: Negative. quinquefasciatus [13]. Wuchereria bancrofti is the cause of the human disease bancroftian filariasis which usually targets the genitalia and lower extremities. Begum et al. PubMed Central gambiae s.s. decreased towards the end of the rainy season (December) while that of An. Amuzu H, Wilson MD, Boakye DA: Studies of Anopheles gambiae s.l (Diptera: Culicidae) exhibiting different vectorial capacities in lymphatic filariasis transmission in the Gomoa district, Ghana. 2010, 3: 12-10.1186/1756-3305-3-12. Epub 2016 Mar 15. gambiae s.s. molecular forms was not performed on all the collected mosquitoes for logistical reasons, at least 76% of the mosquitoes collected each month were dissected to ensure that the samples tested were temporally and geographically representative. A second TAS carried out in 2015 also found no antigen-positive children [7]. Bancroftian filariasis is endemic in many areas of Papua New Guinea. Serous Cavity Filariasis is caused by the worms Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi. Antibody testing (e.g. Wuchereria bancrofti infection prevalence as assessed by the detection of CFA using ICT prior to MDA was 46% [ 4 ]. 2010, 9: 365-10.1186/1475-2875-9-365. Infective stage W. bancrofti larvae (L3) were assessed in mosquitoes using an L3-specific reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) technique as previously described [7]. Cookies policy. Entomologic parameters assessed included infection rate, infectivity rate, human biting rate (HBR) and entomological inoculation rate (EIR) and were calculated as previously described [5, 7]: Infection rate: proportion of mosquitoes found infected after dissection with any W. bancrofti larval stage (L1L3). Parasit Vectors. As Bancroftian filariasis was found to be endemic in all eight administrative districts of Mali, ranging from 1% in Timbuktu (northern part of Mali) to> 18% in Sikasso (southern part of the country) [3], annual MDA using ivermectin and albendazole was initiated sequentially starting from the most highly endemic district in the country [3]. The aim of this study was to conduct an MX evaluation in two areas of Bangladesh, one previously endemic district that had stopped MDA (Panchagarh), and part of a non-endemic district (Gaibandha) that borders the district where transmission was most recently recorded. Overall, An. gambiae complex in November and December 2002 (Table3). Monitoring and epidemiological assessment of mass drug administration in the global programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis: a manual for national elimination programmes. Lymphatic filariasis: countries x indicators. Mosquitoes were collected by two trained field personnel in each room of four different houses in each village using the HLC method. The impact of six annual rounds of mass drug administration on, Laney SJ, Ramzy RM, Helmy HH, Farid HA, Ashour AA, Weil GJ, et al. As there was good concordance between Wb123 prevalence and that of the CFA testing in the children (see Table1) and with both tests now being point of care (POC) [8, 24], it is possible that the Wb123 rapid diagnostic test may be considered as a major surveillance tool in the near future. Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and B. timori are considered human parasites as animal reservoirs are of minor epidemiologic importance or absent; felid species and some primates are the primary reservoir hosts of zoonotic B. pahangi. gambiae ss were further processed by PCR to identify the molecular forms, M and S, as described by Favia et al. Filarial vector studies in a diethylcarbamazine-treated and in untreated villages in Papua New Guinea. The traps were placed within 20 meters of the selected HH. Only intact mosquitoes were used for the pooling for two reasons: 1) identification of Cx. The funding bodies did not play any role in the study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, nor the decision to write the manuscript. Although the ICT prevalence in this age group met WHO criteria for restarting MDA (>2% ICT-positive) [5], the prevalence using the Og4C3 ELISA and Wb123 antibody ELISA were below the threshold. 1) microfilariae nuclei don't extend to the tip of the tail 2) microfilaria is sheathed The LF mapping carried out in 2001 showed an LF baseline prevalence of 10.8% (Mf) in Panchagarh. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. FOIA While grass infusion has been shown to be an effective attractant for Cx. WHO Global programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis: progress report, 2013. funestus complex (4.9% versus 5.1% infection; Chi2=0.04, p=0.82 and 2% versus 2.2% infectivity; Chi2=0.06, p=0.80), the infectivity rate for An. Parasitologia. The range of mosquitoes per pool was 125 (mean 16.9); and 256 pools (43.1%) were composed of 25 mosquitoes. Epidemiological and entomological evaluations after six years or more of mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis elimination in Nigeria. The confidence level was set at 95% for all statistical tests. In each of the 30 villages selected per evaluation unit, six trap-sites were systematically selected, regardless of the size of the village. When simple random sampling is presumed, a sample size of 6,850 Culex mosquitoes was required (alpha = 0.05, power = 0.75). A key issue is to ensure that an adequate sample size can be attained. By using this method, the number of traps allocated to each team and the number of villages visited daily could remain constant throughout the study. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The highest ABR using the HLC was 374 bites per person in 2012 and the lowest was in 2011 with 155 bites per person. 2010, 116: 119-126. Farid HA, Morsy ZS, Helmy H, Ramzy RM, El Setouhy M, Weil GJ. A most interesting phenomenon in blood parasitology and one of practical importance in the question of transmission of the parasite, . However, as we were collecting in different villages every three nights, it is not possible to know whether this increase was due to the grass infusion or the sequence of villages where trapping was conducted. An exposure-free tool for monitoring adult malaria mosquito populations. Using the Clopper-Pearson method [19] in PoolScreen, the 95%CI for the infection prevalence was 00.00051 for Panchagarh and 00.00073 for Gaibandha. Most of the infections worldwide are caused by Wuchereria bancrofti. It is possible that an urban cycle of transmission could become established. funestus complex (data not shown). sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Chambers EW, McClintock SK, Avery MF, King JD, Bradley MH, Schmaedick MA, et al. The collected data were entered using Microsoft Access 2007 and analysed using Graph Pad prism version 5 and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Moreover, both the infection and infectivity of the PSC-collected mosquitoes were 0 (Table4). Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. 2003 Jun;19(6):260-3. doi: 10.1016/s1471-4922(03)00110-7. 2005, 21: 44-49. Our sample size estimate was based on a on a positivity threshold of <0.25% and a design effect of two. Coulibaly YI, Dembele B, Diallo AA, Konate S, Dolo H, Coulibaly SY, et al. This work received financial support from the Neglected Tropical Disease Support Center (NTDSC), which is funded at the Task Force for Global Health principally by grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and United States Agency for International Development. they reach by penetrating the wall of the intestine They then pass to the salivary glands and mouthparts for onward transmission Once inside the human host they enter lymphatic system, . Parasit Vectors. The majority (86%) of the anopheline vectors captured were identified as An. It is estimated that about 100 million humans are infected, although apparently only 1 % of the infections lead to adult worms. In order to investigate the effect of aggressive therapy on Wuchereria bancrofti (Wb) microfilariae, DEC was given to 29 patients who were positive for the circulating filarial antigen (CFA) assay but did not have clinical . We sought to use MX to measure if the mosquito infection rate with W. bancrofti in the two districts was less than the cut-off point of 0.25%, a threshold that has been suggested for areas where Culex mosquitoes are the vector [10]. We wanted to undertake these collections at the time of year when the highest Cx. gambiae complex were determined. Potential reasons for this decrease in mosquito numbers include changes in climate, increased awareness of the study area population with respect to the role of mosquitoes in disease transmission (resulting in less breeding sites and increased use of insecticide treated nets), and the effect of ivermectin on mosquito survivorship. The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Before Transmission indices varied significantly in five villages located within a 50-km radius of each other. quinquefasciatus were collected prior to the third night. vagus, and An. By using this website, you agree to our No infective mosquito was recovered in December 2001 (Table2). MX evaluations for post-elimination validation surveillance could be recommended in high-risk transmission areas in countries with the appropriate entomological and laboratory capacities. Zia Uddin (Panchagarh) and Md. Vectors of Wuchereria bancrofti in the Sepik Provinces of Papua New Guinea. 2018 Jul; 12(7): e0006574. Reimer LJ, Thomsen EK, Tisch DJ, Henry-Halldin CN, Zimmerman PA, Baea ME, Dagoro H, Susapu M, Hetzel MW, Bockarie MJ, Michael E, Siba PM, Kazura JW. Antibody to the W. bancrofti infective larval stage (L3) antigen, Wb123, was tested in the same population in 2012. rufipes frequencies [28, 29]. 2010, 3: 85-10.1186/1756-3305-3-85. In addition, they are made up of different types of cells, which makes them multicellular organisms. 1994, 88: 665-666. quinquefasciatus, 30 other mosquito species were collected, all of which had been previously recorded from Bangladesh [27]. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. WHO/HTM/NTD/PCT/2017.07. The prevalence of microfilaremia was assessed in 2002 (prior to the initiation of MDA) by examination of 3 slides of 20l of night blood/subject, and ranged from 40% in Dozanso (48/120) to 13.8% in NTorla (27/196). Ann Trop Med Parasitol. A comprehensive assessment of lymphatic filariasis in Sri Lanka six years after cessation of mass drug administration. Interruption of infection transmission in the onchocerciasis focus of Ecuador leading to the cessation of ivermectin distribution. Wuchereria bancrofti is a digenetic endoparasite, and complete life cycle in man, the definite host and mosquito (Culex & Aedes), intermediate host. ICT testing of a cohort of children8years old and adults and entomological assessment of LF transmission were performed. Significant monthly variation in the relative frequencies of the two species was observed (p<10-6). 1992; BGD/89/040. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. The larval form of the parasite was first seen by Demarquay (1863) in the hydrocoel fluid of man. ADVERTISEMENTS: They are filiform in shape having tapering ends; the head end terminating in a slightly rounded swelling. [Transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti Cobbold in West Africa. Of the 2962 and 7165 mosquitoes collected in 2011 and 2012, respectively, the frequencies of An. 2013; Geneva (WHO/HTM/NTD/PCT/2013.10), http://www.who.int/neglected_diseases/preventive_chemotherapy/lf/db/?units=minimal®ion=all&country=all&countries=all&year=all. arabiensis and An. The practical application of xenomonitoring activities is worthy of discussion. 1. All reactions were carried out in an ABI 7500 Fast Dx real-time PCR system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) using Taqman Universal PCR Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), and all pools were run in duplicate. The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is at the heart of Northern Europe, more precisely in the very south of Finland and it has some 230 km of Baltic Sea coastline. Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis: progress report, 2015. WHO. 2018 Jan 31;285(1871):20172253. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2017.2253. Due to the high levels of transmission documented during the first year of the study, yearly MDA was instituted in the 6 study villages in June 2002, one month prior to the second entomological survey. An. Yaya Ibrahim Coulibaly. Irish SR, Moore SJ, Derua YA, Bruce J, Cameron MM. California Privacy Statement, Web view Wuchereria bancrofti and transmitted by Anopheles mosquitoes in Africa, by the year 2020 with Lymphatic filariasis Lymphatic filariasis (also known as elephantiasis) is a parasitic disease caused by, three types of parasitic worms: Wuchereria A review of the mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) of Bangladesh. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. Wuchereria bancrofti transmission pattern in southern Mali prior to and following the institution of mass drug administration. Nonetheless, close monitoring in areas of previously high transmission is necessary to detect early resurgence of transmission and to generate data that may guide and improve the LF elimination process. As shown in Table 1, Cx. As had been reported previously in Mali, An. Intermediate host: The host in which the larva stages of a . All mosquito collection data are presented in S1 Table. The sheath of microfilaria digests in the stomach of mosquito. The site is secure. Probability proportional to estimated size (PPES) was used for the selection of villages based on the 2011 Bangladesh Census Data [12]. Karim MR, Islam MM, Farid MS, Rashid MA, Akter T, Khan HR. [4] used an infusion of yeast, milk powder, and dry straw. In conclusion, the entomological data from the present study confirmed the district of Sikasso as an area of high W. bancrofti transmission. funestus complex mosquitoes captured, although a higher degree of facilitation by An. funestus complexes collected were freshly dissected for parity status based on techniques previously described [9, 10] and for infection (any larval stage) and infectivity (L3 stage) status by individual mosquito dissection as previously described [11]. Additionally, identification of all mosquito species was possible in this study because of the skill of the entomologists, but it did increase the time needed for processing mosquitoes and this capacity is not present in all locations. Wb123 antibody positivity rates in 2013 were similar to the CFA prevalence by ELISA (5/285). Evidence of continued transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti and associated factors despite nine rounds of ivermectin and albendazole mass drug administration in Rufiji district, Tanzania Donath Tarimo 2015, Tanzania journal of health research Continue Reading Download Free PDF Download Continue Reading Download Free PDF Download This led to the selection of this area as the site of a multi-national study on the effects of MDA on LF transmission by anopheline vectors and as the first region in Mali for implementation of MDA with ivermectin and albendazole to eliminate transmission of LF. Kia EB, Sharifdini M, Hajjaran H, Shahbazi AE, Sayyad TZ. Organization (WHO) transmission assessment survey (TAS) protocol.6 Formalized in 2011, TAS is a lot quality assurance-type survey to determine whether LF prevalence is below thresholds under which recrudescence is unlikely to occur even in the absence of MDA (< 2% antigen prevalence in areas where W. bancrofti is transmitted by Culex or . In addition, HLC was much more effective at collecting Anopheles than PSC; because of potential ethical issues related to HLC [30], better collection methods are needed. 10.1046/j.1365-2583.1997.00189.x. This trend diminished towards the end of the transmission season with equal collection of both species in December 2001 (Table2) and only a two-fold increase in collection of An. Since the number of parasites (parasitemia) in the blood is higher during the night, blood samples are best obtained at night. We assessed 289 children aged 67 years in 2009, 301 in 2011, 285 in 2012 and 309 in 2013. The baseline data and the impact of six rounds of MDA on human infection and potential transmission in this sentinel site have been previously reported [4]. Finally, the use of several additional methods (Og4C3 ELISA; Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) targeting Wuchereria bancrofti DNA; and W. bancrofti infective larval stage specific antigen Wb123-based IgG4 immunoassays) to assess transmission interruption in this previously highly LF-endemic region (Sikasso) of Mali was explored. Parasitol Today. Dembl M, Bamani S, Dembl R, Traor MO, Goita S, Traor MN, et al. Lymphatic filariasis (LF), an important cause of acute and chronic morbidity worldwide, is caused by infection with the thread-like nematodes Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori. gambiae complex where the number captured decreased by almost 50%. Because of the concern of potential transmission, additional diagnostic tests were performed on eluted blood spots from the 67 year-old children in 2012, namely the Og4C3 ELISA (Tropbio Townsville, Australia) and ELISA testing for antibodies to Wb123 as previously described [8]. Although HLC is still used in some settings, research is actively ongoing in our center and others to find a comparable method that does not involve human bait [1921]. Wuchereria bancrofti (woo-ker-ee-ree-ah / ban-crof-tee) Microfilaria Description - . During the post-MDA period, transmission assessment surveys (TAS) are recommended by the World Health Organization to monitor the presence of the parasite in humans. Re-emergence of infection after just a few years of surveillance has been reported in Nigeria in some but not in all districts [18]. CAS W. bancrofti is responsible for approximately 90% of LF cases worldwide and all of the cases in sub-Saharan Africa, where the most common vectors are An.

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